Sew a bedspread for a double bed ideas. DIY quilted bedspread. Attaching a frill to a bedspread

The bedroom is the place where comfort, style, elegance and a relaxed atmosphere should intersect. One of the most important elements that unites these concepts is the bedspread. Properly selected material will pleasantly fit into the overall design of the room and complement it.

We have presented several ideas and options for your attention, and a photo of a hand-sewn bedspread will show what will come of it.

A homemade product is a good alternative to expensive designer products from world designers.

What kind of fabric is needed?

When choosing a material for a bedspread on a sofa or bed, consider the most important rule - it must be combined with curtains or walls.

In addition, there must be a single focus of both elements. It can be thick fabric or light silk, which has its own shine.

The two parts of the interior may not match the patterns, but it is important to maintain the overall texture - a light blanket and similar curtains.

We present the main criteria for choosing a base:

Fur material can be natural or artificial. It will add style to your room, but it will not suit every design idea.

For woolen fabric, natural sheep warp is used. Such blankets are more versatile, as they can be light or dense.

Silk fits perfectly into classic-style rooms. The main feature is a matte shine and unique texture.

Natural cotton material is suitable for a children's room. In addition, we recommend taking a closer look at fleece fabrics.

One of the newfangled ideas is bamboo fabric. The finished bedspread is environmentally friendly and easy to use.

A DIY velvet bedspread will give your room an atmosphere of celebration and nobility. Additionally, a printed pattern is used.

If you don’t want to put up with the capriciousness of the material, velvety velor will be an excellent replacement.


To select the correct size, measure the dimensions of the bed. After this, you should decide what your bedspread should look like.

Products hanging to the floor look very good. To make it beautiful and organic, add the required number of centimeters to each side.

Selection of colors

As previously mentioned, the bedspread should be combined with curtains, furniture or walls.

For example, in a classic interior, it is important that the curtain and bedspread match in color. A less strict focus can be diluted with a pattern or pattern to match the color of the decor.

A knitted blanket, which has several shades of the same range, will fit perfectly into a child's room. For example, a turquoise interior can be perfectly complemented with blue or light blue material.

Modern design ideas require a bright accent in the bedroom - a neutral, pastel decorative element can play its role. Also, a bedspread in this color goes well with a chandelier, carpets and other details.

How to stitch correctly?

Now any needlewoman will be able to choose the material that most accurately meets all needs. It can be beautiful and light silk, or heavy wool.

Some people prefer patchwork bedspreads made in a modern patchwork style.

This option is especially preferable among those who often sew. The remaining scraps of fabric will be used to produce a unique fabric.

In this matter, the main thing is the use of neat stitches and a harmonious selection of pieces. The reverse side can be made whole, which will be noticeably simpler and more convenient.

Quilted product

If you like this kind of fabric and want to make it yourself, it's not that difficult.

To create a quilted bedspread with your own hands, prepare three layers of fabric - the top and bottom should match each other. The central one is padding polyester or batting.

The middle part is cut, then the remaining elements are combined. These layers are swept away, and then the bedspread is quilted with a special foot. Then, the product is turned inside out, and the extreme sides are edged with tape.

Thus, you will receive a unique product that is made according to your fantasies. You are unlikely to find a blanket like this anywhere else.

Photo of do-it-yourself bedspreads

The bedroom is the best place in the house. This is where you can relax and unwind from the hardships of the past day. It is not surprising that the housewives furnish and decorate this room with special care. To make your bedroom look more cozy and romantic, sew a cute bedspread with cute bows for your bed.

To sew a finished bedspread measuring 240*205 cm you will need:
main fabric – length 170 cm and width 280 cm;
fabric for ruffles – length 100 cm and width 280 cm;
quilted lining fabric – length 445 cm and width 150 cm;
padding polyester – length 445 cm and width 150 cm;
sewing threads to match the main and finishing fabrics - 1 spool each;
tape measure, long metal ruler, measuring tape;
tailor's pins with heads;
fabric chalk.

To sew a bedspread, it is convenient to use curtain fabrics, for example, satin or jacquard, since they are wider and denser than usual. Cut a rectangle measuring 168*222 cm from the main fabric. Cut the fabric for the frills into 4 pieces, each 25 cm wide. For bows, 16 squares measuring 12.5*12.5 cm. Cut out 2 rectangles from quilted lining fabric: 150*222 and 150*74 cm. Also cut out the padding polyester.

Sewing technology
1. Apply stitch lines to the blanket. To do this, make small notches on all 4 sides of the top part every 27.5 cm, retreating 1 cm from the edge of the part. There should be 8 notches on the long side, 6 notches on the short side. Connect them diagonally to each other, drawing clear lines with chalk. As a result, you will get a pattern in the form of diamonds with a side of about 21 cm. Place the top piece on the padding polyester, fasten both panels with pins so that they do not move relative to each other and quilt the top of the bedspread.

