Star turtle. Origin and habitats in nature

Indian star turtle(lat. Geochelone elegans) belongs to the family of land turtles (Geochelone). The unusually beautiful and original shell made it very popular among exotic lovers. In the early 1970s, more than 10,000 such animals were sold annually in the markets of Calcutta alone. In order to preserve the species in natural conditions, the Government of India in 1972 took measures to protect them and restrict their export outside the country (Indian Wildlife Act).

As a native inhabitant of tropical rainforests, the star tortoise does not tolerate transportation well. Very many reptiles at low humidity suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, which in most cases leads to their rapid death.


This species is found in Pakistan, the southern regions of India and on the island of Sri Lanka. Small populations have adapted to life in arid forests and semi-deserts, having learned to hibernate during the dry season. For life, the reptile most willingly chooses an area overgrown with dense shrubs. It feels quite comfortable in the semi-dry savanna near water bodies and in the steppe. He likes to dig his own shelter.

The coloration of the shell serves as an excellent camouflage among bushes or dried grass. Reptiles living in the western regions of the Indian subcontinent are larger and darker than their more southern relatives.


During the day, the reptile rests. In search of food, she goes at dusk and at dawn. During the monsoon period, it shows almost round-the-clock activity.

In a drought, it can be seen only in the early morning and closer to dusk. He prefers to spend the heat of the day in the shade. Due to the camouflage coloring, it is very difficult to notice it in the middle of the vegetation.


The basis of the diet is grass, fruits and flowers of plants lying on the ground. To normalize digestion, the turtle periodically eats dry grass. May occasionally eat food of animal origin, consisting mainly of invertebrates (insects and their larvae).

Some specimens have been seen eating carrion. In cold weather, their metabolism slows down and they can go weeks without food.


The mating season coincides with the rainy season. In the northern regions, it takes place from June to September and is accompanied by ritual fights between males for the right to procreate.

The female, ready for mating, retracts her head and exposes her cloaca.

After 9-12 weeks, females lay eggs in 5-9 pieces in different places, having previously dug a small hole up to 15 cm deep in soft soil or sand. At the same time, they make sure that the soil is not too wet. High humidity adversely affects the development of embryos.

The number of eggs in subsequent clutches decreases and can be calculated as only 1-3 pieces. Their dimensions are 45 x 35 mm, and weight 20-40 g. The duration of incubation depends entirely on the climatic conditions of the area and ranges from 86 to 150 days.

The temperature in the masonry is kept within 29-30°C, much less often up to 31°C. In the first case, predominantly males develop, and in the second, only females. Hatched turtles are completely independent and do not require parental care. Their body length does not exceed 35-45 mm.

Sexual maturity in males at the age of 6-8 years, and in the beautiful half 2-4 years later.

External characteristics

The total length is 30-38 cm, and the live weight reaches 7 kg. Females are larger than males. Males have a thicker and longer tail. Scutes on carapace strongly rounded.

In the middle of dark brown or black shields there are light spots, from which up to 8 yellow rays radiate in all directions, forming a kind of stars. The front legs are yellow. The head and plastron are black on a yellow background.

Lifespan of the Indian star tortoise wild nature about 30-40 years old. In captivity, with good care, some individuals live up to 80 years.

Especially popular among lovers of reptiles is the stellate or Indian stellate tortoise, leading a terrestrial lifestyle. Its Latin name is Geochelone elegans. Adults are small in size and calm in nature. The tortoise shell is decorated with yellow stripes that contrast with its black background. No wonder she is considered one of the most beautiful creatures suitable for captivity.

For the first time, a star tortoise was found off the coast of India. It is also found in Sri Lanka and southern Pakistan. As such, there are no subspecies, however, turtles from different habitats slightly differ from each other in the shape of the shell and its color. The beautiful pattern on the back of the turtle owes its name.

Dimensions and duration of existence

In the Indian star tortoise, the females are much larger than the males. And if the former grow up to 25 cm, then the latter only up to 15 cm. As for the individuals living in the territory of Sri Lanka and Pakistan, they are larger than Indian ones. Females are up to 36 cm long, and males up to 20 cm.

The life expectancy of a reptile can be about 80 years, but this is provided that it lives at home. In the natural environment, the reptile faces many dangers: predators, fires, poachers.

Place of detention and care

It is best to place the turtle in an aquarium or just in a large and strong box. If you need to accommodate two adults, then the terrarium should be at least 100 cm long and 60 cm wide. Height is not the main thing, you just need to make sure that the turtles cannot get out and other animals in the house do not get them. Don't forget to clean and clean their house.

