Signs about mirrors opposite the front door, a mirror opposite the door to the room. Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? What if the mirror is already hanging opposite the door?

In the past, a mirror was used mainly just to see one's reflection. Today it is also an interior detail to visually increase space.

The placement of mirror surfaces must be correlated not only with the requirements of the design rules, but also with the magical features of the mirror parts. For example, it is forbidden to place a mirror opposite front door. There are other important signs that should not be neglected.

Traditionally, in Slavic culture it is not allowed to hang a mirror opposite the front door. Popular superstitions prohibit placing mirror surfaces in this way because of their ability to actively interact with various types energy. Among the possibilities of mirrors are the following:

The availability of these capabilities has always been known. In all cultures, the mirror has been used for centuries in magical rites and rituals. Through it they communicated with the other world. Therefore, Russian folk beliefs paid special attention to its placement in the living space. This is how certain prohibitions were formed that are still relevant today.

The most basic of them is that you cannot hang any mirror opposite the entrance or other door. The ban applies to all doors, but the area near the entrance sign is distinguished in a special way. After all, this is the entrance not only for hosts and welcoming guests, but also for ill-wishers, criminals and the forces of darkness. If you place a mirror directly opposite the front door, you may encounter a number of troubles:

  • attracting unwanted guests;

  • attraction of evil spirits;

  • an obstacle to positive energy, which, when reflected, will be pushed out of the house;

  • a lack of positive energy in the mirror area will lead to its absorption from the residents themselves.

The overall result of this placement of mirror surfaces is the lack of positive energy for the people living in the house. People will weaken, get tired quickly, and lose interest in life. Over time, they will no longer want to come home at all. Therefore, there is a belief that such a piece of furniture drives the owners out of the house. The sign also warns: a mirror opposite the door provokes serious material losses.

The zones in front of any door have a similar effect. Therefore, mirror surfaces cannot be placed there.

Each zone has its own characteristics:

  • Before entering the bedroom. Such placement will worsen people’s well-being, because they will not be able to restore their strength even at night. And if the bed gets into the reflection area, it will generally end in serious illness.

  • Before entering the nursery. Children have a weak energy field, and the loss of even a small amount of positive energy will lead to a worsening of the condition. And for children under one year old it is generally better not to reflect in the mirror. Moreover, they should sleep away from reflective surfaces.

You can choose an area on the side wall or directly next to the door. You can hang mirrors directly on the door, as long as they do not reflect other mirror elements. In this case, the signs promise only good things:

  • stabilization of the financial situation;

  • improving the well-being of everyone living in the house;

  • great mood.

All signs consider a mirror on the front door to be a good element that improves the energy of the room. True, you need to fasten it more securely, so as not to break the mirror sheet in a cramped room and incur terrible troubles. If the door leaf is unreliable, it is better not to hang anything on it to avoid negative developments.

Feng Shui gives similar advice: it does not allow hanging mirrors in front of the door. Masters of this teaching talk about large leaks of positive energy that will become possible with such placement of mirror surfaces. But there is a small clarification: you cannot place them like this if the door leaf is made of wood.

But in front of a metal door it’s not just possible, but even necessary. After all, metal shines and reflects everything around on its own, so a reflective surface opposite it will allow positive energy to circulate correctly. Energy flows will not be able to pass through the doors and will enter the room through the windows. Reflecting these flows into an open doorway will prevent energetic chaos from occurring. Otherwise, the energy entering the house through the windows would mix with the flows from the door.

If it is not possible to place a mirror elsewhere, it can be placed in front of the door, but it is necessary to make a slope that will not allow those entering the house to be reflected. In addition to the area in front of the entrance, Feng Shui teachings strictly prohibit hanging mirror elements in the following places:

  • at the beginning and end of the corridor;

  • in front of the windows;

  • in front of the doors to the bathroom;

  • in corner spaces (this applies to the corners of walls and cabinets).

Feng Shui allows you to hang mirrors in front of the entrances to rooms if it is a blank wall. In this case, the human gaze will not encounter obstacles, this will provide psychological comfort. When the mirror elements are opposite the kitchen, the set table should be reflected in them. This will increase the well-being of the family. But the hostess’s workplace should not be reflected. In this case, she will be very tired and fuss in vain. If a trash can gets caught in the reflection, the amount of unnecessary things in the house will increase.

Feng Shui, like Russian omens, does not approve of the reflection of a bed. Therefore, in the bedroom, reflective surfaces are placed very carefully, and there is no place for mirrors opposite the doors to rooms intended for relaxation.

Many people prefer to install a mirror in the hallway, but very few know that it can be placed opposite the front door The presence of a mirror in the hallway no longer surprises anyone. Moreover, it is simply necessary there - to fix your hair, put yourself in order, inspect your clothes... All this can be done while looking at the mirror surface. But the question arises about where it is better to hang this necessary item so that it performs its functions well and does not interfere or accumulate negative energy according to some signs. Let's try to figure it out.