2. Sew the frill. To do this, stitch the parts together and iron the seams.

3. Then turn up the seam allowances and topstitch.

4. Fold the edge of the frill 0.5 cm and then 3 cm. Pin the seam.

5. Sew along the bottom edge and side edge of the frill.

6. Carefully fold the corners of the frill with an envelope and lay a fastening stitch.

7. Sew a wide stitch along the other edge of the frill at a distance of 0.75 cm from the edge. Then gather the frill to a length of approximately 605 cm.

8. Place the frill over the coverlet and secure with pins.

9. Round the corners of the bedspread a little.

10. Place a fastening stitch 1 cm from the edges, removing the pins at the same time.

11. Fold the top of the bedspread with the lining, at the same time moving the frill inside. Place a fastening stitch 1.2 cm from the edge. Leave a hole 25-30 cm long in the stitching. Then turn the product right side out through it, straighten the seams and frill. Sew the gap in the stitching using blind stitches.

12. Sew finishing bows. First, fold the parts in half lengthwise, sew a stitch, leaving a 3-4 cm long gap in it. Then iron the seam, fold the part so that it is in the middle, stitch the side sections, cut off the corners.

13. Turn the bow right side out through the hole in the stitching, straighten the corners, and iron.

14. Make a constriction for the bow. Sew the edges along the long side, turn them right side out using a pin, and iron the piece. Sew the finished bows onto the blanket, placing them at the tops of the diamonds.

A cute new bedspread is ready. It will definitely decorate your bedroom and give it a cheerful and romantic look.

It is not difficult to sew a bedspread with your own hands if it is in the form of a cover for a sofa or bed made of tapestry fabric. It is much more difficult to sew a quilted bedspread with padding made of padding polyester, and even with frills at the bottom of the bed.

In order for the bedspread to become the main decoration of the bedroom, we advise you to take your time and first understand the technology of sewing quilted products. This especially applies to those starting to learn to sew, since tailoring requires not only certain knowledge, but also experience.
It is quite difficult to make a quilted pattern so that it is perfectly even without tightening, gathering or seating the fabric at the intersection of the seams.

If you have never sewn a bedspread, try sewing a small patchwork baby blanket and quilting it first. The main thing is to learn how to quilt diamonds or stripes evenly, without seating the top fabric. After this, you will cope with a more difficult task and will certainly be able to sew a beautiful bedspread for a bed or sofa with your own hands.

Calculate the size of the bedspread according to the measurements of the bed

First, of course, you need to take the correct measurements from the bed or sofa. You need to measure the width, length and height; the bedspread will probably have a long frill. A pleated frill gives the bedspread a finished look and sometimes it becomes the main decorative element of a bed or sofa.

The first three measurements are not difficult to take, the main thing is not to make them too precise; adding 1 - 1.5 cm will not hurt. It is a little more difficult to take into account the angle of the mattress when cutting the fabric, because modern beds, as a rule, have mattresses with rounded corners. But this is also quite easy to do, you just need to trace the corner of the bed on paper and then cut it out with scissors.

Now you have all the dimensions to calculate how much is needed for the bedspread and fabric frills, padding polyester and lining. However, don't rush to count. Let's first understand the technology of sewing a bedspread, and then you will find out that for frills you can significantly reduce the fabric consumption.

The only thing that can be said in advance is that if you sew a bedspread for a bed with a frill, calculate its height so that it does not “lie” on the floor. Even if it’s a few centimeters, there must be clearance to the floor, otherwise the edges will become dirty, and besides, visually the clearance between the bedspread and the floor makes the bed higher.

The dimensions of the bedspread may decrease after quilting.

The main difficulty in sewing a bedspread is that the sewing lines can reach 2 meters or more. And it’s rare that a sewing machine will not “seat” the top fabric with such a length of continuous stitching. As a result, if you stitch in the form of squares or diamonds, you will have “sags” of the upper fabric at the intersection of the seams. And the finished size of the bedspread itself may decrease because of this.

In addition, you need to stitch once; unraveling the wrong seams is undesirable. Many fabrics, especially satin and silk, leave marks from needle punctures. This is precisely why I do not advise you to immediately sew a bedspread from expensive satin fabric, but to try to make a “simpler” bedspread first.

When sewing stitches on a household sewing machine the top fabric will still “sag” no matter how hard you pull it or try. Your “efforts” will help the sewing machine, but you don’t need to pull the fabric, but stretch it with both hands in both directions, so that the needle is always between your hands, this is how curtain tape is adjusted. Under no circumstances should you pull the fabric in one direction, otherwise the needle may break.
Please note that the result will be worse the smaller the diamonds are, so it is better to immediately abandon the small pattern. Large checkered or diamond shapes also look good on a bedspread, and there will be less “torment”.

