Make a two-room studio. Types of apartment redevelopment, ideas, examples. What to consider before starting

Many residents of one-room apartments are interested in the answer to the question: how to improve their living conditions? This is especially important if there are teenage children in the house. Alternatively, you can divide the room into two zones, making it a two-room one.

The people living in Khrushchev are perhaps the most resourceful in the world; they are looking for all possible ways to “conquer” every square centimeter and the ruthlessness of the area, limited to 30 square meters. m, 40 sq. m, 43 sq. m and even 50 sq.m. An important bonus in the remodeling process is the height of the ceilings - the higher, the better.

Common materials used to transform a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment are brick, plasterboard, glass blocks and furniture. The abundance of building materials allows you to zone one room without redevelopment, both with the help of walls and with the help of all kinds of columns and small partitions, see examples in the photo.

As a rule, in Khrushchev the rooms have a rectangular, oblong irregular shape, absolutely not suitable for proportional division, causing any person to want to redistribute somewhere across.

It will not be possible to divide the room lengthwise, since instead of full rooms you risk getting two narrow treadmills. There are a limited number of options for transforming a one-room apartment. In this article we will look at the most common options for making two rooms out of a one-room apartment.

How to divide a room into two zones, options and methods of zoning

The most popular ways to make a two-room apartment from a one-room apartment are to divide the room into a living room and a bedroom.

Living room and bedroom

You can separate one room from another using brick or furniture (see photo). The first option will force you to deal with government agencies, which ensure that the owner of the home does not inadvertently demolish load-bearing walls.

Simply put, subject to the construction of a permanent wall, you will need to go through the procedure. Therefore, the last three options are the least conflicting.

Converting a one-room apartment into two rooms using:

  • Drywall

A plasterboard partition allows you to make one of the rooms dark, that is, without natural light. Such a room, from the point of view of privacy and the absence of irritants in the form of daylight, will be the optimal solution for a bedroom (examples in the photo). Due to the lack of natural light, it is necessary to provide as much artificial lighting. The best solution for such a room would not be chandeliers, but turned lamps installed around the perimeter of the ceiling, as well as sconces and floor lamps.

  • Glass blocks

This design option for redevelopment is quite advantageous, as it allows you to preserve natural light in the separated room. Due to the high strength of this material, it is considered by designers as the most likely option.

  • Using furniture

This method of turning a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is decorative, since in this case you will not be able to achieve the full effect of creating autonomous rooms. In addition, the level of sound insulation does not allow calling a room separated by the method of furniture installation separate (see photo). The advantage in this case is that the ventilation of the separated room will be more natural, the air circulation in both rooms will not be disturbed.

In addition, in the case of dividing a room using the installation method and glass blocks, you should think about making sure that the doorway is large enough, since there is also no ventilation in such a room.

Childhood territory

If the ceiling height in your home is higher than 2.5 m, you can build a second floor in a one-room apartment, providing it as a room for children. Such improvisation will allow you to divide it into zones of play space and the child’s sleeping place. In addition, in order to save space, the stairs leading to the upper floor can be made into small cabinets-steps for storing toys, books or linen photo. This design of the room will allow you to create both a sleeping and a play (working) place for the child.

Making a one-room apartment into two rooms will also be relevant for families with opposite sexes. You can design the living space for each child individually, depending on his gender and age. So in a children's room, boys need a track with cars and an area for playing with construction sets, while a girl needs a place for a dollhouse and parking for magic ponies.

If a children's drawing table with a package of pencils and markers is enough for preschool children, then schoolchildren will need a serious workspace. These and other features can be taken into account when remodeling a room in an apartment for or for children of different ages.

In addition, if you have no other options for living with children in the same room, you can arrange zoning in such a way that both adult and children's living space will be contained in one room.

Visual division of the room

Turning a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment can be achieved using a visual effect, by gluing, as well as using a closet or curtains. A harmonious method of dividing a room is to install a bar counter between two zones, as shown in the photo.

You can cover two parts of the room with different types and colors of wallpaper, dividing the room with a closet. Such rooms look very harmonious and do not bring dissonance to the overall impression of the interior design.

