All kinds of kittens. Breeds of domestic cats. Turkish Angora - a representative of the breed of white cats

    Abyssinian cat
    A slender, medium-sized Abyssinian cat gets along well with both adults and children, as well as with other pets. Her short coat is easy to care for. These cats are very playful and curious. Abyssinian cat is the best cure for loneliness and stress!

    It took a whole decade (beginning in 1975) for the Australian Mist to develop into a separate breed and gain universal recognition from breeders. The Australian Mist was bred in Sydney as a result of selection work in which animals "took part" ...

    Despite the name, the Asian cat breed was not bred in Asia, but in the UK. This event happened at the very beginning of the 80s of the 20th century. This breed was obtained thanks to the serious work of English breeders. When crossing the Persian chinchilla and Burmese, a group of breeds was formed ...

    American wirehair cat
    The American Wirehair cat got its name not for the harshness of the coat, but for its appearance. Six in this breed is almost as soft as plush or astrakhan. Attached, moderately curious, unpretentious to the conditions of detention, calm and silent. They tolerate loneliness well, easily adapt to new conditions and are quite playful.

    The American Shorthair is an excellent medium sized companion cat. These are good-natured and calm cats, well related to both adults and children. They love to play, but at the same time they do not require constant attention from their owner and entertain themselves. They are very understanding and obedient.

    This is an unusual breed of cats, the appearance of which is due to a genetic mutation. Representatives of this breed resemble outwardly a lynx, and in character - a dog. It is not known for certain when the first representatives of this breed were obtained, only the name indicates the place of origin of the breed...

    The American Bobtail has a short tail, but it has a big heart and a wonderful temperament. American Bobtails are still very rare, but they no less have their own circle of fans. If you like native American breeds, then the bobtail is as much a symbol of America as July 4th (Independence Day)...

    Curls are cultured and intelligent cats. They are very easy to train, love long walks in the fresh air. As a rule, they are true friends and companions in games with children. Being very attached to people, American Curls are happy to take part in all household chores. American Curls easily adapt to any situation in the house and are good...

    The Anatolian cat is considered a local breed that was formed in the natural conditions of Eastern Anatolia (modern Turkey). Although this is not a completely correct idea of ​​​​the origin of this breed, since free-living individuals are often found in the warm regions of Iraq, Iran and the Caucasus ...

    Everyone knows that there is an Angora cat breed. Many consider an angora to be a white cat with lush hair and a fluffy tail, and always with blue or different eyes. Some may add to this description "with a pointed muzzle and large ears" and very few...

    A wonderful character, unique appearance, intelligence and love for people make communication with this breed simply amazing! These cats are medium or even smaller than average size and do not like being alone. Balinese are energetic and affectionate, they become attached to their owners and love to participate in all their household chores. They are great with children and other animals...

    Bambino is an unusual breed of cats, which resulted from crossing the Munchkin and canadian sphynx. From the Munchkins, these babies inherited short legs, and from the Sphynxes - the complete absence of wool, which gives great advantages to their owners (lack of wool and down on upholstered furniture, clothes, in the air).

    About the Bengal cat breed, you can say: "She's just as big!", With the exception of one detail - she does not belong in a zoo cage where wild animals are kept. Despite their wild cat appearance, the Bengal cat is as affectionate as a normal house cat...

    Have you seen a Persian with luxurious curly hair, a quiet and loving character, which you really liked? Meet this Bohemian Rex, which has become a bridge between the Persian cat and the Rex. The main feature of the Bohemian Rex is precisely the characteristic of wool, according to which cats of this breed are distinguished from others.
    Bombays look like miniature panthers, but they are domestic cats. The breed is quite rare, but very loved for its appearance and good character. Completely black, with glowing copper-colored eyes, these cats combine the physique and character of the Burmese with the jet-black color of the American Shorthair...

    Interesting cats with pronounced almond-shaped eyes have long appeared in Brazil and have become, so to speak, indigenous people among the feline population of this hot country.

    The British Shorthair is medium to large sizes. Mobile, active, with a calm character. Very attached to the owners, especially to children. Unpretentious and easily adapts to the conditions of life.

    There are many legends about the origin of Burmese cats. Just like the Burmese and Siamese, they were obviously temple animals, and, according to legend, each monk had to satisfy the needs of his cat and indulge his whims. Probably the Burmese was traditionally a domestic cat...
    The Havana Brown strikes the imagination with its sparkling emerald green eyes, chocolate colored coat and elegance. This creature, wrapped in a blanket of thick brown fur, will enchant anyone with its character. Cat lovers claim that the Havana is an excellent companion with an exceptionally loyal character ... The Himalayan cat is the American name for longhaired colorpoints, that is, Persian cats with a Siamese color. Indeed, the Himalayan was bred in the USA (and independently longhaired colorpoints in England) in the 50s by crossing Persian cats with Siamese, and then selecting for a Persian conformation...

    The name Dutch Rex refers to the wavy-haired mutation of the Maine Coon Rex, which was isolated into a separate breed with the consolidation of such a characteristic feature as a hard curly coat. In Europe, Maine Coon breeders, among whom it was customary to castrate curly ...

    The European Sphynx breed standard says: "This is a little kitten, a little puppy, a little monkey and a little child in one small hot body." The appearance, character, behavior of sphinxes are so unusual that they put this breed apart. Interest in them and their popularity all over the world are very great ...

    If you miss the world of fairy tales, take a look at the Devon Rex, whose appearance will remind you of an elf or a little fairy. Maybe you will feel warmer and lighter in your soul from the presence of this almost fabulous creature...
    The longhaired cat is one of Mother Nature's most beautiful creations. These luxuriously furred cats come in all shapes and sizes, with the same variety of colors and patterns as their shorthair counterparts. Despite the fact that the domestic longhair is not considered a breed as such, these cats with different characters, types of wool, all kinds of colors make excellent companions...

    Despite the fact that such a breed is not accepted by any associations of cat lovers, ordinary domestic cats always have a place in the homes and hearts of fans of these four-legged animals. 96% of all cats are not the result of systematic breeding, but win popularity competitions without moving a paw...
    Hairless Sphynx cats are attracting more and more attention. At the same time, they provoke completely opposite reactions, either admiration or, alas, disgust. There is no middle ground, no indifferent. But if once a person has admired this breed, then he falls ill with it seriously and for a long time ...

    The European Shorthair cat is one of the first cats to settle in the house. Ancestors are Nubian and wild European. Well adapted to the requirements placed on her by man. He behaves calmly in the house. Trusting, willingly plays with children and at the same time retained her dexterous instinct...

    The Egyptian Mau for many generations remained only within its homeland, it was first seen in the USA in the 50s. Princess Trubetskaya owned a pair of such cats, their names were Gepa and Ludol and they were originally from Egypt. Their spotty coloration (small specks) resembled the colors of cats on ancient Egyptian bas-reliefs...

    A unique Chinese cat breed that has recently gained worldwide popularity. Nothing is known about the origin of the breed. Most likely, the Dragon Li appeared as a result of the natural domestication of the Chinese mountain cat ...

    This beautiful cat looks like a leopard from the African savannah. In addition to her beautiful appearance, she is also the owner of a wonderful character, and for this reason, the demand for animals of this breed is constantly increasing. American screenwriter Paul Casey bred this breed in an attempt to preserve the appearance of their wild counterparts in domestic cats ...

    Almost everyone who has dealt with sphinxes declares that the Canadian Sphynx is the most loving breed ever created on Earth. A special character is one of the same typical features of the Sphinx, as well as its naked hot little body and unusual appearance...

    Cymric is a very benevolent creature. In adult animals, the thick undercoat is even longer than the guard hairs. This peculiar woolen cover stretches from the shoulders to the sacrum, including the "breeches" (the top of the hind legs), the lower abdomen and the circumference of the neck. Here the hair is longer than on the rest of the body.

    Ring-tailed cats, found in large numbers in the city of Fremont (California, USA), have long been ignored, and their peculiarity has been passed on to new generations from time to time. The beginning of a new breed was laid by a resident of the United States of America, Susan Manley, who in 1998 began ...

    The history of the breed began in the forties of the twentieth century. During this period, breeders from the United States of America and Great Britain began work to improve the color of Siamese cats. There were and there are three traditional colors of Siamese cats: lilac, chocolate, seal and blue.

    There is a province of Korat in Thailand, which is interesting for us because a new breed of cats has arisen here. In their homeland, these cats are called si-souvat (sisovat), which means "bringing happiness"...

    The first acquaintance with these cats causes a surge of emotions. Always two extremes: "Oh, lovely!" or "Ugh, disgusting!" One thing is for sure: there are no indifferent people. Have you seen curly cats? Meet the Cornish Rex...

    The only truly hairless cat breed in the world. It is difficult to say when these cats first appeared, but the first official mention of them dates back to the 80s of the 20th century. Their homeland is Hawaii. The first person to notice and decide to breed cats...