Do not cut the fabric exactly to the size of the bed, leaving only seam allowances. Add another 3-5cm in width and length. If they turn out to be superfluous, they can be cut off, but they are unlikely to be superfluous, since the stitching will still shrink the seam, and at the same time the fabric. The same applies to padding polyester and lining.
Marking the required size (P2) of the bedspread can be done already assembled and quilted. And to be on the safe side, before cutting off the excess, follow this line with a fastening stitch on your sewing machine and measure the blanket again.

Which quilted pattern to choose and how to make it

It is very important to make an accurate calculation of the location of the pattern figures on the bedspread. They should be evenly located over the entire surface of the bedspread, without moving to any side.
You may have to reduce or increase their sizes, but the shapes should start and end strictly from the edge.

It is better to first perform such a calculation on a sheet of paper in a reduced form, for example, on an unfolded piece of paper from a notebook in a box, and then make a life-size model of a rhombus or square and check how it will work out according to back side fabric, having previously outlined the dimensions of the future bedspread with chalk.

However, this is not the most difficult thing. The most difficult part to mark is the stitch on the right side of the fabric. You can’t mark with chalk or a pencil either, there is only one way left - manually using contrasting threads to stitch the lines along which the stitching will be done on a machine.

The most “advanced” way to apply markings to a bedspread is to buy special paper that sticks to the fabric and, when wet, can be easily removed without leaving any traces of glue. You can use various types of washable markers, but sweeping is still much “cleaner” and more reliable. Moreover, with the help of a basting you will prevent the top fabric of the bedspread from shrinking as much as possible, and at the same time fix the padding polyester and lining with the top.

It is best to stitch the quilted pattern along the wrong side of the bedspread, that is, along the lining. Then the entire fit will go to the lining, and the front side will be smooth without sags of fabric at the intersection of the stitching. But to make a bedspread stitch in this way you need a good eye and experience, so I don’t recommend this method. By the way, when making stitches, you need to try to tighten, or even more precisely, stretch all the layers of the bedspread, but not so much that the needles on the machine break.
Don't make the checkered pattern or diamonds too small. The larger they are, the easier it will be to sew the bedspread neatly and evenly, and most importantly, it will be easier to cope with the fit of the fabric at the joints.

If the bedspread does not have a gather or frill, then the easiest way to process the cut edge is shown in this photo.

How to make a frill for a bedspread or bed

If you have finally finished quilting the bedspread, the shapes of the patterns and long lines are perfectly even, there are no sags at the joints and the dimensions of the bedspread are almost the same as they were at the beginning, then consider yourself a pro and sewing a frill along the edges of the bedspread is no longer a problem for you.

The frill for the bedspread can also be sewn separately, in the form of a bed skirt. But more often the frill is sewn to the bedspread and is its permanent part, which is largely justified. The non-removable frill makes it easier to process the edges of the bedspread. In addition, even, neat folds of the frill can hide stitch imperfections if your diamonds are far from geometric symmetry.

There is hardly any point in buying an additional piece of fabric 5 meters long for a frill. It can be assembled by building up the pieces left over from cutting the bedspread. The main task is to ensure that the strips being sewn are cut in one direction. Otherwise, each section of the frill of the bedspread will have its own shade and such a trifle can ruin the entire appearance of the bedspread.
And yet, the connecting seams of the frill strips should be “hidden” inside the fold, then they will not be visible.

The fold for the frill of the bedspread must be made wide; you should not skimp on this. A width of 10 cm is quite suitable, but you can experiment by making the folds narrower or wider, changing the pitch between the folds, the direction of the folds (counter), etc.
How to sew a frill? There are a lot of ways, including sewing a frill with a double stitch, as shown in this photo.

Pillows on the sofa, baby blanket

From the leftover fabric from cutting the bedspread, you can simultaneously sew decorative pillows for a sofa or bed, or a children's blanket.
Those who sew a lot probably accumulate a lot of leftover pieces of fabric of different colors. From a variety of colored pieces you can sew a bedspread or a blanket. The shape of the flaps can be very diverse; it is not necessary to cut out exact geometric shapes. If you don't have enough leftover fabric, you can make a patchwork quilt.

It is not necessary to quilt a children's blanket; it is much more important to make it cheerful and colorful. The fabric can be “diluted” with another fabric, with a pattern of your favorite cartoon characters or animals, in bright and warm colors. Such a blanket will add warmth and energy to the children's room, bringing a certain mood and positive emotions into the nursery.