Again, different colors of curtains or wallpaper will change the room in a special way; some colors tend to visually reduce the room, some, on the contrary, can.

Therefore, when choosing the color of decoration or accessories, think about what effect you would like to achieve - increasing space or creating a cozy atmosphere and its optical minimization.

Kitchen and living room

They also often resort to decorating them in one room, the so-called kitchen-studio, in order to visually increase the area of ​​the room (see photo). Such a room combines the functions of a kitchen, dining room and living room, becoming the central place in the apartment.

The presence of such a mixed room will allow you to welcome guests and hold home celebrations with loved ones in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. In this case, pasted wallpaper of two types looks very advantageous, dividing the room in the apartment into functional zones.

Balcony with room

You can increase the area of ​​the main room by adding a loggia or balcony. By pre-insulating it and installing modern double-glazed windows, you will get a more spacious main room by installing a bar counter instead of a partition. You can divide it into two more proportional rooms. In this case, the balcony provides an additional advantage of a few extra square meters (see photo). With an area of ​​43 sq. m - 50 sq.m and above, and if there is a loggia, you can even turn a one-room apartment into a three-room apartment!

In addition, their presence makes it possible to design them as a secluded office in which you can harmoniously design a workplace.

Experienced way

You can save on living space by installing not just a bunk bed, but a three-tier bed with a sofa on the first “floor”.

Thus, one family with two small children living in a one-room apartment converted it into a two-room apartment. Due to the high ceilings, 2.90 m high, the owner-inventor made a three-tier bed in a “dead” room without windows: the third tier was at 2.10 m with a high side for the older child, the second was at 1.20 m, with lower side, and the first tier moved out on rollers from under the second. The room with the window was used as a living room and office.

In order to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment and get maximum utility from every centimeter of space, you need to show maximum imagination. Furniture made to special order, taking into account the dimensions of the room, is perfect for this purpose. And remember: your comfort is only in your hands.

If you become the owner or possessor of a large one-room apartment, then why not convert it into a two-room apartment? Moreover, such redevelopment can be done even with a small footage, if you approach the issue wisely.

Modern materials make it possible to make the most of available space; for example, plasterboard is ideal as a dividing wall. The construction of such a wall will take a maximum of one day. At the same time, its construction will not greatly affect the overall estimate.

In fact, you can recall many creative options that make it possible to redevelop a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment almost free of charge. For example, you can use a screen. A small curtain will separate the two rooms and give you a little more privacy. And most importantly, such a division will cost practically nothing.

Rules for successful redevelopment

In order for the redevelopment of a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment to be successful, it is necessary to follow certain rules that were developed by designers over many years of practice.

The most important thing is clarity and clarity in the redevelopment of one-room housing. Before you start hitting walls, you need to do a project. Otherwise, you are at great risk. But one plan is not enough, it still needs to be implemented. Therefore, before you start work, soberly assess your capabilities and, if necessary, hire professional workers.

Here is a detailed set of rules that will help you avoid pitfalls and remodel a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment:

  1. Before starting work, you need to collect as much information as possible about the technical condition of the building. This is necessary so that the redevelopment performed does not violate the overall integrity.
  2. It is very important to familiarize yourself with SNIPs before remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment. Your changes must comply with current regulations. Otherwise, the project will not be legitimized.
  3. Before implementing the project, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits. Otherwise, you face a fine or forced return of the apartment to its original state.
  4. When implementing a project, do not create a schedule that is too rigid. The fact is that in construction, force majeure circumstances are quite common. Therefore, you must have a time gap.
  5. If you decide to involve outside builders when remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, be sure to check with them the relevant documentation for conducting construction work.
  6. In some cases, a more reasonable solution would be to contact specialized architectural bureaus, where they will bring the project to life according to your wishes. This will save time. In addition, professional engineers, designers and architects will take into account all the nuances of a one-room apartment and turn it into a two-room apartment.

As you can see, in order to convert a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, you need to have a clear plan that will allow you to realize your intended concept. But it doesn’t stop there. Implementation is also not an easy task.