    The Elf cat breed was created by two enthusiastic American breeders who set out to develop a new hairless cat breed with curly ear tips. To do this, they mated the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx...

    Therefore, despite the fact that, at its core, the Kurilian Bobtail is just a variety of an ordinary cat, you can’t tell this at first glance. First of all, an unusual tail is striking - the bobtail has a small and round tail, has the shape of a pom-pom, just like a rabbit ...

    It is difficult not to recognize representatives of the La Perm breed in the cat crowd, which are distinguished by lush curly fur coats. It seems as if the La Perm cat was given a good electric shock, or his hair was finely wound.

    By their very existence, the Munchkins refute the assertion that "everything in the world is created for man." Munchkins are very unusual cats, due to their short legs they received the nickname "dachshund". But not only outlandish appearance attracts the attention of cat lovers to this breed...

    Maine Coon is the pride of Americans. And they can be understood. This is a great cat breed. From the well-built, strongly built Maine Coon with his lynx ears and a tail resembling a crooked Turkish sword, it breathes with intact healthy freshness. wildlife...

    Many cats of the Siamese color, which first came to Europe from the capital of Siam - the City of Angels (now Bangkok), had pronounced hooks and characteristic creases on their tails. But, unfortunately, further breeding work went in the direction of "culling" such animals ...

    When Mother Nature decided to take the Manx's tail away, she compensated for this loss with an extra dose of feline charm. Manx is a charming urchin, with a gentle purr, an almost inaudible meow and a mischievous twinkle in his eye...

    Minskin is a young experimental cat breed. It is believed that the idea of ​​​​creating a dwarf short-legged cat belongs to Paul McSorley, the owner of a Boston cattery (USA). It was he who in 1998 laid the foundation for selection work ...

    Napoleon? Yes indeed. You are not mistaken... There is such a breed of cats, named after the great commander, Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte - a man of VERY small stature and terribly afraid of cats. Therefore, it is unlikely that he would be delighted ...

    Strong (but lighter than European shorthair cats) color-point shorthair cats became known thanks to the efforts of Ms. Anne-Lise Hackman, the founder and president of the World Cat Federation (WCF), who first saw them in Russia under the name of "Old Siamese" or "Thai" ...

    The German Rex is now in the TOP-100 most popular cat breeds in the world, but it was not always like that... One day, completely by accident in one village (East Prussia), a Russian blue cat, which was brought from Germany, crossed with an Angora cat.. .

    The Nibelungen is a long-haired, solid-colored blue cat similar to the Russian Blue. The German word "Nibelung" means "fog creature". With these words, images of exotic animals arise in the imagination, which roam in the mysterious forests and dissolve into the shadows before you have time to see them...

    The Norwegian Forest Cat is one of the oldest breeds, which was formed on the basis of local purebred cats and is most widespread in the countries of Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, etc.). The standard was adopted in 1976...

    The Oregon Rex is a very rare exotic cat breed that appeared in the middle of the last century. Oregon Rex cats were not artificially bred, these cats arose as a result of a spontaneous genetic mutation of the American Shorthair cat.

    The Oriental Longhair cat has a perfectly built muscular body, elongated proportions. She is elegant, graceful, refined, with a soft friendly character. Representatives of this breed are of medium size, as well as a considerable external resemblance to the Siamese (except for the color) ...

    Oriental - the beginning of the eastern (oriental) cats was laid by animals of a brown color. The mention of them can be found starting from 1888, when they were called "one-color chocolate Siamese" ...

    Ojos Azules are excellent companions and family pets. They are very balanced, not prone to aggression, friendly and sweet creatures. Animals of this breed have high intelligence, as well as considerable patience. They feel good both in an apartment and in a private house.
    The name of the new breed was due to the similarity of cats of this breed with its distant relative - the ocelot. Ocicat really resembles a wild cat ocelot in miniature...

    The Persian cat is the most popular breed of long-haired cat with a stocky (cobby) solid figure, broad head and attractive round eyes, they appear to have appeared almost simultaneously in the remote mountainous regions of countries such as Persia, Turkey and China...

    The neck is long and slender. The chest and shoulders are not wider than the hips. The limbs are long and slender, the paws are graceful and oval with long fingers. The tail is very long, thin already at the base, ends sharply (whip-shaped) ...

    The name of the cat breed "pixie-bob" is usually translated from English as "elf with a short tail", which perfectly describes the appearance of representatives of this breed. And if "pixie" is "elf", then "Bob" is the name of the legendary progenitor of pixie-bob.

    Exotic cat breed, artificially bred. The name of this breed reflects its main feature - poodle curly hair. In poodlecats, the wavy coat is combined with the build of the Devon Rex and the lop-earedness characteristic of the Scottish Fold. There are also "straight" poodlecats with straight ears...

    The Ragamuffin is a variegated breed, which is an offshoot of another breed of cats - the ragdoll. Ragamuffin cats were obtained by crossing ragdolls with non-pedigree cats, the purpose of breeding this breed was to obtain a greater range of colors than that which the ragdolls could boast of.

    "Ragdoll" (ragdoll) in English - a rag doll. American breeders named the cat they bred again, despite the fact that this property - to relax to the state of a rag doll - is inherent in all cats in general ...

    Russian blue cat: its origin is surrounded by legends and mysterious, like a Russian soul. Felinologists from different countries argue about her standards, and in any of them she is a foreigner. She is, of course, a Russian blue cat. If you believe the legends, then all the decent royal families of Europe could not imagine their existence ...

    These cat breeds were bred in 1971. They take their origin from the Russian Blue. Russian black and Russian tabby appeared as a result of crossing Russian white with other breeds...

    We present you the Savannah - one of the most expensive cat breeds, even though it is officially recognized by only one International Cat Fanciers Association (TICA). There is something African in her name, right? This is because the savannas are descended from the serval - a wild animal from the cat family that lives in the expanses of the "black continent".

    Sacred Burma - the history of this breed is confusing, although the second name is the sacred cat of Burma - it seems to indicate that it came from the East. These cats, according to legend, were kept in the temple of Lao Tsung, where the image of the golden goddess was located. One of the cats, Singh, became especially attached to the abbot of the Man-Ha temple ...

    Seychelles cats are short-haired breeds. They have long limbs, thin bones, graceful gait. For all their nobility and elegance, they are strong and strong. In appearance, they are little different from other representatives of oriental breeds.

    If you like curly cats, then the Selkirk Rex with its gorgeous wavy coat is just what you need! His hairdresser is Mother Nature, and no curling iron has touched this cat's curls. The Selkirk Rex is said to be a cat dressed in sheep's clothing...

    The Serengeti is one of two hybrid breeds designed to produce a domestic cat with the appearance of an African serval (a wild feline that lives in the savannahs of the "black continent"). The fundamental difference between the Serengeti and the Savannah - the second "serval-like" breed - is that servals themselves were not used to create it.

    The Siamese cat has a distinctive color pattern of dark badge spots on a lighter fawn coat and sapphire almond-shaped eyes. You probably won't confuse her with anyone. And her character stands out among other breeds ...

    Perhaps all Russian cats are direct descendants of the first fluffy diplomat who arrived at the court of the Grand Duke together with a Byzantine monk as a crafty gift from his daughter, at the dawn of the second millennium of our era...

    Soft silky lump, pinkish-beige, golden honey - this is a Singapura cat. Short fur of a light yellow tone, like a small South African mongoose ...

    The Skookum is a relatively new breed of cat, characterized by its curly coat and small size. Their creator set out to produce just such cats and even came up with the name of the breed in advance - poco chino ...

    Snowshoe is a cat with Siamese markings, reminiscent of elegant white shoes. The breed was created about 30 years ago by Mrs. Dorothy Hinds-Dougherty at Kensing. The breed acquired its unusual color as a result of crossing Siamese of a classic color and superimpressive American Shorthair...

    In 1965, the American breeder Mrs. Magew decided to cheat and saved the "scandalous" kittens. She was not the first in these attempts, but she turned out to be more persistent than those who capitulated to the defenders of the purity of the Abyssinian breed back in the fifties. The stubborn Mrs Mague continued her search with another enthusiast...

    The history of the Sokoke breed began in the valley of the same name in Kenya (Africa). It is believed that the ancestors of these cats are local wild cats hadzonzo (kazonzo) and once feral domestic cats. Sokoke breeding began in the 70s of the 20th century with the Englishwoman Jeni Slater, who lived in Kenya, who adopted a cat with kittens.

    For hundreds of years, she was kept in the imperial palace and temples. There were lofty legends about her. The King of Siam gave Pho the cat and Mia the cat to General Owen Gould, the British consul. This pair was the first to appear in England. The descendants of Pho and Mia looked completely different from their current Siamese compatriots...

    The Tennessee Rex is a natural mutation. The first representatives with an amazing shining satin (satin) coat were noticed in 2004 in Tennessee (USA). According to the name of the place of discovery, the breed was subsequently named.