No matter how much you like the practicality of dark shades, do not buy black, purple or gray bedding for children and do not use these colors when decorating a child’s bedroom, including bedspreads. Such colors have a depressing effect on the children's nervous system.

A bed has already been purchased that fits perfectly into the bedroom design, an appropriate mattress has been selected, and bed linen has been purchased.

Photo 1 - The bright, cheerful colors of the bedspread will suit not only lovers of African themes, but will also be relevant in a children's room

To make this list complete, all that is missing is to include a bedspread. The need for this simultaneously practical and decorative item is not discussed, but all sorts of its variations are.

Photo 2 - Fashion trend in your bedroom - black and white combined bedspread

Fortunately, the choice is more than wide: you can purchase factory-made bedspreads or make them yourself.

Photo 3 – Faux lamb fur bedspread from Tango (China)

Photo 4 - A very stylish bedspread in an original design will decorate an interior in the Art Deco style

Factory bedspreads

Ready-made bedspreads sold in various stores differ in manufacturer, material, size and configuration, design and prices.

Photo 5 - Bedspread in Provence style - simple and elegant

Photo 6 - Simple, almost ascetic, Japanese style in the interior requires the same restraint in textiles

Bedspreads: Türkiye, Spain, Italy or...China

It is probably easier to list countries that do not have textile production than those that do. However, there are several countries that are especially famous for their bed linen and bedspreads: Turkey, Spain, Italy and China.

Photo 7 — Cornflower blue faux fur bedspread, manufacturer Tango (China)

Photo 8 – Luxurious bedspread KENTIA GRIS Antilo (Spain)

There is not the most flattering stereotype about Chinese goods, which, however, does not prevent the majority of consumers, whether knowing or not, from purchasing made in China goods.

Photo 9 - Faux fur bedspread from the manufacturer Cleo (China)

However, Chinese manufacturers also export goods of very decent quality. One of the popular brands from China that produces bedspreads is “Tango”.

Photo 10 — Patchwork Tango bedspread (China)

The company's products are distinguished by bright colors and relatively low prices; there is a certain variety of materials.

Photo 11 - Children's quilted blanket made of satin Toy Story Tango (China)

If you need, say, an inexpensive faux fur bedspread, you can safely “dive” into the company’s product catalog.

Photo 12 - Cotton and satin bedspread BIBBIA ARYA (Türkiye)

Photo 13 - Chic bedspread for a chic interior made of black silk VALERON TAC (Turkey)

Turkish textiles are famous for their excellent price-quality ratio, and Arya brand bedspreads are no exception. ».

Photo 14 – Very delicate microfiber bedspread JIMENA TM ARYA (Türkiye)

In the offered assortment you can find many models made from natural, artificial and mixed fabrics. We are especially pleased with the large selection of cotton and satin bedspreads. If you need an inexpensive but high-quality natural bedspread, you should consider options from Arya.

Photo 15 – Bright, recognizable children's blanket Mink Sponge Bob Arya (Turkey)

If the priority selection criteria are European design and high quality, you can pay attention to the Spanish brand Antilo. Its products, which, by the way, can be purchased, including at the Arliston store, are not cheap, but are distinguished by their own style and serious quality control. However, it is worth noting that many bedspread models are made from mixed fabrics.

Photo 16 — Satin bedspread Sal Prima Casa (Turkey) with a bright magic print

Photo 17 — Bedspread made of taffeta with organza ALEV (Türkiye)

Italy – just the word sounds expensive. The cost of one product from the Italian brand Blumarin is sometimes comparable to the cost of dozens of bedspreads from the manufacturers described above.

Photo 18 - Light, delicate and airy bedspread Blumarine Perla (Italy)

This is an exclusive textile that implies a completely different level of quality of materials and design.

Photo 19 – Quilted bedspread Charlene from Blumarine (Italy)

Naturally, these are just some examples of manufacturers and their products - the market has a much greater variety of them.

Photo 20 - Bedspread made of artificial silk and polyester ALTAYA Antilo (Spain)

Photo 21 – Youth bedspread Sena Antilo (Spain)

Bedspread material

As mentioned a little above, bedspreads can be made from natural, artificial or mixed fabrics. The most common types are as follows:

  • from natural: cotton, satin;

    Photo 22 - Bedspread made of natural linen

    Photo 23 – Cotton bedspread Mora Lujan with a patchwork effect

  • from artificial ones: polyester (including microfiber).

    Photo 24 - Microfiber bedspreads are resistant to various stains and durable

The most commonly used combination of cotton and synthetics is cotton plus polyester.

Photo 25 - Very cute bedspread with a delicate monochrome image

In addition, types of fabrics are often used, for the production of which both natural and synthetic raw materials can be used. These are jacquard, faux fur, velor, silk, satin.