General recommendations on how to convert a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment

You need to start by inspecting the existing premises. Depending on its characteristics, one or another option will be optimal. For example, if you have a storage room, you can move the kitchen into it. As a result, you will have free space and you can make a bedroom, and the second room, separated by a partition, will be a living room.

To increase the total area of ​​each room, you can demolish the hallway partitions and connect it to the balcony. By the way, to make two full-fledged rooms it is not necessary to build standard walls. You can resort to zoning. Thus, it is easy to separate the kitchen from the bedroom with a bar counter or a shelf for books. In reality, there are more than enough options.

Also, when creating a two-room apartment from a one-room apartment, do not forget about the bathroom. After all, this is free space that can be used to the maximum extent.

For example, if your bathroom is separate, you can combine it. This will help to significantly save free space to make a two-room apartment from a one-room one.

To achieve a visual expansion of space in your two-room apartment converted from a one-room apartment, you can use lighting. Properly positioned LED elements will allow you to remove dark corners that “devour” free space.

In fact, there are many proven techniques that can visually increase the area of ​​a one-room apartment turned into a two-room apartment, these include:

  • use of light colors in the interior;
  • installation of mirrors;
  • avoiding sharp corners.

One important note needs to be made regarding the redevelopment of a one-room apartment with a gas stove. The fact is that moving the kitchen to the pantry is only possible when you have an electric unit installed.

Popular redevelopment options

Option number 1 - from the kitchen to the room

When you are the owner of a one-room apartment and decide to remodel it into a two-room apartment, it will be most convenient to use the free space occupied by the kitchen.

Important ! In most cases, the wall separating the kitchen and the room is not permanent. Therefore, it will not be difficult to demolish it.

The option for such redevelopment into a two-room apartment is quite simple. You just make a second room from the kitchen. The main thing is not to forget about the hood. Otherwise, the smells of cooking food will not allow you to rest properly.

If you have a balcony, then due to its area you can further increase your living space. Thus, the rooms will be much larger. This is a more than profitable solution in such conditions.

Option number 2 - making the kitchen smaller

Modern one-room apartments have fairly large kitchens. But if you want to get a two-room apartment, then you will have to give up such luxury. The kitchen can be cut down a little, but the balcony needs to be expanded. Here you will have a bedroom.

In the process of such redevelopment, the partition is partially demolished. This leaves you with a formal separation between the living and kitchen areas. In this project, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the balcony.

To create a decent bedroom in your new two-room apartment on the balcony you will need to make a podium. Of course, you can’t do without glazing. Moreover, the walls need to be insulated. IN ideal the floor must be equipped with heating. Only under such conditions will redevelopment be successful.

Option number 3 - sleep on the balcony again

This option for remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is very similar to the first. With one exception. Here the bedroom and the second room will be completely separated by a partition.

In this case, the second room will combine a living room and a kitchen. The podium will need to be covered with opaque glass. But you can also use a partition. This redevelopment option will appeal to those people who dreamed of falling asleep while looking at the city at night.

Advice ! Instead of a bedroom, you can make a study on the balcony. In turn, the bedroom is combined with the kitchen.

The main advantage of this particular option for remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is its low cost. Such a living space will be affordable for a young married couple.


Remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is more than a realistic task. Modern materials and proper design allow you to organize your living space as comfortably as possible at minimal cost.

One of the options for turning a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment without erecting it is to use a tall cabinet. Access to it will only be on one side, and the other can be decorated with mirror panels, this will also help to visually expand the second zone. It is better to make such a mirrored wall in the living area, since access to personal belongings in the closet is more necessary from the bedroom.

Design: Toronto Interior Design Group


The option is more likely for a young couple or. Euro-living room combined with kitchen - great idea layout, which is actively used by designers in the West. And who said that the sofa in the living room cannot be used as an additional sleeping place for guests and family members who stay overnight, and during the day - as a gathering place for guests?

A bar counter or a low shelving unit will be used as a partition between the kitchen and living area, and you can also connect visual elements, for example, different floor finishes.

Design: Alberto Fiermonte

If the layout is standard and there is a partition between the kitchen and the room, you will have to demolish it, leaving a wall between the hallway and the room. Afterwards, build a new one between the new kitchen-living room and bedroom. This option is most likely even if the wall is not load-bearing, especially if resale is planned later.