    Toy bobtail, or toybob, is a breed of cat in the status of "experimental". It arose relatively recently as a result of a random gene mutation. Elena Krasnichenko, the owner of a Mekong Bobtail cattery (Rostov-on-Don, Russia), noticed unusually small sizes in some of her pets and decided to fix this feature.

    The Toyger is one of the most exotic and expensive cat breeds in the world. Some call its representatives "tigers", because this breed refers to those that mimic the appearance of wild cats, in this case - tiger color. But this is not entirely true, and the correct name of the breed is still a toyger ...

    Tonkinese is a hybrid - it is heterozygous for the Siamese and Burmese alleles of albinism and has an intermediate color between these two types. Ideally, her body shape should be somewhere between Siamese and Burmese: she should not be too slim...

    During a trip to Lake Van, an Englishwoman, Miss L. Lushington, received a pair of kittens as a gift from her friends. She decided to take them with her to England. So, in 1955, the first Turkish Van cats came from Turkey to Europe. Fascinated by the lovely animals, the young lady again travels to the Lake Van area and brings three more cats to England...

    Breed of lop-eared hairless cats, original exterior. Ukrainian levkoy is classified as a medium type, but it is also close to a light one. Cats of this breed are long-legged, elegant, very flexible and graceful, have a number of their external features. They are sociable and easily attached to a person ...

    Rexoid type cats (Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, German Rex) are already known in the world. Rex differ from the whole cat world with surprisingly wavy hair, like a lamb or a poodle. Recently, one more breed of rex has been added to the rex breeds already known in the world - the Ural rex ...

    It is believed that the Ussuri cats appeared as a result of an accidental crossing of Amur cats and Siberian domestic cats. Probably, the breed originated in the Siberian part of Russia and existed for a long time, but was noticed relatively recently.

    Unusual and graceful with the habits of a real lynx, the "sunny" cat has long adorned the island of Sri Lanka with its existence. This breed for many centuries remained the property of a mysterious island, whose inhabitants admired the elegant animals of a characteristic golden color.

    Chartreuse has been known since the Middle Ages. It was brought from Africa to France by monks in the monastery of Chartreuse, from where its second name came from. Then he came to England, where a new type of blue cat was obtained. Then both types mixed with each other, as well as with the Persian ones ...

    Cats of the breed with such an unusual name Chantilly-Tiffany are famous for their semi-long hair of deep chocolate color, atypical physique and kind character. The breed is quite rare, but it also has its fans who love chocolate!...

    Shawzi cats are classified as large short-haired breeds. Animals are very tall, with a muscular physique and ideal proportions. The weight of some individuals can reach 15 kg. The head has the shape of an elongated triangle (wedge). The muzzle is small, neat, with soft rounded lines.

    After all, so many breeds have appeared in our country lately, it’s just that your eyes run wide. Persian cats of all colors and varieties are especially popular now. A very interesting animal from the "Persian" family is the chinchilla ...

    The Chocolate Yorkie is an adorable long-haired cat breed. She is also called the companion cat for her great affection for the owner and the desire to participate in his life. The first representative of the Chocolate York breed appeared in 1983 in New York (USA), thanks to the great work done by Janet Cifari.

    "In 1961, a cat with a modified structure of the auricles was first discovered in Scotland. Lop-earedness is a natural mutation. It is inherited when mating with a British Shorthair, the standard of which the Scottish Fold fully complies with"...

    The homeland of the Aegean cat is one of the Greek islands called Cycladis. It was here that European-type cats showed themselves as unsurpassed hunters and human helpers.

    The Exot (Exotic Shorthair) was a cross between a Persian and an American Shorthair in the early 1960s. At that time, the Americans had been creating their Persian cat with a Pekingese face for many years ...

    The Javanese cat has nothing to do with the island of Java, except that its appearance reminds of the eastern lands. This is a very controversial breed, the classification of which is debated in the world of felinologists. In Europe and in the USA, Javanese cats are called various cats ...

    The Japanese Bobtail has retained its tail in the form of a fluffy ball, pom-pom. These funny cats have been running the streets of Japan for centuries. Not all Japanese cats have a short tail, but in Japanese prints of the 12th century, one can see cat backs decorated with a fluffy tassel no longer than a rabbit's, completely irresistible...

Cats are pets, self-sufficient and independent with a pronounced character. Among the wide variety of breeds of domestic cats, everyone will be able to choose their best friend, guided by external data, character traits, habits and individual preferences.


Shorthaired breed. The back is usually a little darker than the coat on the rest of the areas. Wool shimmers in different colors, because each hair has several shades at the same time. Due to the lack of an undercoat, it practically does not shed, for the same reason it is subject to rapid hypothermia. Weight can reach 7.5 kg. A playful and agile cat, it requires increased attention from the owner. Almost does not meow, but can purr loudly.

Australian smoky

The difference of this breed lies in 3 components of the coat color: the main background, dark pattern and haze. Found in marble and spotted variations. The characteristic spotting is expressed by dark spots and stripes. Friendly, affectionate pet will be a great friend for children. These cats are smart, easily follow the simplest commands, very rarely scratch. The house gets along well with other animals.

Asian smoky

Shorthaired breed. It has a light undercoat, while the coat itself can be black, chocolate, blue and red. Differs in large expressive eyes of amber or rich yellow color. Maximum weight breeds - 7 kg. These cats cannot stand close quarters and loneliness. They are very peaceful, affectionate and flexible, able to express gratitude.

Asian tabby

Muscular shorthair cat with erect ears. The undercoat is missing. The color can be solid, striped, smoky, but the lower half of the body should be lighter than the upper. The average weight of an adult cat is 5-6 kg. Sociable friendly animals with high intelligence will become the best friends for the elderly and children. They are easy to train and get along with other animals.

american shorthair

Adults can reach 8 kg. An athletic body characterizes a hunting breed. There are more than 80 acceptable colors, the coat and undercoat are quite thick and dense. The eyes are almond-shaped, orange or green. Clean animals with a calm character. They easily adapt to new conditions. Active throughout life. Immunity is unstable to infectious diseases.

american polydactyl

Cats are distinguished by an abnormal number of well-developed fingers: up to 10 on the front paws and up to 8 on the hind legs. Claws on extra phalanges need to be trimmed every month, as they do not wear down when walking and cause inconvenience to the pet. The coat is brown and black with stripes or small spots, with pronounced tipping. The maximum weight of an adult cat is 5.5 kg. They have an unobtrusive and devoted character, habits reminiscent of dogs, they love to play with toys. Longing for a long separation.

American Bobtail (Yankee Bob)

The main feature is a short mobile tail (from 2.5 to 7.5 cm). These cats have a long muscular body, low paws and a wide, almost square muzzle. There are short-haired and semi-long-haired individuals. Color can be any, the most common is agouti. Weight - 3-9 kg. Smart cat, loves big companies and active games.

american curl

A characteristic feature is the ears, bent back. They are very fragile and require careful care. A medium-sized cat with a well-proportioned body and a beautiful coat of medium length in any color. Animals are quite active, easy to train.

Anatolian (Turkish Shorthair)

Has high set large ears. The coat is soft, pleasant to the touch, without a noticeable undercoat. Any color is acceptable. The maximum weight of an adult is 4.5 kg. Cats have the ability to parody the owner's facial expressions and some vowel sounds. They are very cheerful, love to play with water and rustling objects. Easily learn commands and rules. They prefer outdoor walks.

Arabian Mau

Large cat (up to 8 kg) of strong build with widely spaced ears. The coat is short, without undercoat, rather hard to the touch. There are cats of a monochromatic color, two-color, spotted and striped. The eyes are almond-shaped to match the color. Mau are playful, inquisitive and very loyal, getting along easily with all family members and with other pets.


The most expensive cat breed in the world!

The weight of an adult individual reaches 12-14 kg. The body is slightly disproportionate, the ears are narrowed at the tips, the eyes are golden or green. Shorthair can have 4 types of color: orange-gold with spots, hypoallergenic, snowy and leopard. These cats are sociable and balanced, they love active games and walks on the street.


A graceful animal with a coat of medium length without undercoat. The eyes are almond-shaped blue or light blue. Cats do not weigh more than 5 kg, have a narrow muzzle with a strong jaw and large triangular ears. The hind legs are higher than the front ones, the tail is whip-like with a plume. More than 20 types of color are allowed, except for black and red. Cats are not aggressive, friendly and dog-like devoted to the owner. Very funny, smart and playful.


Very rare and expensive breed. The average weight of the animal is 3 kg, and its height is 25 cm. Characteristic features are the absence of wool, a strong body, large ears and short limbs, round, blue eyes. There are 3 types of shades of the breed: blue, white, black, expressed in spots. Their character is soft and kind. Bambino tolerates moving and changing environment well. Due to the lack of a fur coat, animals often freeze.