Photo 26 - A voluminous and bright bedspread will visually reduce your room

Photo 27 - Bedspread for the bedroom

Sizes and configuration of bedspreads

The bedspreads are sold individually or as a set with one or two pillowcases.

Photo 28 - A very stylish bedspread (Amalia) will become a highlight of your interior, especially when combined with the same pillows

Photo 29 – Euro bedding set

Sizes depend on the country, manufacturer and existing bed standards. For a double bed, the largest sizes of bedspreads from Italian manufacturers are 270x270 cm, from Spanish - 250x270 cm, from Turkish and Chinese - 250x260 cm. On the smaller side there are many variations in sizes, including intermediate ones between one-and-a-half, single and double, on the larger side side there may also be deviations.

Photo 30 - Italian Kayla mixed fabric bedspread from Blumarine

Bedspread design

Photo 31 — Jacquard bedspread Versus Lila from the Spanish brand Antilo in an Art Deco interior

Photo 32 – Unusual fluffy blanket MORA YAK

Factory bedspreads can be single-layer or quilted. In the first case, fleecy or embossed materials are used, such as faux fur, jacquard, tapestry and other fabrics.

Photo 33 - A jacquard bedspread with numerous ruffles will decorate the interior of an eccentric person

Photo 34 — Exquisite white jacquard bedspread trimmed along the edge with a lace border produced by Retrouyt TM

Photo 35 - The Tango jacquard bedspread in a cute romantic color will perfectly complement the interior in the Provence style

A quilted bedspread can consist of several layers and have a thin filling. Satin and silk fabrics look most advantageous in this design, but cotton, polyester and the same jacquard, as well as any fabrics except fabrics with a velor texture, are perfect for this type of bedspread. Both the first and second ones can be regular or with elastic, with ruffles, with frills, with embroidery, fabric flowers and even inlaid with rhinestones.

Bedspreads made using the patchwork technique can be distinguished as a special subtype of quilted bedspreads. Due to the growing popularity of country styles and their corresponding paraphernalia, this technique is partially moving from the handmade category to streaming production.

Photo 36 – Gold jacquard bamboo bedspread with a wide border around the edge

DIY bedspread

Be that as it may, handmade work is always valued more than factory work, especially if it is OWN handmade. Making a bedspread with your own hands is not only economically profitable: it is also an opportunity to realize your original ideas, bring a piece of yourself, your work and warmth into the interior, and feel healthy pride about this.

You can try to sew any of the above options for commercially available products.

There are two main sewing options: a solid bedspread, the edges of which flow down, or a mattress-sized bedspread with a sewn-on frill. The simplest would be to sew a single-layer bedspread, for which thick tapestry or jacquard fabric is sufficient. But how to sew a quilted bedspread is a more complex question.

Photo 37 - Bright, often quilted patchwork bedspread

Quilted bedspread - sewing nuances

For a quilted bedspread you will need three types of fabrics: a beautiful top layer, a bottom lining layer and a thin middle layer - batting or padding polyester.

Photo 38 — Quilted bedspread ECOBELLA ALDA coral color

Photo 39 - Quilted bedspread with imitation patchwork technique

The proverb “measure twice, cut once” is very relevant in the case of making a bedspread yourself: you need to take into account a lot of important nuances.

  • The measurements that need to be taken are the length and width of the mattress, as well as the height of the bed. But you shouldn’t strictly adhere to them: initially, you can start from the sizes with an increase of a few centimeters. In addition, it is worth adding another five centimeters on each side, because the size of the bedspread will become smaller after stitching. And, of course, don’t forget about plus one and a half centimeters of seam allowance on each edge of the fabric.

    Photo 40 - Very soft quilted bedspread for a light romantic interior

  • If a frill is intended (which is very good, because it will hide all the uneven edges of the bedspread), you need to calculate the fabric taking into account the shape of the corners of the mattress, the size of the folds and allowances, but in such a way that the edges of the finished product do not spread along the floor. The frill does not have to be one-piece: leftover fabric can be used for it; it is only important to carefully hide the places where the pieces join in the depths of the folds.

    Photo 41 — A quilted double-sided bedspread for a KARIT IKEA bed would be appropriate in a bachelor’s discreet interior

  • To get beautiful quilted patterns, you need to calculate the geometry on paper, plan the size and location of rhombuses or squares between the lines, and it’s better not to make them smaller (to make it easier to sew). You can make markings on the wrong side of the lining fabric using chalk and a cardboard figure of the required size. If everything looks symmetrical and neat, you can put three layers together and start basting.

    Photo 42 - Quilted satin bedspread with 3D effect

  • To prevent the fabric from “drawing,” you need to sew along the mark and straighten the fabric on both sides of it. It is advisable to take your time, do it thoroughly and the first time: if you have to unravel the stitches, marks may remain on the fabrics, especially delicate ones.