If you need to make two full-fledged zones of a bedroom and a living room in a one-room apartment and actually turn it into a two-room apartment, a shelving unit with a rotating mechanism will come to the rescue. In this case, for example, watching TV will be possible both in the bedroom and in the living room.

This option does not require structural changes to the apartment and is quite simple to implement. The only condition is that the living room in the one-room apartment has sufficient footage: it must be at least 15-18 m2 to accommodate both a bed for the owners and a sofa for gathering guests.

Design: Aesthetic Answers

4 Plasterboard partition for separating a children's room

One of the most popular purposes for converting a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment is a separate space for the nursery. It is difficult to find a better solution than a plasterboard partition. If there are two windows in a room, this is simply luck, since both rooms will be illuminated by natural light. More often it happens that there is only one window, and then it is better to “give it” to the child.


You can put a sofa in the kitchen if you reduce the kitchen set and make it single-strip.

5 One-room apartment with dressing room

If the one-room apartment is large enough, from 40 m2, there is a chance to turn it into a two-room apartment and... How? The side away from the window can be separated with a plasterboard wall, leaving a few square meters for a dressing room. This solution will free the apartment from additional closets and leave more space for the necessary bed in the makeshift bedroom, and in the kitchen-living room for a sofa.

The bedroom is organized in the space left after separating the dressing room. If the layout allows, you can move the partition between the kitchen and the room, allocate a little more space for the kitchen and install a full-fledged sofa there. If this is not possible, it is better to choose the option with for the kitchen.

Design: Creative Arch

6 False window in a makeshift bedroom

Another option for a family with a child or for those who want to create a living and sleeping area is to divide one room into two small ones using a partition and make a false window in it. This way, at least some natural light will penetrate into the second part of the room, but the privacy of both areas will not be compromised.

Design: Aiya Design

7 Bedroom hidden behind a large curtain

Curtains are one of the most underrated options for partitions in apartments. Perhaps the reason for this is the Soviet past, in which such a solution was used quite often and set people on edge. You should not neglect it, as it will definitely help without redevelopment and dividing the area with partitions.

Design: Crescent Builds

The option with a curtain is great if the bed is located in a niche. You can build a small podium and separate it with curtains on both sides. The curtains can be easily pulled apart, returning the entire area of ​​the room, or changed.

8 Bed behind the “screen”

A screen curtain can serve as a partition and separate the bedroom area from the living room area. So from a one-room apartment you will get almost a two-room apartment, in which you can relax in a private area and organize noisy parties.

A screen curtain can also perform an entertainment function if you hang a projector above it, then you can do without a TV. Both family members and guests will love it!

Design: Chris Nguyen, Analog|Dialog

9 Sleeping area on the loggia

One of the most common options for increasing the area of ​​a room is to attach a glazed balcony or loggia to it, and then make a small partition and organize a bedroom by the window. True, you will first have to insulate the loggia.

Design: Siruk Design

10 Partition made of wooden slats

Another option to divide a one-room apartment into two rooms is to make a partition from wooden slats. It may have to be custom made, but it's worth it. Wood is always (not physical, but spiritual), and besides, it can fit into almost any style. Both the living area and the bedroom will benefit from such a partition.

Design: Allen+Killcoyne Architects

11 Sleeping area behind glass

Placing the bed in the corner and separating it with glass partitions is a simple but creative option. Of course, ordinary glass will not work; special impact-resistant material is needed. Among the advantages is the feeling of a private zone, while the area is not visually changed. The downside is that it is definitely not suitable for a family with children, since parents will not be able to have privacy in the transparent walls.


12 Sliding doors as partitions

An almost win-win option for dividing one room into two small rooms is. This type of partition is also convenient because the doors can be kept open during the day and natural light allowed into both rooms, and closed in the evening. The material for such partitions, as a rule, is frosted glass or plastic, less often - wood, depending on the chosen one.

Design: Kristen Rivoli Interior Design

With this layout option, you can also separate an area for the child, privacy for both parties is guaranteed.