Rare and large breed. Weight reaches 8 kg. Athletic body with well developed muscles and long hind limbs. The mouth is square in shape, a large wide nose, eyes are green or golden, ears are short. The coat is medium length or short, dense with a uniform leopard or marble color. Acceptable shades: red, white, gray. Cats are able to learn to follow commands. Very loyal, curious and quick-witted, they try to accompany the owner everywhere.

bohemian rex

The breed has a thick, curly coat. An animal of medium size with a large head, large cheeks and a short wide nose. The color of the large eyes matches the shade of the coat, the ears are small with tassels. Paws are short and massive. Color: white, smoky, blue, red, cameo, tortie. Peaceful, affectionate animals, with a calm character.


Animal of medium size with developed muscles. Average weight 3-6 kg. The coat is short and dense. The color is exclusively black. The eyes are amber yellow. There are 5 fingers on the front paws, and 4 on the hind paws. Cats have a calm character, love attention and large companies, and are wary of children and strangers.


A small cat with intelligent eyes. The head and nose are medium in size, the ears are large. The neck is long, the paws are small and round. We accept any color and eye color. The coat is short and silky, without undercoat. Playful, developed animals that require increased attention. They have the nature of a predator, like to walk in the open air.

british longhair

Cats have a medium length coat, but seem fluffy due to the thick undercoat and short legs. The muzzle is large and massive with pronounced cheeks and large round eyes. There are many color variations. The color of the eyes should match the shade of the coat. The character is kind, sociable. Cats are obedient, calmly experiencing separation from the owner

British Shorthair

The visiting card of the breed is a short plush coat and a muzzle with massive cheeks and round orange eyes. Average weight - 5-8 kg. Creatures with character, that is, it will not be possible to cuddle them until they allow it. The British are neat and obedient, they love order. They remain active all their lives. Calmly endure separation from the owner.


Cats are graceful. They have coarse, dog-like fur. A strong body with a long tail, a beautiful muzzle with large ears and almond-shaped eyes. We accept any color. They are affectionate, playful, easy to train, with a well-developed hunting instinct. In the family, they choose one owner for themselves, but they are happy to communicate with the rest of the household.


Smooth-haired cat of medium size. Average weight - 5-6 kg. The well-developed musculature of the body is emphasized by a close-fitting coat, with an unusual silk structure. Pronounced round eyes complement the personality of the cat. There are many variations of color, while the lower part of the body must necessarily be lighter than the upper.
A playful and loyal cat that requires constant attention. Being alone will be unhappy and may become depressed.

Burmilla shorthair

A cat with a proportionately folded body and well-developed muscles. Weight reaches 4-7 kg. The animal has a short coat with a light undercoat. Agouti coloration is allowed only on the tail, paws and head. Differ in accuracy and soft character. They are unobtrusive, not whimsical in food and do not show aggression.


The average weight of an animal is 2.5-4.5 kg. The body is muscular, the head of the correct wedge-shaped shape, large ears, oval green eyes. The coat is of medium length or short, rich brown tending to red.

A distinctive feature is the strictly brown color of the mustache.

Sociable animals, well tolerate moving and travel. Can easily make friends with a dog.


The breed originated from the Persians. Individuals have a stocky body, fluffy tail and short legs. The coat is equally long all over the body with a pronounced collar and thick undercoat, it visually rounds the figure of the animal. Himalayan cats are very energetic and emotional, but at the same time they are obedient and have a balanced character.

dutch rex

The peculiarity of the breed is a short, hard coat, covered with curls. The tail, legs and body are thin. The ears are small in relation to the head. There are many acceptable colors. Cats have a sharp mind and a gentle nature. They are affectionate, playful and require constant attention. They have the talent of a mouser.


One of the smallest breeds. A hairless cat with short limbs and recurved ears. The maximum weight is 2 kg. The body is muscular with small folds, the eyes are light almond-shaped. Cats are suede to the touch. Most often found in a light color, but can be any color. They are very curious and sociable, not aggressive, love children, easy to train.

This cat must always be kept warm!

Devon rex

They are distinguished by curly soft short hair, large low-set ears and large eyes. The body is folded proportionally with strong high limbs. The density of wool can be different in different parts of the body. The maximum weight is 4.5 kg. Cats are smart, curious, playful, get along well with other pets.

Desert links

A large cat that looks like a lynx. Weighing up to 10 kg, with a massive muscular body. The paws are large, the jaw is square, the ears have tassels at the tips, the nose is wide. Eyes yellow or emerald. The coat is plush to the touch, any variation of colors is acceptable. The cat is affectionate and devoted, picks up the mood of the owner and gets along well with children.

Donskoy sphinx

Well developed cats of medium size. The skin is wrinkled and velvety, the coat is completely or partially absent, so the breed belongs to a number of hypoallergenic cats. Weight varies between 5-7 kg. These cats are always balanced, friendly and sociable, easily adapt to new conditions, love games and are easy to train.

European Shorthair (Celtic)

A cat with a muscular, strong, compact body. It has a rounded head with round eyes and cheeks. The coat is short and dense, the color allows 35 varieties. Animals are absolutely not intrusive, but at the same time affectionate and sociable. They easily adapt to the rhythm of the owner's life, feel comfortable in the apartment.

Egyptian mau

Strong and elegant, very mobile cats.

While running, they can accelerate to 58 km / h.

They have very beautiful light green eyes. The coat is of medium length, thick and shiny, silky to the touch. Main colors: silver, bronze and smoke. Mau love outdoor games, get along well in a large family and can become a friend to a lonely person.

York Chocolate

Semi-longhair cats are distinguished by a characteristic brown or slightly chocolate color. They have a long body with a round head, long and thin legs. Playful, curious and affectionate cats love to frolic with children and explore new places, have the habits of a hunter. They do not show aggression and are able to get along with other animals.

California radiant

Outwardly, they resemble a wild cat. The visiting card of the breed is the leopard color - dark spots against the background of a yellow or silver shade of wool. The coat of the animal is soft and short. Animals are non-conflict, calm and accommodating.

canadian sphynx

Sphinxes have a graceful body with smooth lines, a wedge-shaped head with a powerful jaw, wide-set large ears, a long tail, which is almost always folded into a bagel and pressed to the body. Maximum weight - 6 kg. Wool is absent, but a soft fluff may appear on the body. Mandatory feature - folds on the forehead, neck and paws. All types of colors are allowed. Loving pets with a golden character, they never show aggression.

The Canadian Sphynx is the most intelligent cat breed.


Cymriks are completely tailless, with a short stump instead of a tail, with a short tail in creases and knots, with a regular tail, which is docked at birth. The coat can be long or medium with a thick undercoat. Any color is acceptable, with the exception of lilac, Siamese or chocolate.

Strong attachment to the owner, good memory and obedient character makes the cat look like a dog.


Graceful cat on high paws. The muzzle is in the form of a heart with a hump, the ears are medium in size, the eyes are large green. The visiting card of the breed is a glossy smooth coat of the color of a “thundercloud” with slightly lightened tips. Korat highly appreciates attention and affection in his direction, can show jealousy.

cornish rex

These cats have gained popularity due to their curly, silky coat. They have large ears and a thin, mobile tail. Maximum weight - no more than 5 kg. They are very energetic, inquisitive, tend to perceive all movements as a game. They require constant attention from the owner.

Kurilian bobtail

Large breed of cats, weighing up to 15 kg. The body is muscular with an arched back. The tail is short, consisting of one or more knots. Medium length coat with abundant guard hairs. The breed is characterized by intelligence and tact, they do not like to sit on their hands, but they are happy to run after toys.


Quite often they are called "werecats", as they can scare with their appearance.

The physique is correct, the weight is average, the muscles and limbs are well developed. The head is small with large ears and large round yellow eyes. Wool gray-gray color, elongated in some places. Very kind, devoted to the owner, easily find a common language with large animals. Small animals are treated like hunters.


They are called "dachshund cats" because of their short legs.

It is very difficult to find the same Munchkins, they are all completely different both in appearance and in character. They have a proportional body with rounded contours. There are individuals with long or short hair. They are distinguished by curiosity, friendliness, playfulness and accuracy.

mekong bobtail

A short-tailed cat with a color-point color and short mink hair. The body is of medium size with proportional parts, the length of the tail does not exceed the third part of the body. The ears are small, straight, the eyes are predominantly blue. They are very curious and always try to be near the owner.

They differ in dog behavior, they can walk on a leash, bring toys in their teeth, and in case of danger they will bite rather than scratch.

Manx tailless

Tailless cats of medium size with a short back, sunken sides and a raised rear part of the body. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, so they walk like rabbits. The head is small, round, tassels are acceptable on the ears, the eyes are large, round, their color corresponds to the color. The coat is long or short with a thick undercoat. They easily adapt when the situation changes and are equally attached to all household members.

Maine Coon

Graceful cats of large breed, weighing from 5 to 12 kg. They are proportionally built, strong and agile. The coat is dense, lengthening along the back, on the sides and on the belly, has a thin and soft undercoat. Common colors: chocolate and brown. These are cats with a big loving heart, calm and devoted.

They love water and can shower with their owner.