Reasoning: is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?

If we reason from a logical point of view, then it is allowed to hang a mirror anywhere in the hallway wherever the homeowner wishes. However, there are some safety aspects to consider.

A mirror that is hung opposite the front door and not far from the entrance may be exposed to some dangers:

  • When leaving a house or apartment, turning towards the door, you can easily hit the mirror with a bag or umbrella;
  • When bringing in any large objects, there is a risk of accidentally breaking the mirror surface with a careless movement;
  • In the dark or in a hurry, you can confuse the mirror with the entrance or interior door and thereby get injured or damage the item itself.

Therefore, when placing a mirror in the hallway, you need to try to choose a place so that the object is maximally protected from possible damage. In this regard, it is not recommended to hang it opposite the door.

You can hang a mirror opposite the front door, the main thing is that the mirror is protected from possible damage

However, if the opposite wall is located at a considerable distance from the door, nothing prevents you from doing this. But there is another aspect here. Many people believe that a mirror surface opposite a room or front door is a bad omen.

It is believed that if a mirror hangs on the opposite side from the entrance to the home, then it:

  • May attract evil spirits;
  • It will not allow positive energy into the house, which, when reflected, seems to be pushed out of the apartment;
  • Will attract unexpected and unwanted guests.

In short, the general message of the unwanted placement of a mirror on the opposite wall from the door is to absorb the positive energy of the inhabitants of the house. People will get tired faster, mope, and begin to lose their zest for life. Sometimes it even happens that they don’t want to return home. Then they say that the mirror gets rid of its owners. Therefore, according to some signs, it is impossible to install a mirror opposite the entrance and exit of the house.

Can a mirror hang opposite the front door according to Feng Shui?

Answering a fairly common question about whether it is possible to place a mirror on the opposite wall from the front door, Feng Shui says unequivocally: no! Why this answer?

The fact is that according to Feng Shui, all the positive energy simply cannot seep into the house. It seems to be reflected from the glass and leaves the home without having time to charge the room and the people living in it. Therefore, based on this science, it is best to mount mirrors in the hallway on the side wall.

By the way, Feng Shui allows you to place a mirror opposite the metal entrance door. The fact is that iron or metal blocks energy, but passes it through window openings. When such a door is opened, the energy flow is reflected and does not allow negative and positive energy to intertwine.

According to Feng Shui, it is best to place a mirror in the hallway on the side wall, and not opposite the front door

So, to summarize, we can say that placing a mirror on the opposite wall from the door is not recommended because:

  • The positive energy coming into the house will be “mirrored” in the opposite direction;
  • An uncleaned staircase reflected in a mirror or other disorder that reigns outside the door transfers its “dirty” energy into the room;
  • A person begins to feel apathy, fatigue, and loses his vitality.

In order for the mirror to properly distribute energy flows, it is recommended to hang it at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the entrance. In this case, it is necessary that the person can be reflected in it in full growth, and opposite the object itself you can place a painting, a plant or a beautiful panel.

When hanging a mirror in a hallway or hallway, you need to choose a place where there is no possibility of damaging the glass in any way. Moreover, the mirror needs to be looked after. By regularly wiping its surface from dust and polishing it with special products, you can neutralize the negative effects of negative energy. She just won't stay in your house.

But what to do if it is not possible to change the position of the mirror? In this case, Feng Shui allows you to place some object or plant between it and the door.

A mirror placed opposite the front door: Russian signs

In addition to the science of Feng Shui, there are also simply Russians folk signs and superstitions that people believe.

Some Russian signs claim that a mirror that hangs opposite the front door attracts good luck and wealth to the house

Here are some of them:

  • Luck, entering a house and seeing itself in the mirror, may decide that it is not needed and go elsewhere;
  • Positive energy, reflected from the glass surface, can end up in the “looking glass” and never get out;
  • Due to a lack of positive energy, people will often begin to get sick and waste away;
  • A mirror can “accumulate” the negativity of people coming into the house and transfer it to others;
  • People living in the house may feel reluctant to return to it;
  • A person may be afraid of his reflection in the dark and on this basis get some kind of phobia;
  • The house will be full of unexpected visitors.

But what is most interesting is that some signs, on the contrary, indicate that a mirror installed opposite the entrance can bring good luck and wealth to home owners.

There is also such a point of view: a mirror installed on the opposite side of the entrance does not let in the negativity and bad thoughts of other people, thereby protecting the inhabitants of the house in which it hangs.