Lighting and heating system

Remember that turtles are native to the tropics. The reptile is accustomed to high humidity and the corresponding temperature, which ideally should warm up from 27 to 32 degrees. If the thermometer in the aquarium shows 27 degrees, then the humidity in no case can be lower. Both values ​​must be made equally high. This species of turtle does not go into hibernation when the temperature drops, so they are not adapted to a state of prolonged cooling. The heating of the terrarium can be stopped at night, but only on condition that the necessary temperature conditions are observed in the house.

Turtles need vitamin D3 and calcium for successful development and a good lifespan. All this they usually get by basking under ultraviolet rays. In our latitudes, hot sunny weather occurs mainly in the summer, so it is difficult to provide a reptile with this kind of heating. However, this problem can be solved with an ultraviolet lamp. It must be installed in the terrarium along with other heating systems. Also, give the turtle special food containing the above vitamins. Then she will grow healthy and active.

When arranging an aquarium, it is very important to make two zones inside: one with heating and UV lamps, and the other with a humid environment, where the reptile can cool down if desired. In the first place, it is necessary to create a high temperature (about 35 degrees), and in the second place, cover the bottom with moss, earth or grass. It does not matter how the wet chamber will be framed, for example, in the form of a pot, box, crate. You just need to make sure that there is an entrance corresponding to the size of the reptile.

Drinker in the terrarium

The star tortoise needs fresh water all the time, so place a special container, saucer or bowl of liquid in its dwelling. Once a day, you need to change the water in the aquarium, because it gradually becomes contaminated and deteriorates. Very young turtles are recommended to bathe about 1-2 times a week in a basin filled with warm water. Don't get your reptile's head wet! If a white thickish mass appears in the liquid, do not worry, turtles can both drink water and defecate into it during such procedures.

Bathe turtles like this:


Indian star tortoises usually eat plant foods. It is quite possible to treat them with food for pets (cats and dogs), but green grass, rich in fiber, will be the main delicacy for them. These reptiles need to be given plants, vegetables and fruits, as well as artificial feed.

Turtles can be fed:

  • cabbage and carrots;
  • pumpkin and zucchini;
  • lettuce and dandelion leaves;
  • apples.

Occasionally they need to give:

  • watermelons and melons;
  • bananas and strawberries;
  • tomatoes.

However, fruits should be fed with caution, because, after overeating them, the animal will suffer from diarrhea. Before serving food in the terrarium, it is crushed and placed in a low bowl so that the reptiles can conveniently reach for food. There are special foods for tortoises, which are also added to the general diet.

Baby feeding:


Most star turtles are prone to respiratory diseases. They can easily catch a cold in a draft or freeze in a poorly heated room. The following symptoms indicate the presence of a cold: shortness of breath with a wheeze, a constantly open mouth, swollen eyes, lack of appetite and lethargy.

If the owner immediately noticed such manifestations of the disease, then he can add heating to the terrarium by putting another lamp there and try to adjust the necessary temperature regime in the house. These actions can speed up the immune system, it will fight the infection. It should be hot in the reptile's dwelling. Warm it thoroughly, occasionally bathing the turtle in warm water to avoid dehydration. If the condition worsens, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will prescribe a course of antibiotics and treatment. If you doubt that you yourself can help the reptile, then it is better to immediately take him to the doctor!

Proper Handling

Any turtle is a timid animal. She will immediately hide her head in her shell when trying to touch her, however, she gradually gets used to her master and cheerfully hurries for food if she smells it. Try not to give the turtle to young children to avoid pet stress.

(or Indian star, elegans) is a beautiful land reptile that got its name because of the bright pattern in the form of yellow stars on a dark brown or black shell. The center of each star is the intersection of the vertebral and costal scutes. The stripes on the side shields continue the rays of the stars. The turtle seems too colorful, but in fact it has excellent camouflage - it is almost invisible among the dried grass.

  • Latin name: Geochelone elegans
  • Family: Terrestrial (Testudinidae)
  • Russian name:
  • Habitat: India
  • Care level: simple
  • Feeding: vegetable feed
  • Regular sizes: up to 28 cm (females), up to 18 cm (males)
  • Water temperature: 22-33°С
In males, the caudal shield is noticeably elongated and lowered down along the tail. elegans- not the easiest kind, care and maintenance of turtles in their case is characterized as a process of medium complexity. The coloration is variable, depending on the geographic reference of the subspecies. However, it is not customary to divide elegans into subspecies, in their case they speak of “isolated populations”.