Among the abundance of design solutions you can find the following: double zoning of a large room into two small ones using a wooden frame partition and a closet. The closet separates the bed from prying eyes, and the frame wall visually creates two independent zones in the apartment (almost two rooms), without stealing square meters. Functional and stylish.

Design: S+D architectures interiors

14 Zoning using a bookcase

This option involves constructing a partition in the room between two zones. An interesting option is to decorate this partition with shelves to visually soften the perception of an artificially constructed wall. In the photo below there is also no partition between the kitchen and living room, but this is not necessary, it all depends on the original layout of the apartment. If it is free, leaving the kitchen-living room is a good option.

Design: tatiana nicol

15 Transformable room

The solution is non-standard, but gaining popularity in the Russian interiors market. In the West you can already find entire transformable apartments in which not only a bed, but also a desk is hidden in a closet. One room combines a spacious living room, a functional bedroom and a comfortable one.

Design: Black and Milk | Interior Design

Most likely, such furniture will have to be made to order, and this is unlikely to reduce the cost of the renovation project for your one-room apartment, but it will definitely make it 3 times more functional.

Design: Black and Milk | Interior Design | London

One of the techniques in the same series is a folding bed that opens from the closet wall. Convenient - after all, an ordinary living room turns into a comfortable bedroom in a matter of seconds without redevelopment. Another advantage of this solution is the ability to choose a comfortable mattress: no one will argue that it is more comfortable than any folding sofa.

Design: Michael K Chen Architecture

16 Second floor

This solution is only suitable for apartments with high ceilings, at least 3 meters. Less - there is no point, it will still be difficult to walk at full height at both levels.

As a rule, they are designed for the bedroom, that is, there is no need to walk there at all - just crawl onto the bed and take a lying position. Convenient and functional, as more usable space is used, but, alas, not universal: most residential apartments are built with ceilings of less than 3 meters. Today, only business class and old fund can boast of such luxury.

Design: Oliver Simon Design

What should you consider before starting?

In order to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, it is enough to know the zoning rules and not limit your imagination. We have offered enough options with visual zoning and design techniques that will help, without interfering with the layout of the apartment, to increase usable area. Some of them also involve the construction of additional partitions, which means that before starting, apartment owners should pay attention to the following points.

    Should only affect your premises. It’s not for nothing that designers have an unspoken rule: our rights end where our neighbors’ rights begin. Any actions must not worsen living conditions in other apartments.

    New openings in partitions and walls can lead to cracks in structures on the floors above or even collapse. Take advantage of the experience of specialists and additional fortifications.

    Before you start remodeling, be sure to find out which walls you can touch and which you cannot. The latter are called “load-bearing”, and their damage can disrupt the integrity of the entire house. You should not be indifferent to this; unauthorized violation of the redevelopment may lead to problems with the subsequent sale of the apartment.

    Traditionally, it is prohibited to move non-residential premises into residential ones (that is, to make a kitchen in the place of the planned bedroom). The reason is risers with hot and cold water, sewer connections, etc., which are the same for all apartments of this layout on the floors of the building. Such manipulations are permitted only after approval from local authorities.

The layout of a one-room apartment always leaves room for improvement, especially if a family of several people lives in it. Recently, many homeowners are faced with the problem of a lack of square meters in a small apartment; there is no room for bulky furniture, and there is no opportunity to conveniently place equipment. The way out of this situation may be to carry out redevelopment, after which the miniature “one-room apartment” will be transformed and will consist of work, guest and private areas. A one-room apartment in a new form will not only provide a chic design, but will also provide all family members with comfortable living conditions.

Features and complexity of the task

Remodeling a one-room apartment may seem like a simple task at first glance, but in reality it is not. Zoning the premises into separate functional areas is possible only if a previously drawn up and approved project is available.

Often, new redevelopment includes the construction or demolition of walls, and this is permitted provided that the wall is not load-bearing.