The breed is characterized by very short legs. Weight does not exceed 3.5 kg. The body is even and graceful, large ears create a contrast with a relatively small head, the muzzle is slightly dog-like. The eyes are large yellow or blue. These cats are short-haired, with fur points prominent on the ears, paws and head. The remaining areas are covered with rare cashmere wool. Any colors are allowed. Minskins are playful, nimble, smart and quick-witted. They don't handle loneliness well.

Neva Masquerade

The color on the muzzle resembles a mask, hence the name. A popular coloration is a light body with dark spots on the paws, muzzle, ears and tail. The eyes are bright blue. Average weight - 6-9 kg. The body is muscular, proportionately folded. The medium length coat with a double undercoat is water repellent. Gentle and balanced cats. They love walks on the street and active games with imitation of hunting.


A medium sized cat with a soft and smooth blue coat with silver tipping and a dense undercoat. The muscles of the animal are tightened, the legs are slender and hardy, the head is small with large pointed ears, the eyes are large amber or bright green. The character is calm, they are affectionate with people and cannot stand loneliness.


Muscular cat with long limbs. The main feature of the breed is a shaggy, water-repellent coat of medium length with a thick, prominent “beard” and “panties”. They are obedient, show tolerance for children and dogs, and are very attached to the owner.


Animals have a slender flexible body and short hair. They have large ears and expressive almond-shaped eyes. The most popular shades of wool are blue, chestnut, white and ivory, but there are about 300 variations in total. The Oriental has a tough temper and gets irritated by inattention. Very curious and "talkative" breed.

ohos azules

Refined animals of medium size with blue eyes. The coat is short, fine and silky with a moderately developed undercoat. Any color options are allowed. In multicolored representatives, the tip of the tail should always be white. They are highly intelligent and capable of learning. Cannot stand long separation from the owner and hyperactive children.


Muscular cat covered in spots, patterns and stripes. The coat is shiny, short and dense without undercoat with a characteristic ticked color. Very active, fearless and restless animals. Easily trainable. Can't stand to be alone.


Long-haired breed, has a stocky body of medium size with a large head, short nose and small ears. The eyes are round and expressive, the color depends on the coat color. Persians are affectionate, calm and loyal like dogs.

Petersburg sphinx

The main characteristics are a graceful elongated body, long flexible limbs, a whip-like tail, a long nose, a proud profile, large almond-shaped eyes. They are miniature, their weight rarely reaches 5 kg. They can be born with or without hair. Popular colors are cream, chocolate, color-point, lilac. The character is sociable, friendly. Cats are clean and curious.


They have a large long body with well-developed muscles, long legs and tufts of hair between the fingers. The head is wedge-shaped with a broad skull, large ears and prominent cheeks. The eyes are most often green or golden green. The coat is thick and soft, of medium length and any color. Animals completely lack hunting instincts, they are affectionate, kind, easily trained.

Russian blue

The visiting card of the breed is a short, thick, plush coat of blue color with a silvery sheen. Cats have a beautiful graceful body and a narrow skull. Active and very friendly animals with the habits of a hunter. Calmly endure loneliness.


Semi-longhaired breed with a strong body and a well-developed muzzle, with a wide nose and prominent cheeks. The ears are tilted forward, the eyes are oval bright blue. Beautiful coat, close to the body.

These cats are balanced and good-natured. They are marked as the most calm.

They are very touchy, they cannot be scolded and left alone for a long time, they can become depressed.


An unrecognized breed that looks like a small cheetah.

The coat is short or medium, harsh to the touch, with a soft undercoat. The most common colors are cinnamon, tabby, golden, chocolate, brown and silver. Savannah is a breed of the largest cats, weight can reach 15 kg. Smart, curious, freedom-loving and independent animals. Not recommended for families with small children.

Selkirk rex

The main difference is the presence of curly soft wool with a thick undercoat. There are short-haired and long-haired species, of any color. Cats have a strong muscular body, a round skull and constantly surprised large, round eyes. Not aggressive, suitable for families with children. They are distinguished by curiosity, fearlessness, playfulness and devotion to one owner.


They have a muscular body, high strong legs, large ears and beautiful honey-colored eyes. The coat is short and pleasant to the touch, from afar creates a shimmering effect. Spotted color is usually oval black or smoky black. Serengeti are cute, funny, agile and curious. It is difficult to experience loneliness.


Graceful animals with a flexible body, short hair and a characteristic color - point and seal point, they can also be lilac, blue and chocolate. The muzzle is narrow, the ears are large and straight, the eyes are blue oval. Animals are smart, inquisitive, prone to jealousy. A loving, sociable and agile cat requires constant attention from the owner.


Semi-longhair cat of medium size, well developed physically. The animal is very fluffy, the coat is long or medium with a double undercoat. Quiet creatures, able to overcome heights and great distances. They are very friendly and smart.

The Siberian cat is rightfully called the most affectionate breed.


A rare breed, physique and appearance resembles a Siamese cat.

The color makes the animal unique - its paws are as if shod in snow-white shoes.

Also characteristic are white spots on the nose and head, and large blue eyes. The physique is proportional. The coat is shiny and dense. Cats are playful, active and agile, get along well with other pets.


A cat of medium build with a slightly arched back and a slightly convex chest. Their coat is soft with a double texture. Animals are intelligent and friendly and not prone to aggression. They have the ability to adapt to the nature of the owner, very loyal.


A muscular cat with small paws and a rounded head. The muzzle is round, the nose is straight, the ears are wide at the base. The eyes are rounded, from pale blue to bright blue. The coat is short, silky without undercoat. Common colors: seal point, blue point, red point, tabby and tortoiseshell. Affectionate and playful, they can follow commands. They don't handle loneliness well.


The main feature is the brindle color. A physically developed body of medium size, a long and strong tail, a long muzzle with a wide nose, small ears and deep-set eyes. The coat is dense, soft and silky. The color is necessarily two-tone with dark stripes and rosettes on a yellowish-bronze background. Very smart, loving and loyal animals.


This is a medium-sized cat with a wedge-shaped head, a triangular muzzle, slanted almond-shaped eyes and large triangular ears. They are characterized by soft short hair with colors: point, mink, solid. Smart and easy to train, very friendly and loyal creatures. It is not easy for them to be separated from the owner.

Turkish angora

An elegant cat with a narrow muzzle, long hair and a fluffy tail. The nose is small, the eyes are large, oval in shape, the ears are large and set high. Almost any color is acceptable, but white cats are popular. Angoras are very mobile and smart. During the game, it can make a mess in the house.

turkish van

A cat of large size, with a predominant white color in color. They must have symmetrical red spots below the ears and red rings on the tail. Acceptable eye colors: copper, blue or mismatched. Paw pads and nose must be pink. The coat is long, soft and silky. The color is red with white, cream or tortoiseshell. Able to train, energetic and friendly animals.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Small cat with well developed muscles. The head is shaped like a pentagon, with pronounced cheekbones. The legs are strong with graceful paws. Ears can be bent and straight. There are hairless Levkoy and with a full coat of any color. They are dog-like playful, prefer active games with the owner. They are very patient and loving.

Ural rex

Well developed and athletic built cat of medium size with a proportional body. The main feature is the wavy coat of short or medium length. All colors are recognized, with any allowable amount of white. The only exceptions are chocolate, cinnamon, tabby, ticked tabby and bicolor. Loving and contact cats. They may show jealousy.

foreign white

Graceful shorthair white cat with blue eyes. Fit, with a long neck, a triangular muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. These cats are real intellectuals, able to find a common language with any other animal. They can spend hours on end with children, while remaining freedom-loving and independent. They have a loud voice.


An unrecognized breed of large size (5-10 kg), with an elongated, well-developed body and flexible, slender limbs. Tassels on the ears are a must. There are individuals in 3 color variations: ticked tabby, black and ticked silver. The wool is dense and thick. The temperament is flexible, they are sociable and affectionate, playful and agile.

Chantilly tiffany

The advantage of the breed is a luxurious fur coat. The coat is soft, of medium length, without undercoat. The breed is characterized by tabby color and solid, brown, lilac or blue, fawn and cinnamon shades. The body is strong, the muzzle is wide, the ears are small, the tail is fluffy, the eyes are oval yellow or amber. Animals are patient with children, calm and balanced. Favorite fun - games with balls and toy mice.


Cats with a soft character and bright appearance, stand out with a beautiful fox fur coat and expressive green eyes. Color with tipping effect darkens ⅛ of the coat. There are golden, cream and silver individuals. The coat is thin with long hairs and a glossy sheen, the undercoat is white. Very contact animals, like noisy companies.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Small cats with a snub nose, round large eyes and small hanging ears. There are a large number of acceptable coat colors. These are obedient and loyal cats that require constant attention from the owner. The breed does not have hyperactivity, and even a dog can brighten up its loneliness.

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)

They are often confused with the British. The Scots have a graceful long body, a rounded head, and a characteristic letter "M" on the forehead. Weight varies from 3.5 to 5 kg. There are short-haired and long-haired straights, all of them have a pronounced undercoat. They are very independent, have a calm character.