FEEDING. Indian star tortoises are herbivores. In nature, they eat any plants along with fruits, flowers and stems, which their mouths can only reach. In captivity, they are fed lettuce, tomatoes, fruits (not citruses and not in large quantities!), lettuce chicory. It is very useful to give soft, dried hay, field grasses. Sometimes (once a week, no more) they are given flour worms. Once every 2-4 weeks, vitamins and calcium supplements are mixed into the vegetable feed. This is done to prevent bone and shell problems.

BEHAVIOR. A calm species, often living in groups. Likes to move around a lot. The level of activity depends on the season. exposed rhinitis even when all the conditions for keeping land turtles are met with accuracy.

REPRODUCTION. Under natural conditions, star tortoises breed from June to October, when the rainy season begins in India. The female makes 2-3 clutches with 3-6 eggs, which are incubated from one and a half months to 147 days. Captive incubation lasts longer by 10-20 days and should take place at a temperature of 28-30°C. Juveniles do not have a "star" coloration.

TECHNICAL ADVICE. elegans from the north of India are darker and duller, with thin rays of stars on the shell. "Southerners" are painted brighter. This is important to know in order to ensure the correct conditions for keeping turtles at home. The terrarium should be closed, spacious, horizontal type, with ventilation holes. Humidification is done daily.

For reptiles from the north, suit with an incandescent lamp and a UV lamp. Moreover, the first is set directed to one corner. The temperature in an unheated corner should be kept at 22-24°C.

For reptiles from the south, the temperature in unheated corner: 25-27°C, total humidity 65-70%.

For "northerners" and "southerners" the temperature in heated corner: 30-33°C during the day and 24-26°C at night. A large drinking bowl is a must (the reptile must fit completely into it). In cold and warm corners, it is advisable to hang a thermometer to control the temperature. And to monitor the humidity when keeping turtles, have a hygrometer at your disposal.

As a ground suitable shavings of alder, ash, dry grass, tree bark (finely chopped), one of the corners can be decorated with sphagnum (it will become an additional top dressing). Near the bathing place they put the same sphagnum, peat, coconut flakes.

The star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) or the Indian star tortoise is popular among tortoise enthusiasts. She is small, friendly and most importantly, very beautiful.

With yellow stripes running across a black background on its shell, it is one of the most beautiful tortoises kept in captivity. In addition, they are not territorial, different females and males can live with each other, without fights.

The homeland of the star tortoise is India, Sri Lanka and southern Pakistan. Although there are no formal subspecies, they differ slightly in appearance in terms of habitat. They have a very beautiful convex shell, with a beautiful pattern on it, for which the turtle got its name.

Dimensions, Description and Lifespan

Female Indian star tortoises are larger than males, reaching a length of 25 cm, while males only 15. Species from Sri Lanka and Pakistan grow somewhat larger than purely Indian ones. Females can reach 36 cm and males 20 cm.

Data on life expectancy vary, but everyone agrees that the star tortoise lives for a long time. How much? From 30 to 80 years old. Moreover, at home, they are guaranteed to live longer, as they do not suffer from predators, fires and humans.

An aquarium, even a large box, is suitable as a terrarium for a turtle. A pair of adult turtles needs a terrarium at least 100 cm long and 60 cm wide. The height does not matter, as long as they cannot get out and pets cannot reach them.

More volume is even better, as it will allow you to clean your turtle terrarium less often. And cleanliness is critical to their health.

Lighting and heating

The optimum temperature for keeping star turtles is between 27 and 32 degrees. At high humidity, the temperature should not be lower than 27 degrees. The combination of high humidity and low temperature is especially deadly for them, since this is a tropical animal.

The higher the temperature in the terrarium, the higher the humidity can be, not vice versa.

They do not hibernate like other types of turtles, so they do not have the ability to endure prolonged cooling. However, if at night the temperature in your house does not fall below 25 degrees, then the heating in the terrarium can be turned off at night.

Ultraviolet rays play an important role in the health of the star tortoise as they absorb calcium and vitamin D3. Of course, being under the summer, hot sun is the best way to get UV rays, but in our climate it is not so easy. So in the terrarium, in addition to lamps for heating, you need to use UV lamps for turtles.

Without them, you are guaranteed to get a sick turtle over time, with very big problems. It is also necessary to give her additional feed with calcium and vitamin D3 so that she grows faster.