By the way, the mirror that hangs in the bathroom should not reflect a bathing person, otherwise, according to legend, he will get sick. It is also undesirable to have mirror surfaces in the bedroom, for example, on the wall of a closet, from where the bed is visible. It is believed that in this case the person will be haunted by failures, and if a married couple sleeps there, then quarrels and squabbles.

Installed mirror on the front door: signs

You can install a mirror directly on the front door, which, by the way, even Feng Shui allows. But at the same time, you need to choose such an arrangement so that other mirror objects cannot be reflected in it.

Quite often, apartment owners prefer to mount a mirror directly on the front door

If you comply with this condition, the signs promise only good things:

  • The health of everyone living in the house will improve;
  • Financial security will appear;
  • Scandals and quarrels will disappear;
  • Peace and comfort will reign in the house;
  • All household members will be in a great mood.

A mirror hanging on the front door may well improve the overall atmosphere of the house, but at the same time you need to attach this item very securely so as not to accidentally break it and get yourself into trouble. If the door leaf cannot boast of its unreliability, it is better not to hang anything on it.

If you decide to place the mirror directly on the door to the house, it is best to buy a door leaf with an already built-in mirror surface. In this case, it will be firmly fixed and its location will not allow others to accidentally damage it.

Installing a mirror can be done with your own hands. For this purpose, it is best to choose acrylic organic glass. It does not break and is very easy to fix: just remove the protective film and stick the mirror on the surface of the door leaf.

Before hanging a mirror on the front door, you should first take correct measurements of both the door and the future glass

To install the mirror correctly, you need to perform a number of these steps:

  • Take measurements of the future glass, taking into account the size and location relative to the door;
  • Buy all the necessary fasteners - for example, liquid nails;
  • Before hanging the glass, the surface of the door should be cleaned of dirt and degreased;
  • Next on reverse side glue is applied to the mirrors and the corresponding part of the door;
  • All elements are glued together, and after drying, the remains of liquid nails or other material are removed.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door (video)

Of course, the owner of the room will have to decide where the mirror will hang. Some believe in all the signs and superstitions, while others do not, and when arranging furniture they are guided solely by their desires and practical considerations. In any case, it won't hurt to take into account some tips and tricks for the correct arrangement of things. This will help maintain a peaceful and warm atmosphere in the house.

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How to properly place it in the room. After all, there are some signs and beliefs that our grandmothers and mothers believed. For example, such an item cannot be hung opposite the sleeping bed or the front door, and there are reasons for this.

Why you can't hang a mirror opposite the bed

Many people have thought about this question more than once. In fact, everything is very simple. If a person sleeps in front of a mirror, his sleep will be restless.

Many scientists and psychics discuss these questions and cannot give a concrete answer. But it is known for sure that if you sleep in front of a mirror, this can lead to big troubles, since the mirror is capable of absorbing all the negative energy.

If there is a mirror in the bedroom, it should be covered with a cloth while you sleep. You can place a dressing table or a cabinet with a mirror on the inside of the door. As many esotericists say, during sleep the human soul has the ability to travel indoors. If you sleep opposite a mirrored object, your soul may end up in a looking glass. This situation does not have a very positive effect on a person’s health and peace of mind. Feelings of anxiety and malaise may occur.

It is necessary to treat old mirrors with great care. After all, as you know, a mirror surface stores a lot of information that accumulates in it. Someone's souls can easily get lost in it and wander in search of peace. They can very easily harm a sleeping person. There are even known cases of transmigration of souls. This is scary and unpleasant, so even those who don’t believe in all these “fairy tales” better protect themselves.

Why it is not recommended to place two mirrors opposite each other

There are many beliefs associated with mirrors, and one of them is that objects should not be placed opposite each other. The thing is that this design creates a mirror corridor and enhances the power of the looking glass. In this case, not very good creatures may emerge from the reflection and wander around the house or apartment.

You should also wipe your mirrors regularly and keep them clean.

Mirror and front door

The mirror should also not be placed opposite the door. This placement of the mirror object can bring failure in money matters. To ensure that the mirror does not cause harm, you should carefully choose them.

You should not buy used products, as the surface accumulates information. For example, if a person died in front of the mirrors, his soul can settle in the looking glass, and then go out into a new house and harm the residents. You should also stay away from mirrors in the house of friends or acquaintances.

What do Feng Shui and Russian omens say about this?

Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered magical objects, so they received special attention. According to Feng Shui, a mirror object is a good way to cleanse the energy in the house. He can both give positive energy and take it away.

Properties of mirrors

An object such as a mirror is used for different purposes. In Feng Shui, they have the ability to accumulate and distribute Qi energy.

The nature of Chi energy is designed to be attracted to and follow water. Based on this, you should not leave the bathroom door open, since all your energy and luck literally go down the drain. The best option The way out of this situation is to install a mirror on both sides of the door.