Distinctive features are a stocky body with thick squat legs, a thick tail and large eyes. The coat is short, velvety, like a plush toy, with a well-developed undercoat. They have a quiet voice and a subtle nature. Very loyal and affectionate animals that suffer from loneliness.

Shorthair exotics are the kindest cats.

japanese bobtail

The breed is medium in size, slender with an elongated body and physically developed muscles, the limbs are long and strong. The tail is short, vertical, about 7 cm long, and may or may not be mobile. The head is triangular with neat curves and large eyes. The coat is short and dense, without undercoat, most often tortoiseshell with white. Very smart and active, they do not like to be left alone. Ideal for living in city apartments.

There are many breeds of cats in the world. The number of officially recorded breeds reaches hundreds. Some breeds are closely related and similar to each other, while others are radically different. The difference may be in the length of the coat, its color, structure, or the complete absence of the Sphynx. Some have a large body, but small paws, while others are distinguished by long legs, a neck and a tail. Lots of options. This article will discuss the most popular cat breeds with long tails.

This is a very active and inquisitive cat breed. Throughout its life, the Abyssinian cat retains its activity and playfulness. Their main features are silence and not love for closed spaces.

Medium in size, have a weight of 3 to 5 kg, live about 15-20 years. They are predisposed to kidney disease.

These cats have enough peace-loving character, they get along well with children and at the same time easily endure loneliness in the apartment. Australian cats have a medium muscular body with a rounded chest, legs of medium length and a long tail, narrowed towards the end. Wedge-shaped muzzle. Shiny and short coat does not require much care.

medium size, with excellent body proportions, and weighing around 7 kg. These cats have legs of medium length, but a long tail, narrowed at the end. Asian cats have an exemplary character, they are not conflicted, they are well attached to the family, and get along with children. At the same time, they are suitable for city apartments, as they can live perfectly without visiting the street.

Caring for short-haired representatives of this breed is not difficult, but for semi-long-haired cats, you need a special shampoo and a rare comb. Well, you can’t do without a scratching post. And there are no hereditary diseases in Asian cats.

They are very friendly, love to play with children, and are always involved in all household chores. At the same time, they like long walks outside the house. They are smart, easy to educate and retain their childish character for life. The main distinguishing feature is the ears wrapped back.

The American Curl has a good life expectancy in the area 17 years. And while hereditary diseases are unnoticed.

Mostly with an elegant, harmonious figure. Long legs and tail, flexible neck. These cats perfectly defend their title of pets, as they are skilled mousers. They are easy to train and bond well with pets. The original coat color is white.

This is a Siamese cat with long hair, legs, body and neck, but at the same time of medium size. Balinese cats are very energetic and playful, they are strongly attached to the owner and do not tolerate loneliness. Their upbringing should be gentle, as these cats do not require much grooming.

The average life expectancy in 14 years. But there are many hereditary diseases: "Siamese" strabismus, asthma and diseases of the oral cavity. Weight on average from 2 to 5 kg.

bengal cats

Famous for their color. It resembles the color of wild cats, or larger predators. No less beautiful physique of the Bengal cat: it is muscular, with long legs and a tail. The neck is muscular and long. The most common color is brown-black, while blue and "snow leopard" are very rare.

Bengal cats have an explosive nature, they are constantly active, ready to play and in great need of attention. And such attention should be paid if the house also has an aquarium. Since Bengal cats are not averse to swimming. In care and maintenance, they are not very demanding. But all over the world it is one of the most expensive cats.

The cat is very beautiful, medium in size with piercing eyes and large pointed ears. The head is wedge-shaped, and the neck is long, but not wide. These kitties are also wonderful pets, strongly attached to the owner. They are easy to raise and train. But with a lack of attention, Brazilian shorthairs become aggressive and distrustful. Therefore, in order for the cat's attitude to the owner not to deteriorate, a lot of attention should be paid to it. Also, Brazilian cats do not have hereditary diseases and are in good health.

At first glance, this breed is no different from ordinary domestic cats, but hallmark Li Mao breeds are green or yellow slightly slanting almond-shaped eyes, and small black dots (in the form of a smile) at the edges of the mouth. As well as a strong, muscular body, proportional legs of the same length, an elongated head with a rounded forehead, rounded ears and, of course, a long tail. The brown tabby is the only color recognized for this breed.

Are dragons smart cats with a calm disposition. Because of what they are easy to train and train. They easily get along with other pets, but it is hard to get used to children (although they treat them with due tolerance). Li dragons do not require special care and do not have hereditary diseases.

Cats are distinguished by their leopard coat color. The most popular colors are golden, silver, black, blue and bronze. The coat is short and does not require care. The cats themselves are quite large and muscular, with a round head and a long tail. No hereditary diseases.

Ring-tailed cats (Ringtails)

Ringtails are medium-sized cats with strong musculature and graceful body proportions. Medium sized legs with oval paws. The eyes are almond-shaped. The wool is elastic and comes in different colors. The main distinguishing feature is the tail bent almost into a circle.

Ringtails are very curious and friendly, yet calm cats. They are great with pets and love to play with children. Long periods of loneliness are hard to bear. Ringtail care is quite simple, it is enough to inspect the cat once a week and trim the nails once a month. There are no hereditary diseases in ring-tailed cats.

Another representative of long-tailed cats with amazing hair. The coat is silky and sticks out randomly, while the texture itself is individual for each cat and can change with age. They are ideal with small children and pets. La Perm does not require special care.

This is a beautiful big one with a long and fluffy tail like a fox.

persian cats

They have a huge range of coat colors. It can be such colors: white, cream, blue, black, smoky. Persian cats are perfect for an apartment, as they do not burn with a great desire to constantly go outside. Caring for Persian cats is quite difficult, as they often shed.

The main distinguishing feature of the Russian cat is a short, as if plush double coat of blue color with a transition to silver.

Often confused with the Russian blue cat. But its main difference is a soft medium length silky coat.

It is an agile and playful cat with long haired legs and a tail. Most of them are very large massive cats.

Cat breeds not included in the list

Also, several other breeds can be attributed to the breeds of long-tailed cats. For example, cats from the Sphynx family. These include the Canadian Sphynx, Don and Persian Sphynx, and even cats from the Ukrainian Levkoy breed. Some Rex also have long tails. Among them are the Oregon Rex, Devon Rex and Tennessee Rex.

More and more people want to have a beautiful cat with a good pedigree at home. We all know perfectly well what most mustachioed four-legged thoroughbred kittens look like. However, in this article we will not discuss their appearance, but we will talk about how to care for them and what kind of character they have.

All cats are divided into four subspecies - these are:

  • semi-longhair;
  • oriental or oriental;
  • exotic and Persians;
  • shorthair and somali.

So, let's go in order.

The first type of cats (semi-longhair)

Scottish lop-eared

She is marked by a rather calm character and silence. And this is easy to verify, because even during the mating period, as many screams are inaudible from them as from other breeds of cats. All people are touched by the picture that without much effort such kittens can stand on their hind legs.

These kittens are considered friendly, so they get along easily with dogs, rabbits and hamsters, so they will get along with you without any problems. It is not a problem for them if small children live in the house. The coat of the Scottish Fold is short and has special care requirements.

british breed

Kittens are easy to raise from childhood. Therefore, the right approach to them will help you raise a beautiful cat. Although they are calm and even affectionate to their liking.

This type of cat is divided into long-haired and short-haired breeds. In the first case, the kitten needs special care for his lovely fur coat.

Maine Coon

It belongs to the semi-longhair category, but its coat is not whimsical, therefore it does not require special care. Such a cat is very active and therefore, in order to calm his violent temper, you need to walk him or arrange active games at home, or make him a friend so that he does not get bored.

However, this should not be confused with aggression, on the contrary, cats are very kind, especially to their owners. In addition, they are very curious.

norwegian forest

This cat will impress you with its size. Despite the fact that the name winds up the wildness of the animal, they still require attention and care from people. It is true that they love freedom, so sitting within 4 walls will be a painful test for them.

As you can see in the photo, this cat is quite elegant and behaves like a king, so watching her habits is a pleasure. The wool of this breed is not particularly whimsical, so it is recommended to comb it out only during the molting season.

She has a beautiful long and fluffy fur coat. Although nature behaves strangely, in spite of this, it does not cause an abnormal reaction of the body in most allergy sufferers or asthmatics. Such cats are considered to be strong and healthy cats.

Therefore, they do not require much effort in the care of the owners. The only thing is that you need to comb out their beautiful coat.

It is a pleasure to have such a cat at home. Firstly, it does not require any special care, secondly, its coat is considered hypoallergenic, and thirdly, they are great friends.

And this is evident from their behavior. They are very loyal to their owners, love children and easily follow where they move.

american curl

If you decide to have this particular breed of cat at home, then they will calmly adapt to new circumstances. In addition, these are unpretentious animals that are very friendly, but with all this they do not forget to behave elegantly.

Curl can be both long-haired and short-haired, but either one or the second species does not cause unnecessary trouble for the owners.