At the same time, there are a number of positions that are prohibited by law. These include the following points:

  • The load-bearing wall must be “inviolable”. It cannot be removed from the layout or loaded with heavy structures.
  • The area of ​​the bathroom cannot be “cut off” in favor of the kitchen or, conversely, increased through the use of living space.
  • New housing redevelopment must have access to all types of communications.
  • Changing the location of the gas boiler and risers is strictly prohibited. This also applies to ventilation in the kitchen; maintaining its integrity is imperative.
  • All heating system structures are not moved outside the living area, so they are not installed on balconies and loggias.
  • It is not allowed to carry out redevelopment if the one-room apartment is in disrepair. This is explained by the fact that even with the slightest incorrect changes in the design, the stability of the structures may be impaired.

Before you start changing appearance housing, you need to carefully think through all the planning stages, exclude from them items prohibited by law, otherwise the owners of the “new” housing will have to pay a lot of fines and return the apartment to its original appearance. As a rule, the following points are allowed to be included in a redevelopment project:

  • Combining a loggia with a room, but provided that non-residential premises pre-glazed and insulated.
  • Design of a doorway in load-bearing structures.
  • Installation of a plasterboard partition.
  • Relocate gas pipes and metering devices if permission to do so is received from Gorgaz.
  • Rearrange plumbing fixtures within the bathroom.
  • Replace the floor covering.

When changing the layout of a one-room apartment, one should also not forget about the design, since simply rearranging the walls and adding a doorway will not be enough. To install partitions, it is recommended to use plasterboard; it is inexpensive, quickly attached and dismantled. In addition, this construction material It is characterized by fire resistance, and after working with it there is little debris left behind. You can also lay the walls out of brick; unlike plasterboard, they have better sound insulation and can support large shelves and hangers.

It is recommended to further emphasize the boundaries of all zones in the room with different colors in the flooring, ceiling and textured wall decoration. This difference in levels will allow you to clearly delineate the kitchen and study from the living space.

How to develop and legitimize a project?

Any redevelopment of housing begins with the creation of a project that fully complies with all technical and regulatory requirements, and also passes inspection and becomes legalized. This documentation specifies all changes that will be made to the original layout of the apartment. As a rule, with the design of housing, a technical report on the possibility of carrying out construction work is simultaneously prepared.

Traditionally, a project is developed over several days and its main components are:

  • Cover and title page. They reflect the number and date of production of the document, as well as the name of the company performing the work. In addition, the signatures of all employees responsible for the reconstruction of the apartment are affixed.
  • General information page. It includes a list of all documents and drawings, as well as BTI plans, building characteristics, and various photographic materials.
  • A note with explanations, which indicates the list of necessary work, as well as precautions.
  • Old plan of a one-room apartment. In it you can see the area of ​​the rooms, the location of communication systems and plumbing fixtures. A mandatory indicator in a plan is the presence of axes.
  • Dismantling plan with new layout. This is the so-called “interim” document, which indicates housing schemes before and after the changes. All objects that are subject to demolition are highlighted in red in the drawings. This also applies to moved partitions, kitchen stoves, and doorways. Anything that is planned to be installed in a new way is marked in green.

  • The final plan. It provides information about how the apartment will look after redevelopment. This document must indicate the location geysers, boilers, electric and gas stoves, as well as the thickness of the walls and the material from which the new partitions are made.
  • Flooring plan. Soundproofing must be carried out in living rooms, and waterproofing in bathrooms and toilets. This plan is necessarily accompanied by an act of hidden work.
  • Waterproofing schemes. They are especially important when expanding or moving the area of ​​toilets and bathrooms.
  • Drawings of sewerage and water supply. They consist of plans for the layout of cold and hot water supply pipes, as well as the location of all engineering equipment.
  • Scheme of load-bearing structures.
  • Plan of the location of a house in the city.
  • Architectural supervision and permission to redevelopment.
  • Contract agreement and photomontage.

All documentation for the new layout of a one-room apartment can be ordered from a specialized company that has all the certificates and authority for this. The company's professional employees will perform accurate calculations and draw up the necessary diagrams and plans. After the redevelopment in the form of text and graphic explanations has been prepared, the project needs to be legalized. To do this, the relevant authorities check the ventilation, heating, sewerage and heating systems, and also make a conclusion about the possibility of carrying out the work.