Photo 43 - Fragment of a hand-quilted patchwork bedspread (master - Tatyana Bogachuk)

Photo 44 – The Chamomile quilted patchwork bedspread will bring comfort and good mood to your home

Patchwork and color combination

Photo 45 – Hummingbird patchwork blanket self made JuliQuilt (Julia) Crafts Fair

For a bedspread using the patchwork technique you will also need a top one, bottom layer and filler. However, in this case, the top, and maybe the bottom, of the bedspread is made from separate colorful flaps. Cotton fabrics are most suitable for such products, however, you can combine fabrics of different compositions and textures, but this must be done skillfully.

Photo 46 – Handmade patchwork blanket using the Patchwork technique Van Gogh’s Palette JuliQuilt (Julia) Crafts Fair

The most important thing in sewing patchwork bedspreads is the combination of colors and shapes. Mostly squares, diamonds or triangles of one or more sizes are used. At the same time, do not forget about symmetry. Contrast and randomness in colors and patterns is possible (and even to some extent encouraged), but, like any eclecticism, it must still obey a certain system: you should not sew a bedspread from everything that is left in the house.

In addition, you should take into account the style of decoration of the bedroom: for example, for a room in the Provence style, a bedspread made of patches in pastel colors with discreet old-fashioned patterns is suitable. Depending on the situation, shades of white, peach, sand, lavender, “worn” red, blue and green will be appropriate.

Photo 47 – Patchwork in Provence style (floral patterns, muted colors)

Mostly patchwork bedspreads are variegated, multi-colored, and contrasting. But, if you have an idea to make the bedspread a little colored, and choose several colors, then:

  • you can select rags of different shades of the same color: for example, a green blanket can be made up of rags of mint, spring grass, salad or other shades;
  • milky, ivory and other shades of white go well with all colors;
  • the most “sleepy” range is lilac; combinations of lilac or lilac and turquoise look impressive, a warm lilac bedspread with brown or gold accents, a calm combination of lilac and gray.

An alternative to a bedspread using the patchwork technique is a crocheted bedspread made from motifs.

Photo 49 - Crocheted baby blanket for newborns.

Schemes and master classes on this subject are provided in abundance in thematic magazines and blogs.

Photo 50 – Bedspread made of multi-colored motifs, the work of Evgenia Balakhina

Photo 55 – Colorful bedspread in Ethno style from a Turkish manufacturer

Children's bedspreads can also be purchased or made independently. Bed covers for newborns should be soft, preferably natural and delicate colors. It is not necessary to adhere to the stereotype that blue bedding is for a boy and pink for a girl. However, these colors are very good. Another wish for bedspreads for babies is versatility: it would be very useful if the bedspread doubles as a blanket.

Photo 58 - Attractive blanket for newborns complete with other bedding

For older children, the catalogs of bedroom textiles contain many colorful bedspreads, decorated with various cartoon scenes and favorite children's characters. Children's bedspreads are often decorated with bright appliqués. Choosing a bedspread for a teenager should be based on his taste; there are many youth options among the types and brands of bedspreads described above.

Photo 60 – Baby blanket My soft bed from Collorista

The bedroom is not just a place for a night's rest, but also a cozy, stylish, elegant “nest” for privacy. And such a decorative item as a beautiful bedspread gives the room even more attractiveness. With the right choice of color and fabric texture, this piece of furniture will be a great addition to your bedroom design. There are a great many options; you can, of course, purchase a decorative piece of furniture in a store, but a hand-sewn bedspread will create a warmer and more comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom. Today we will look at several variations of bedspreads and help you choose the most suitable decor item for your bedroom interior.

What to make a bedspread from?

The main criteria for choosing a material should be compatibility with curtains and the main color of the bedroom interior. The combination of the curtain pattern with the bedspread pattern is not mandatory, but the texture of these fabrics must match. For example, a light silk or openwork bedspread does not look entirely harmonious with heavy and thick curtains. In addition, the fabric for the bedspread should match the style of the setting. You can opt for a thick fabric with an interesting texture, or you can give preference to a light silk bedspread with glitter.