This breed is the center of the entire universe. She loves the attention of people very much, and especially if there are guests in the house, then she will not be able to sit quietly on the sidelines, but she will definitely demonstrate her abilities to everyone. This is their sociability and curiosity. But angora boasts not only such qualities, because they are very smart animals.

For example, they can be taught to bring some objects in their teeth, turn on the light or open doors. Their coat does not require close attention, only if your cat is white, it is best to brush it more often. This will help you avoid falling hair on dark clothes or other items.

The second type of cats (oriental or oriental)

Oriental Shorthair

These are the most devoted friends. They will literally follow you wherever you go. These are very loyal companions and good nannies for your children.

Since such breeds are dominated by short hair, their owners really like it, because caring for it is not difficult.

These kittens are also called Balinese. They are very social and love company. Therefore, such pets should not be left alone at home for a long time, because as a result you will get a demonstrative mess as a protest.

But by themselves, these cats get along very well with people and with other pets. These are the owners of a pleasant and soft voice. But it is impossible not to note their excellent coat, since there is no undercoat in it, then caring for it fades into the background.

But, there is one rule regarding their coats! If you bathe such a handsome man, then buy shampoo and conditioner for animals with long hair in advance. And do not overdry such a charm with a hair dryer, just dip the kitten in a towel and avoid drafts - it will dry itself.

Oriental Longhair

This breed can be either shorthaired or longhaired. Owners of long hair do not require regular combing and bathing, once a month is enough. This breed is very active and playful, regardless of age, the cat is happy to run and frolic.

They also love to talk to their beloved owners. They are able to change the tone of their voice to add color to their words.

The most common breed of cats throughout the world and very popular. She absolutely does not want to be alone and therefore, in order to attract the attention of her owners, she will persistently purr, meow and rub against her legs. That is, if you are lovers of peace, then this cat is not for you.

But, it cannot be said that their persistence is without reason. Siamese are quite affectionate and friendly creatures, so they want to express their love to people. No wonder Buddhists consider them the guardians of temples and their friends. Therefore, the Siamese beauty does not require special care, except for love and attention.

As you can see in the photo, it looks like a Siamese. They are very devoted to their mistresses, they love to convey their news to them with their different tone of voice. They treat strangers with caution, however, if there is no danger, then the Thais will easily make contact with them.

Often cats get into ridiculous situations because of their fearless disposition, but despite this, at home, such kittens live up to 28 years. Their coat is not whimsical, so bathing or combing often is not necessary.

The owners of such pets reduce their time in their care by running wet hands through their fur.

This type of rock is considered sacred. These are very emotional cats, so they cannot live in a boring society. They will pursue the owners, and communicate with them, showing them their love and kindness.

The Burmese are absolutely not afraid of strangers. Since these are the owners of fluffy and beautiful wool, regular grooming is required. During the molting period, it is necessary to comb such a fur coat often, even several times a day.

Third pet type (Exotic and Persian)

Persian cats

They are very gentle and calm creatures. They treat people very trustingly and with warmth. However, they cannot be attributed to the category of sofa cats, since they will happily play with people or run after the ball at any age.

However, for such beautiful animals you need to pay with your attention, because their ears, eyes and coat require close care. And therefore, if you have no time to mess with a cat, then it is better not to get yourself such a breed.

They look like Persians with their excellent long and fluffy coat. Naturally, it cannot be left without care. In fact, these are good breeds of cats, but there is a touch of stubbornness in their disposition, and therefore this must be corrected from the very childhood of the animal.

exotic cats

They are the most calm and not noisy breeds. But this does not mean that they will lie on the couch and sleep for days. They love their packs very much, that is, they cannot live without companions.

And therefore, if you cannot provide this to such a furry friend, then get yourself another cat. But in general, cats do not require personal care and cope with their beautiful coat on their own.

Fourth category (Shorthair and Somali)

Abyssinian breed

Very curious pets. Therefore, it is very easy to lure them, you just have to rustle with something and the cat will immediately come running in search of this noise. They are independent animals, but get along well with people.

Such pets must be taught from childhood to the scratching post, examination and cleaning of the ears, and other educational measures. Then the Abyssinian won't give you any trouble.

Despite this, kittens are very fond of playing and will achieve people's attention with their antics.

And do not forget that although such an animal needs warmth (no drafts), they cannot overheat in the sun either. As a result, we can conclude that caring for sphinxes is very reverent and takes a lot of time, and also requires constant supervision by people of a male or female.

Naturally, this is all just a general inventory of characters. But do not forget that it can be influenced by genes, environment and, of course, your attitude towards it. Therefore, educate your four-legged friend from birth, listen to his needs, pay attention to him, and he will delight you with his mustache and tail.

Despite the fact that millions of dollars are spent annually on research, feline research still does not have a clear answer - when and how did a cat appear in our homes (K)? The approximate figure for the appearance of domestic K, or rather its progenitor - the steppe - is 140 thousand years ago. Being essentially one of the subspecies of the wild forest cat, the steppe, spotted or African cat still lives in the steppe, desert and mountainous regions of Africa, Asia, Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan, and India. Artificially bred cat breeds have the genes of their progenitors - wild K. The word "cat" itself came from Latin. Derived from "captus" or "captat" - quick-witted, bringing prey.

Breeds (P)

There are dozens of cat breeds in the world. How to determine the breed of a cat (PC)? For most of them, the international federation of amateurs K - FiFe - approved the standard with a description of the ideal exterior. In detail for each breed, the structure of the body, its proportions, size, height and thickness of the paws, length and shape of the tail, hair are specified. Particular attention is paid to the head - the shape, size, bite, location and shape of the ears, eyes - their size, color and shape. The breeds of modern cats are very diverse - a typical classic look, cats with almost no tail, a breed with short legs and many others.

What are the breeds of cats?

Consider the most famous cat breeds. Let's make a reservation right away that we will give recommendations on choosing an animal for the family very carefully, simply describing its features. Cat breeds can be divided according to different criteria - coat length, color, size:

  • hairless - Canadian, Mexican;
  • short-haired - Russian, European, British, European, Abyssinian, Siamese, Oriental, exotic, etc.;
  • semi-longhair - Turkish, Burmese, Norwegian, raccoon, Maine, Somali, etc .;
  • long-haired - Kumer, Balinese, Persian, Beijing, etc.

The breed of cats that almost do not shed: features

Sphynx Canadian

They still have wool, despite the erroneous opinion of amateurs. Only it is very, very small, reminiscent of suede. Obviously, it is preserved on the nose, the back of the ears, maybe on the ends of the paws and tail. It appeared as a result of a mutation fixed in several generations. By nature, these domestic K are very contact. This is a companion cat. And they have an extraordinary mind and good disposition. If you want to have an active, intelligent, inquisitive cat, then the cat breed is the most suitable for this.

Donskoy sphinx

An amazingly graceful creature, surrounded, like all unusual cat breeds, by a bunch of myths. They say that sphinxes relieve muscle pain, treat nervous disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is a relatively new breed of cat that has appeared since 1987. in Rostov-on-Don. - This is a cat dog in appearance. A large, muscular body, a long tail and paws with human-like fingers, absolutely gorgeous slanting almond-shaped eyes - it is quite easy to determine the breed of a cat. These are calm breeds of cats with an independent, sometimes a little lazy character. Easily trainable, they won't run like hell to follow your command.

Peterbald, or - St. Petersburg Sphinx

Graceful, with a long, muscular neck and a proud profile, the Peterbald cat is very talkative, affectionate and quick-witted. However, he will not let himself be offended: Peterbalds are touchy and wayward. Peterbald kittens can have coats that vary in location, length, stiffness, and color. In adult animals, residual hair may remain in some places. All these nuances are spelled out in the standard P.

Ukrainian Levkoy

This fold bald K first appeared in January 2004. as a result of crossing Scottish Fold and Don Sphynx. Levkoy can have velor fluff all over their body - the so-called. brush, reaching 3 cm. The skin is very elastic, forming folds in the groin, armpits, around the eyes, between the ears, on the neck. Levkoy are the most affectionate breeds of cats and loving. They love to sit on their hands. If you are ready to see in the tail an equal family member who controls you, monitors all your actions, then this is your breed. In fairness, it must be said that, despite extreme curiosity, left-handers are delicate and intelligent. They are not picky or vindictive, they quickly find contact with all the residents of the apartment.


This breed with the tips of the ears turned back to the back of the head has the genes of the American Curl and Sphynx. There may be some hair on the paws and tail, the skin has many folds. An interesting feature of this breed is the lack of eyebrows and mustaches. They can be represented by single thin hairs. The elves are very friendly, kind. And most importantly, be very patient. If you are considering what breed of cats to choose for a child, especially a small one, then elves are beyond competition. Natural intelligence and delicacy allow these fabulous eared to gently communicate with kids, play with them without using claws and teeth.