Depending on what the reconstruction will include, additional documents may be needed, for example, when demolishing a window sill in an apartment and installing new double-glazed windows, the authorized bodies will require lighting calculations, and when installing partitions, thermal engineering calculations will be required.

Making a two-room apartment

Every owner of a one-room apartment wants to improve their living conditions, especially if teenagers and children live in the house. Today, there are various options for making multifunctional zones out of a small “one-room apartment”. For example, it can be redeveloped into a two-room apartment. To make two rooms, just use partitions made of glass blocks, bricks, or make zoning using furniture.

Traditionally, one-room apartments are irregular or rectangular in shape, making it difficult to divide them proportionally. If you divide the room lengthwise, you may end up with two narrow rooms in which there will be little space, and the arrangement of furniture will be problematic. As a rule, you can make a bedroom and a living room from one room; this is the most popular planning method. This modification can be done correctly as follows:

  • Install a plasterboard partition. As a result, one of the rooms will turn out to be dull without natural light. It is suitable for decorating a bedroom, and the lack of sunlight can be compensated for by artificial lighting sources. The best option would be to place spotlights, floor lamps and sconces here.

  • Delimit the space with glass blocks. This will not only allow you to have two functional areas in the apartment, but will also preserve natural light. In addition, the material is considered durable, so when remodeling a home, designers recommend using it as partitions.

  • Perform zoning with furniture. This type of layout is considered decorative, since it will not be possible to achieve the full effect of sound and heat insulation in two rooms.

If in a one-room apartment the ceiling height exceeds 2.5 meters, then interesting solution will make a second floor, which is well suited for arranging a nursery. In this case, it is recommended to construct the staircase from steps-pedestals; books, toys and other items will be rationally placed in them.

Visual zoning, designed by using different types of wallpaper and curtains, also looks good in such housing. The two parts of the room will be separated by a color scheme, most often this interesting idea is chosen for families with children of different sexes. That is First, a separate room is created, and then a designer redevelopment is carried out inside it.

We are creating a three-room apartment

A small one-room apartment can also be converted into housing consisting of three functional zones. For new redevelopment, as a rule, the demolition of the kitchen wall is used. Thanks to this, the room will become square in shape and will open up enormous design possibilities. In this case, you can also use the corner option for placing rooms.

First, you need to carefully consider all the nuances of the arrangement, draw up a detailed plan and carry out repairs.

A one-room “three-ruble note” will consist of a living room, a bedroom and a nursery. In this case, the central room in the apartment will be the living room; it will connect all the rooms, including the kitchen. To give the space lightness, it is not recommended to include doors in the project. It is best to make partition walls not the entire height of the room, but raise them only by 1.4 meters. You need to install a shower in the bathroom, and place a transforming table in the kitchen.

It is best to divide the room with plasterboard partitions. To save living space good option There will be a combination of the kitchen and the living room. The bedroom, of course, will be small, but it can be decorated comfortably, and it will serve as a great place to sleep.

It is good to place additional space for a workplace and a relaxation area on the balcony.

Turning it into a studio

Recently, studio apartments have become very popular; they represent a modern type of housing in which partitions between rooms are made using racks, shelving and light screens. A low plasterboard wall will not only divide the room in an original way, but also make it cozy. At the same time, it is good to separate the living room area and the cooking area with a decorative arch. Such redevelopment should also consist of zoning with flooring: in the kitchen you can lay ceramic tiles, and in the living room there is laminate or parquet.

Thus, installing a partition in a one-room apartment, you will get a stylish studio consisting of a guest room, kitchen and bedroom. All rooms will look like squares. The living room space is best placed near the window and filled with such basic items as a closet, table, sofa, armchair and TV.

All possible options must meet the basic requirements:

Knowledge of such rules will eliminate serious miscalculations leading to undesirable consequences.

Any redevelopment option must be officially formalized, otherwise the actions will be classified as unauthorized redevelopment and will entail administrative measures.