The most popular materials for bedspreads:

  • Silk. Silk bedspreads look great in a classic interior. The fabric is distinguished by its shine and beauty.
  • Wool. Woolen products have different textures and weaves, so wool bedspreads can be thin and dense. They are not subject to wear, retain heat well, but easily absorb moisture. Products are made from sheep and camel wool.
  • Cotton or satin. Natural material is perfect for a summer version of the product. The fabric retains its bright colors and shine for a long time.
  • Fleece. The material is perfect for covering a child's bed.
  • Linen. Linen products smooth out all the unevenness on the bed, but they have one drawback - they are difficult to iron perfectly.
  • Velvet. A velvet product looks noble and festive. The fabric can be either with or without a printed pattern.
  • Velours. Soft, velvety velor fabric looks beautiful, is easy to wash and dries quickly, unlike capricious velvet.
  • Bamboo fabric. Eco-friendly fabric made from thin bamboo fibers is very elastic and does not require special care.
  • Jacquard. The fabric has a dense weave, which gives the bedspread sufficient rigidity. The jacquard product will perfectly complement the interior, made in a single color.
  • Fur. Both natural and artificial fur are used to make the bedspread. Products cannot be washed. It is better to dry clean woolen blankets. In addition, fur products are not suitable for every interior.

If you follow the rules of designers, then the bedspread should match the color of the walls, furniture and the same pattern as the curtains. However, there are more interesting solutions:

  1. For a classic-style interior, the colors of the curtains and bedspreads must match. If the interior is stylistically less strict, then you can make a bedspread, the pattern on which will be in harmony with the shade of the curtains. Or add a plain decorative runner to match the color of the curtains and place it on top of the bedspread.
  2. A plaid that matches the color of the walls looks harmonious. If there are patterns or flowers on the walls, then you can choose a bedspread of the same style. For example, to match pale green walls, you can make your own bedspread from bright mint-colored fleece.
  3. If the bed from the furniture set has a high headboard, then a blanket to match the furniture would be appropriate.
  4. The color of the product can be selected to match the main color scheme of the interior. For example, if the bedroom is decorated in soft turquoise tones, then a blue or light blue blanket for the bed will be suitable for decor.

Important! Contemporary design uses the bed as a highlight and focal point in a room done in pastel, neutral tones. In this case, the color of the bedspread can be associated with a bright accessory, carpet or lampshade of a chandelier (floor lamp).

DIY bedspread made from scraps (patchwork technique)

Handicraft classes allow craftswomen to make beautiful, exclusive and useful things for the home on their own. Sewing a bedspread with your own hands is not difficult for such needlewomen; the only question is which option to choose. Below we will tell you how to sew a bedspread using the patchwork technique.

If you are constantly doing handicrafts, then there are enough pieces of fabric accumulated in the house that you can use them to make a bright and original blanket.

Pattern creation techniques

The patchwork style technique, which has several options, will help you with your work:

  • Traditional technique. A single piece of fabric is created from individual pieces of fabric, selected according to texture, pattern and color. When sewing, you should make neat stitches and select scraps harmoniously, and everything else depends on the imagination of the craftswoman.
  • Technique “Watercolor”. A popular technique that is based on squares, but it is much more complex than traditional sewing. The work involves a long selection of colors for the scraps, since this technique is based on the transition of shades from light to dark. Only in this case the resulting effect will resemble watercolor.

We sew a bedspread using the patchwork technique

Step-by-step instructions for making a patchwork bedspread:

  • Determine the size of the product. Measure the length and width of the bed. The blanket should cover the mattress and the walls of the bed, so add 60 cm in width and 30 cm in length to the resulting dimensions.
  • Select a color scheme for the product.
  • Prepare the material: strips, shreds, squares of fabric. Before using the fabric, prepare it for use: soak it in hot water for 10 minutes, and then rinse in clean warm water. Iron the clean fabric thoroughly to make it easier to work with.
  • Select the fabric for the back of the item. Chintz or cambric is perfect as a backing fabric.
  • Prepare the following tools: scissors, thread, needles, pins, sewing machine, pencil or chalk, square ruler or square template.

Important! You can choose another pattern, such as a diamond or fabric flowers, but a square is the easiest shape for beginners.

  • Once you have decided on the pattern and distributed all the details, you can start sewing the squares together. First, sew the longitudinal strips and iron the seams. Then sew the strips into one piece and iron all the seams again. You should have a finished front side.
  • Place a piece of purl fabric on the table (floor) face down.
  • Place padding polyester on top of the backing fabric if the bedspread will serve as a blanket. Otherwise there is no need to do this.
  • Place a patchwork of squares on top of the workpiece.
  • Sweep the structure or pin it together.
  • Quilt the product using a sewing machine. The easiest way is to quilt a blanket in squares, since stitching any other pattern will be difficult for beginners.
  • Make an edging of the product. To do this, use a strip of fabric about 8 cm wide and slightly longer than the side of the product. Fold the fabric in half, attach it to the front side of the product and sew.
  • If you do not have enough pieces of fabric, then purchase the material at the store. For a double bed measuring 220x240 cm, you will need 10 m of plain fabric and 50-80 cm of fabric in different colors (maximum 8).
  • If you want your hand-sewn blanket to have a three-dimensional shape, then use a sealing material in the form of padding polyester.
  • If you buy specially quilted fabric, you can create a masterpiece in patchwork style from silk, satin or cotton.