In a terrarium with a star turtle, there should be a heating zone where lamps for heating and UV lamps are located, the temperature in such a zone is about 35 degrees. But, there must also be cooler places where she can cool down. It is ideal to make a wet cell for her.

What it is? Elementary - shelter with wet moss, earth or even grass inside. It can be anything: a box, a box, a pot. It is important that the turtle can climb in and out freely and that it is humid there.


Indian turtles drink water from containers, so you need to put a drinking bowl, saucer or other source in the terrarium. The main thing is to change the water in it daily so that the turtle does not get poisoned from organic matter that accidentally got into the water.

Baby turtles should be bathed once or twice a week in warm, stagnant water. For example, in a basin, the main thing is that the head is above the water. Star turtles drink at this point, and even defecate into the water, which looks like a white, pasty mass. So don't be afraid, everything is fine.


Star tortoises are herbivorous, meaning they eat dog or cat food, but love green, lush grass. They eat a variety of plants, fruits and vegetables, and you can also give artificial feed.

What can be fed?

  • cabbage
  • carrot
  • pumpkin
  • zucchini
  • alfalfa
  • dandelions
  • lettuce
  • apples

In addition, periodically you can give:

  • apples
  • tomatoes
  • watermelons
  • strawberries
  • bananas

Nose fruits need to be careful so as not to cause diarrhea. The food is pre-crushed and served in a low plate, which is then removed from the terrarium. As already mentioned, additional calcium and vitamins should be given, but the easiest way to do this is to add commercial tortoise foods to the diet.

Diseases of star turtles

Most often they suffer from respiratory diseases that happen when the turtle freezes or is in a draft. Signs: Difficulty breathing, open mouth, puffy eyes, lethargy and loss of appetite. If the condition is left untreated, more serious problems, such as pneumonia, can follow.

If the disease has just begun to develop, then you can try to add heat by placing another lamp or heated mat. The temperature can be raised a couple of degrees, this will speed up the immune system and help it fight infection.

The terrarium should be kept dry and hot, and in order to avoid dehydration of the turtle, bathe it in warm water.

If the condition does not improve, then a course of antibiotics is needed, under the supervision of a veterinarian. However, it is better to seek the help of a veterinarian immediately, in order to avoid problems.


Timid, star turtles hide in their shells when disturbed. However, over time, they recognize their owner and rush for food. You should not give them to children and often disturb, so as not to cause stress.

The star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) belongs to the most beautiful species of this group and originates from the East Indies. The oblong ovoid shield rises strongly in the middle, almost equally at both ends, while in general it is higher than it is wide, the ventral shield is in front, and the dorsal shield is carved in a deep triangle at the back. The middle platforms of the individual plates rise so much in some old turtles that each plate forms a separate hump. In the spinal plates, the middle, highest platform, in other words, the top of the hump is in the middle, on the costal plates between the middle and the upper edge, on the edge plates - in the lower rear corner, at the three rear marginal plates it especially protrudes in the form of a point. The occipital plate is absent, the throat ones look like an oblong triangle, the shoulder ones are longer than wide, the chest ones are very narrow, the abdominal ones are the same in length and width, the anal ones have the shape of a rhombus. Small polygonal shields cover the top of the head and lie on the upper side of the stigma, distributed evenly on both sides, a longer and larger plate covers the area above the ear. The edges of the jaws are slightly serrated. The forelegs are covered in front, the hind legs are covered in the back with large, flat, triangular scales and horny growths, and the heels are covered with large, convex scales in the form of spurs. The head and limbs are painted on a yellowish background with irregular veins, individual shields of the carapace are covered on a black background with a magnificent pattern: from all light and bright yellow middle fields, gradually expanding stripes of the same color diverge in all directions in the form of a star, which adorn the shield in the most attractive way. . The length of the stretched animal is 35, the length of the shield is 26 cm.

The star tortoise lives mostly on dry soil, rich in grass, thorn bushes and thorns, at the foot of the hills in Hindustan, with the exception of lower Bengal, and reaches in the west to Sind, in the south to Ceylon, but they are not often caught. The reason for this, according to Hutton, to whom we owe all the following, is the fact that their color matches perfectly with the color of the soil of her residence; therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish it from surrounding objects, in addition, it does not show up at all in hot weather, but hides under bushes or in dense grass. Experienced native hunters look for their tracks in sandy or dusty places, follow them with amazing fidelity, and in this way often take possession of tortoises. During the rainy season, star tortoises are at their best and run back and forth for food and mating most of the day. With the onset of cold weather, they seek refuge and hide as best they can to protect themselves from the cold. Here they remain in dull inactivity, but not in unconscious sleep, until the onset of the warm months, during which they try to protect themselves from the heat at noon, as they used to protect themselves from the cold - and emerge from the ambush only at sunset.