The work should be divided into two stages:

  1. Preparation of documents and work permits.
  2. Direct work to change the configuration of the apartment.

The first stage is the most difficult and time-consuming. You will have to go through a lot of authorities and get a lot of permits:

Some items may not be feasible, which forces you to act at your own peril and risk in order to subsequently formalize the changes de facto. In this case, in any case, a fine will be imposed on the owner of the apartment, and the final decision on the fate of the actions taken will be made by the court.

Options for changes

Redevelopment of a 1-room apartment is always a desire to get an additional separate room. Usually to accommodate a child, a study, separating a guest area and a relaxation area.

The peculiarity of the layout of 1-room apartments is that the second room can only be formed by dividing the first into two parts. At the same time, depending on the initial configuration, the area of ​​the corridor can be used; to some extent, the space of the room increases the integration of the kitchen with the room.

Attention! Combining a kitchen with a room is possible with electric stoves. If there is a gas stove, the kitchen space should be separated from the room by a door leaf.

It should be understood that no redevelopment will increase the original area of ​​the apartment; it only contributes to a more rational use of the available space.

When planning work, it is necessary to accurately imagine the size of the rooms formed as a result of the changes made, so that the result does not bring disappointment. The redevelopment option accepted for execution depends entirely on the original plan of the apartment, determined by the series of the house. For one-room apartments, the differences are small, but there are few ways to solve the issue. Depending on the purpose - expanding the living area or creating an additional room - certain actions are performed. All available redevelopment methods are used:

  1. Combining a room with a loggia.
  2. Combining a room with a kitchen.
  3. Reducing the size of the hallway.
  4. Demolition of the partition and enlargement of the room due to the corridor.
  5. Dividing the room into two parts.


All options can be performed separately or combined with each other, depending on the capabilities of the apartment owner or the design features of the house, the composition of communications, etc.

Studio style

An example for a new approach to configuration would be the formation of a studio-style apartment.

The kitchen and the room have been combined, the bathroom has been slightly expanded, and the size of the hallway has been reduced. The result is a room that feels more spacious and feels more voluminous. This option is not suitable for gasified apartments, only with electric stoves.

Combining a room with a loggia makes it possible to get about 4 sq.m. additional space. In some cases, this option turns out to be optimal, making it possible to expand the apartment without major interventions.

You should remember that it is prohibited to transfer heating devices powered from the central heating network to the loggia. The solution to the problem may be the installation of an electric convector or an electric (film) heated floor.

Room division

Dividing one room makes it possible to get two small ones, but one of them will not have windows. This configuration will require local ventilation, otherwise the project will not be approved.

If you divide the room longitudinally, the resulting narrow halves will not make it possible to place furniture. A compromise option is to demolish all partitions (except for the walls of the bathroom and toilet), and construct a plasterboard partition in the middle of the resulting studio.

The resulting option has a larger area of ​​rooms compared to the usual division, sufficient ventilation and illumination. The disadvantage of this method is the absence of a separate hallway, but this issue can be resolved by installing a light screen, curtain, etc.

Another option would be a vertical division to form a second floor, but this is only possible with high ceiling heights, which is too rare.

40 sq.m., what to do with them?

One-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq.m. in plan it is divided in half along the longitudinal axis. This means that the width of the room and the kitchen are the same. The size of the kitchen is quite large; compared to ordinary ones, it is almost doubled.

For redevelopment of an apartment of 40 sq. m. in a two-room apartment, the best option would be to create a kitchen-living room (as in studio apartments) and one separate room.

In fact, the kitchen is being converted into a guest area (with minimal intervention). The diagram shows an option for dividing into two parts, in which one is practically unchanged (the length is slightly reduced), the kitchen is turned into a guest area while maintaining its functions, in addition, a fairly spacious hallway is created. This is a completely acceptable option, given the low level of intervention in the structure of the partitions.

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment can provide the opportunity to create a more spacious room, increase the volume of the living area or provide another room for important needs. With a small area, a one-room apartment has good potential for optimizing living space, making it possible to solve the problem in a stylish and convenient way.

At the same time, you should take into account the existing restrictions and requirements for redevelopment, formalize all the work so that you do not have to subsequently redo everything back or face prosecution.

Useful video

The attached video presents several options for remodeling a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, and also talks about some of the features of this procedure. - Portal about bathroom design and renovation