Quilted bedspread


To make a bedspread you will need the following materials:

  • Fabric with a beautiful pattern (cotton or satin) 280 cm wide for the top.
  • Lining fabric (linen or cotton).
  • Sintepon with a density above 150 g/m2 and a thickness of 3-4 mm.
  • Fabric for edging.
  • Threads in the color of the fabric.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Long ruler.
  • Chalk or fabric marker.
  • Scotch.
  • Stitch template.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Before starting work, wash all fabrics for the future product or steam it well with an iron. This is necessary to prevent shrinkage and distortion of the finished product.
  2. Lay the fabric out on a clean, flat surface (the floor). It is better to take fabric for the top (upper part) of sufficient width to eliminate seams and irregularities.
  3. Cut a square measuring 230x230 cm from the fabric. Finish the edges of the material with an overlocker.
  4. From the lining fabric, assemble a slightly larger square of 240x240 cm. Finish the edges of the backing (lining) with an overlocker, and press the seam allowances.
  5. Take a square stitch template (23x23cm) and a long ruler. Using a marker or chalk, line the stitches on the wrong side of the facing fabric, starting from its edge.

Important! To make it convenient to work, and to prevent the fabric from shrinking or moving, secure it with tape.

  1. Place the lined top aside.
  2. Lay the lining fabric on the floor, wrong side up, and secure it with tape.
  3. Place synthetic padding on the lining with sheets, secure the parts with rare, loose stitches.
  4. Place the top on the workpiece with the lined side up.

Important! Make sure that the fabric lies flat, without creases or folds.

  1. Connect all the parts of the bedspread using a needle and light threads. Start stitches from the center. Go through the basting first in one direction and then in the other.
  2. Try to make a basting without knots so that after removing the threads you do not disturb the structure of the fabric and the stitch.
  3. Machine stitch from the center to the edges of the product. First, lay horizontal lines, and then vertical ones, gradually filling with them all the free space of the product. For ease of use, fold the edges of the bedspread towards the center and place the product along its entire length in an additional place next to the machine.

Important! Sew straight along the lined line, pulling the fabric lightly behind the sewing foot.

  1. Align the sides of the product using a ruler and fabric marker, and the corners using a square. Stitch as close to these lines as possible. Cut off excess fabric.
  2. Sew a 3cm piping around the entire perimeter of the product.
  3. Iron the bedspread.

Important! Use specially curved quilting pins for basting. These pins do not move or move during the sewing process.

How to make a bedspread with your own hands with a frill? Master Class

A beautiful bedspread with frills will hide all the unevenness on the edges of the product:

  • For frills, it is better to choose a plain satin fabric.
  • To calculate the amount of fabric, consider the shape of the mattress corners, seam allowances and the depth of the folds, however, do not forget that ready product should not hang on the floor.

Important! The frill does not have to be cut out from a single piece of fabric; you can use pieces of fabric, but the joints and seams should be hidden deep into the fold.

To make a frill, proceed as follows:

  1. Take a ready-made quilted fabric for the bedspread and cut the bedspread to the size of a double bed.
  2. Calculate the frill pattern. Take the ribbon of the future frill and fold it into folds. Fasten the folds to 1 m length of tape. Then straighten the material, measure the length of the fabric that is needed for one meter of frill. Multiply the result by the required length to get the amount of material for the entire frill.
  3. Cut the required amount of fabric into four strips and sew them together.
  4. Fold the bottom edge of the tape and finish it with an overlocker.
  5. Make folds of the desired width and stitch.
  6. Sew the frill to the finished product.

Important! If the bed has a back, then calculate the material for the frill for three sides.

How to make a do-it-yourself blanket from pom-poms for a children's bed?

For a pompom blanket, brightly colored acrylic yarn is best. It is very soft to the touch and does not cause allergies, so it is perfect for a children's bed.

To make a blanket you will need:

  • Frame corresponding to the dimensions of the future product.
  • Self-tapping screws that need to be screwed in at a distance of 5 cm.
  • Yarn.
  • Scissors.

To make the product fluffy, you need to make many layers:

  1. First fasten the yarn vertically, starting with the first stud, and then gradually move to horizontal fastening of the yarn.
  2. It is better to mark the middle of the product with yarn of a brighter color.
  3. After the layers of yarn are finally formed, secure them tightly at the crossing points.
  4. A bedspread is a powerful design technique that allows you to change the entire look of a room's interior. Choose any blanket option you like, use your imagination and create for the joy of everyone! - Portal about bathroom design and renovation