Hutton several times kept star tortoises in captivity, once even six pieces at once: four males and two females. He seated them behind a wide fence, provided them with water, fresh, dry grass, a large pile of brushwood and hard hay, in which they hid, and watched them carefully. In the hot season, they remained the whole day in their shelter and showed up only before sunset to eat, but they did not hide for the night, but remained in one place, as if in a sleeping state and, apparently, rejoiced at the coolness; when the day came, they again went to their shelter. At the same time, they often bathed, and entered the water, where they remained for the most part for about half an hour and almost always defecated immediately. They also drank a lot of water.

With the onset of rainy time, they perked up, wandered all day in their fence, ate, rested, and finally began to copulate. Often two males chased each other, without disturbing, however, the female, who ate calmly, remaining in one place. During mating, males, following the example of mammals, climb onto selected females, hugging the shield with their front legs, and standing on the ground with their hind legs. During copulation, which often lasts 10 to 15 minutes, the male emits grunt-like sounds. As long as the rains continue, it means that from the end of June to the middle of October, the females endure the caresses of the males, after which both sexes again become completely indifferent to each other. Two males often fought among themselves, pulling in their front legs and head, they rested their hind legs on the ground and hit their shells until one of the fighters, weakened, retreated. Sometimes one of the males managed to knock the other on his back; he managed to get out of this situation only thanks to desperate efforts with his head and legs. Females also took part in these battles, which, due to their growth and strength, usually emerged victorious from the struggle.

On November 11, the female began to dig a hole for masonry, and acted as follows: having chosen a secluded place near a bush of thick and hard grass, she moistened it first with urine, which she released from the anus, then began to scratch the softened earth with her hind legs, using alternately one, then the other leg. By continuing to drop urine, she turned the soil into a thick dough and only then could she begin to work it at will. After about two hours of work, she dug a hole 10 cm across and 15 cm deep, put 4 eggs in it, covered it with discarded earth, trampled it back into the hole with her hind legs, and when the hole was full, she began to trample the earth, rising as far as she could. higher on her feet and suddenly falling down, which so leveled the place that Hutton could not have found it if he had not watched her work all the time. Having finished her work, she left her place, but soon lay down on the ground, as if tired from work. This work took her four hours.

With the onset of cold weather, all the captive turtles became lazier, less and less often they left their corners, and from the beginning of December they remained motionless in one place and did not take any more food. None of them tried to burrow into the ground, as Greek tortoises do. For two whole months they spent in one position, indulging in lazy rest, but not falling into hibernation. When it rained in mid-February, they appeared, ate some grass, greedily drank a large amount of water, but then again retired to their winter refuge and fell into their former state. Only from mid-April, when the warm season began, did they begin to appear regularly in their enclosure, mostly around noon. They calmly basked under the life-giving rays of the sun and only in the evening returned to their night shelter.

“Almost all travelers of the 16th and 17th centuries who reported their observations and discoveries in the Indian and Pacific Oceans,” notes Gunther, “remember the countless gigantic tortoises that they met on individual or grouped islands. These islands, located between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, constitute two remarkable zoological centers. One of them contains the Galapagos, or Turtle, Islands; the other is the islands of Aldabra, Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues and Madagascar. Both of these groups are very different from each other, but they have the similarity that all of them, with the exception of Madagascar, did not have humans or other large mammals at the time of discovery. None of the seafarers mentioned indicates that these turtles were found somewhere else, on the islands, as well as on the mainland of India. It is incredible that this or that traveler would not mention such an encounter, because they formed an important part of their food. Journeys, which now last several weeks, then required whole months, all the ships had a large crew, but the ships were very poorly supplied with food, these turtles, which in a few days it was quite easy to catch any number, were a very desirable prey. They could be taken to the hold or anywhere, kept for whole months without food, killed as needed, and at the same time get from 40 to 100 kg of excellent meat: it is not surprising that some ships on the island of Mauritius or the Galapagos Islands caught about 400 of them and took them away with myself. The complete security that these helpless creatures have hitherto enjoyed in their homeland, as well as their vitality, which allows many generations to live at the same time, make us completely understand the extraordinary abundance of these animals. - Bathroom design and renovation portal