These funny K with short legs appeared as a result of crossing the Munchkin and the Canadian Sphynx. Even adult animals resemble kittens - they are so funny and touching. Playful, spontaneous, cats with short legs are easily trained. They get along comfortably with children and different animals, they are in contact with all family members. At the same time, they can choose one person as the main and beloved. This cat with short legs has a strong body and excellent health. They do not have spinal problems like short-legged dogs.

Shorthair cat breeds

There are many different breeds of such cats in the world. All of them are very beautiful, smart, affectionate. The list of benefits is almost endless. How to find out the breed of cat that is right for you? Read our article, think. Study the features of the animal, consider your capabilities. And most importantly, listen to your heart.


These kisul cannot be confused with other representatives of the cat tribe. Miniature, graceful, with a wedge-shaped long head. Plus a very special coat color and blue eyes. - very smart and talkative. Add here absolute devotion to the owner, accuracy, independence and self-sufficiency and it becomes clear - these are aristocrats from ears to tail. Siamese cats love to play, jump, communicate with people. But other pets will be jealous. Therefore, if you decide to take a Siamese into your family, be prepared for the fact that these feline representatives will take a leading position in the family hierarchy and this will need to be taken into account. In return, you will receive love, affection and a lot of positive emotions. Do not listen to nonsense about the evil Siamese monsters that attacked the owners. It's just not true.


A very special variety, despite the erroneous opinion - they are confused with the Siamese. The difference is in a stronger and more muscular body, rounded head, lower legs. - one of the most intelligent representatives of the cat. Wits and natural mind, curiosity, perseverance, enviable persistence in achieving goals, accuracy, tact - the virtues of these K cannot be listed. Thais are very attached to the owner, they love to talk to him. For a kid, you will not find a better friend, protector, playmate than a Thai. This is the kindest, most affectionate cat breed.


A very beautiful cat breed with a bright personality. Ideal proportions, strong physique, silky, with an unusual sheen, wool without undercoat, bewitching amber eyes - everything is amazing in them. - intellectuals, easily get along in the family, do not conflict with other living creatures. But at the same time they remain leaders. Energetically strong, the Burmese have a strong-willed character, participate in all household chores, love to be in the spotlight, play wonderfully with young children, who are forgiven for careless movements, excessive curiosity, even attempts to get their fingers in the eyes. In fact, the Burmese is the calmest and most affectionate cat breed.

Japanese Bobtail, a cat breed without a tail

- the oldest representative of the cat breed without a tail. Their body is of medium size, moderately well-fed. Long, slender limbs, slanting eyes, and most importantly - a short tail. It can be twisted, straight, curved or rigid. And this is the special charm of the bobtail. By nature - a cat without a tail is very unpretentious. Likes to communicate, talk with the owner. Bobtails are easy to train and you will not get bored with him. If the family already has other pets, the bobtail will make friends with them and involve them in their games. Such an active pet needs an eye and an eye, otherwise you risk becoming victims of its hyperactive behavior.


Appeared as a result of crossing the American Shorthair and Siamese K. The name of the breed often characterizes the appearance of the animal 100%. So, (Snowshoe) in translation means "snow shoe". These beauties have snow-white shoes, boots and the same contrasting marks on the muzzle and chest. Irresistible cornflower blue eyes, a proportional body with developed muscles, shiny fur, a neat head - they are perfection itself! They have a very friendly, angelic disposition. Snowshoes are attached to the owner, they need attention and communication. This tame K gets along well with children. Snowshoes like to choose high places for their games and show great ingenuity in reaching heights. A feature of snowshoe is the love of water. On occasion, they will not refuse to swim in the bath and play there.

british shorthair

One of the oldest officially registered offshoots. Appeared in the process of crossing cats of the ordinary domestic English and Persian breeds. These are strong and large animals with a wide chest and a large head. The paws are short, the tail is of medium length, thick. - make a very strong impression. And not in vain! Plush, docile, kind, trainable - the British have a lot of advantages. By character traits, the Briton is ideal for busy people, because it requires minimal care, easily endures loneliness, and finds something for himself. This very friendly creature is able to make friends with a dog, family oriented. Even other people's kittens will be licked, fed and warmed. It is important to pay attention - the British are in dire need of outdoor games, as they tend to be overweight. For the same reason, they should not be overfed.

Devon Rex

These interesting ears have English roots. Great-great-grandmother - the ancestor lived in Devonshire in 1960. Actually, they began to be called that - according to the place of origin. The original appearance and no less distinctive disposition of the Devons gave rise to many fans of this breed of domestic cats. Huge ears that look like butterfly wings, almond-shaped eyes, and, most importantly, curly hair - such a handsome man will undoubtedly win any heart.

And they, meanwhile, are monogamous: they choose one master for themselves and surround him with their attention and love. If there are already animals in the house, then, having met them, the Devon kitten can get along. And as an adult, a Devon is unlikely to accept another four-legged pet in a friendly manner. Very physically developed, Devons are very jumpy and agile. They also have a very pleasant voice.


This large cat breed is brindle. Adults weigh about 10 kg. Appearance- tiger stripes, dense fur, very expressive eyes - very reminiscent of a formidable predator. But they have a very good temperament, docile, toygers love to play with the owner. They will gladly agree to a walk and at the same time they will not be afraid of anyone, even a dog that they meet by chance. - the most beautiful of the recently bred breeds.

The most famous semi-longhair cat breeds

The biggest cat. Resembling a lynx with its tassels on its ears, a cat can weigh up to 15 kg. Similar to a lynx, Maine Coons can have a different color - in color and uniformity - there are only six of them: black, white, blue, tortoiseshell, cream, red marble. Even red cats fit into the standard of this breed. The correct name for this color is red marble. Maine Coons are very hardy and strong. Along with this, they are distinguished by a complaisant disposition and an outstanding mind.

Maine Coons are chatty cats, they always have something to say to the owner, they comment on everything. Great swimmers, Maine Coons are not afraid of water and take showers with pleasure. Adult cats behave like children - they are very playful. You won't find a better play companion or babysitter for your little one. Adopt a couple of these lynx-like felines into your family and you won't regret it!

And Maine Coons are excellent hunters. Therefore, they will not be able to make friends with rats - hamsters. But this lynx-like breed of domestic cats can kill mice very quickly.

sacred burma

If there is a rating of "The most beautiful breeds of cats", then Burma will notice a leading place in it. The history of its appearance goes into the deep past and is associated with Buddhist monks. What is true in this legend is not the main thing. The main thing is the existence of a completely chic breed. Strong skeleton, round head, coat of medium length, very silky. A very characteristic color - a mask on the muzzle and white, clearly defined gloves and boots on the paws - creates a charming image.

They have a very intelligent character, they will not allow themselves to be naughty and conflict loudly. Congenital delicacy, accuracy - these are very well-mannered animals. It will be a great pleasure for you to communicate with them.

Turkish Angora - a representative of the breed of white cats

Classic - white cat. And it is this color that remains a priority. Angoras are proportionally built, very graceful, jumping. They can have different eye colors: green and blue. Unfortunately, such animals have hearing problems - they are deaf from the side of the blue eye. An undoubted decoration is a fluffy tail resembling an ostrich feather.

Wool does not require complex care, but when the angora has a molt, combing is required. The rest of the time, it is enough to treat the hair with dry shampoo, because these representatives of the breed of white cats do not welcome water procedures. These are cheerful, but a little phlegmatic creatures, they are easily trained, have an independent disposition, and are very playful. They love children and get along well with them. In the family, the angora will be a devoted friend and companion.

Long-haired or fluffy breeds of domestic cats


These are some of the most popular. And this is well deserved: in addition to unearthly beauty, they have a wonderful character. Very domestic, perhaps the most calm of the cats, they will love all members of the family, or they can choose their favorite owner, especially revered and respected. Regardless of this, they get along well with children, they behave very correctly in games. Considered "sofa" cats, the Persians are nevertheless mobile - they enthusiastically hunt for accidentally flown small game - butterflies, flies.

An external, clear sign of the Persians is the shape of the nose - small and snub-nosed, rather wide. May be upturned. This is a cat breed with short legs, rather muscular. Large enough, up to 7 kg, Persians seem even larger due to thick and wool. The coats are very soft and require regular combing, brushing and bathing. Sometimes a haircut is needed. This nuance must be taken into account when choosing a feline member of the family.

norwegian forest

Descendants of wild Norwegian forest cats, these representatives of the cat tribe are the official K of the country. These are large individuals with a strong and flexible body. Fluffy and long tail, ears with tassels, big eyes. But, of course, the main thing is a waterproof two-layer wool. The outer layer is long, shiny and soft. And the inner one is very dense, with oily water-repellent hairs. Despite its wild origin, the Norwegian Forest Dog is very friendly to people, she is comfortable in the house.

Having an independent feline disposition, she will be a devoted friend. The Norwegian Forest Dog is loyal to strangers coming into the house, even friendly - it can come to its knees, let it be stroked. But you need to communicate with them politely, without familiarity, otherwise you risk learning the sharpness of the teeth and claws of this beauty.

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