A mirror inside the bathroom does not allow negative energy to leave the room, and an object outside reflects the energy back to the street. Feng Shui experts advise hanging a small mirror on the door inside the bathroom. The object should be at the level of the navel of the owner of the house, then good luck will follow all household members. Such a remedy can only be used if the owner believes in the magical power of the item, otherwise this method will not bring any effect.

Mirror tiles should not be present in the house. According to Feng Shui, she figuratively cuts into pieces all the objects and people in the house. And this negatively affects family comfort and its environment.

The object has a round shape, and the mirror surface can be straight or slightly bent down.

Signs are drawn on it in the form of a trigram of the morning sky. Bagua is the most powerful item and talisman in Feng Shui. Its action is to cleanse the house of negative energy and accumulate it within itself. After prolonged use, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of cleansing the mirror from accumulated negativity.

The Bagua mirror is divided into several types according to the signs - morning and late sky. The second type has no properties, but at the same time it can cause harm to the person who looks at it. In China, such an object was turned towards the house of neighbors or people who treated them badly.

Old Russian signs about the mirror

  • A mirror object should be hung at the entrance to the apartment, then all the negative energy coming from the street will return back.
  • When the guests have left, the surface of the object must be wiped with holy water or saline solution. As you know, salt is a powerful energy purifier.
  • When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror. With such a simple action, a person orders his double to guard the house in his absence.
  • A child under one year old should not be brought to the mirror, as it can be jinxed.
  • It is forbidden to look into the fragments of a broken mirror.
  • If a person dies in the house, all mirrored objects are covered with canvas. This is necessary so that the soul of the deceased does not end up in the looking glass.
  • If the mirror “saw” a murder or other unpleasant actions, it must be cleaned or, better yet, thrown away.

How to correctly place mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui. Photo

Feng Shui does not recommend placing mirrors opposite windows or doors, as positive energy will not enter the house. You should not use a mirror object in the bedroom. If this cannot be avoided, then the item must be hung so that sleeping people are not displayed in it.

To ensure well-being in the family, a mirror object should be hung in the hallway. The room should not be small - the bigger the better. If this is a problem, a mirror will help to enlarge the room and fill it with light. It should be hung on the left side of the door.

In Feng Shui, you often hear about using a mirror in the living room. If there is a beautiful landscape outside the window, you can hang the mirror on the wall so that it reflects the view of the street at an angle.

It is not recommended to hang a mirror opposite the kitchen stove, as the housewife will feel tired. The item has a positive effect on all family members if the reflection contains a table at which the whole family is dining. Then there will be prosperity in the house.

A mirror is an indispensable attribute of the hallway interior. Firstly, it is really convenient, since before leaving the house you can make sure that everything is in order with your clothes and hairstyle, without walking into the rooms in street shoes. Secondly, in most typical apartments, hallways have a small area, and a mirror in this room visually expands it. But is it worth placing a mirror opposite the front door? Let's consider the answers to this question from the point of view of esotericism and design.

At all times, the mirror was considered a mystical object. It was used in rituals of magic and divination, and numerous signs are associated with it. Of course, the majority modern people are not particularly superstitious, however, there are things that we do automatically. For example, we spit over our left shoulder three times so as not to jinx it, or look in the mirror if we had to return from half way.

Should you take into account folk signs when choosing the location of the mirror? This is up to the apartment owners to decide. But you definitely need to listen to the designer’s recommendations.

Folk signs associated with mirrors

If you try to remember the signs associated with mirrors, most people can only say that breaking a mirror is not good. But it turns out that there are also signs, guided by which you can choose the location of the mirror in the hallway.

For example, folk signs do not recommend placing a mirror strictly opposite the front door. It is believed that this arrangement of the mirror will lead to:

  • Uninvited guests will often come to the house;
  • Household members will not be drawn home.

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui also agrees with Russian folk wisdom regarding the location of the mirror opposite the front door.

Masters of the teaching are confident that a mirror can significantly change the lives of people living in the house. Moreover, the changes can be both positive and not very positive. This depends on how well the mirror is positioned in the interior, because this item allows you to regulate the circulation of energy flows.

How to properly place a mirror in the hallway, taking into account the rules of Feng Shui?

Of course, the hallway is not a room in which household members spend a lot of time, since this is where the entrance to the house is located, proper organization of the interior allows you to correctly distribute energy throughout the rest of the rooms of the apartment.

  • There must be a mirror in the hallway;
  • It is recommended to place it on the side of the front door;
  • It is worth placing symbols of wealth, good luck and prosperity next to the mirror so that they multiply, reflected in the mirror surface.
  • If opposite the entrance there are doors to the bathroom, kitchen or toilet, then it is highly desirable to place a mirror on the wall separating these rooms, and the mirror should be located to the side of the entrance. The meaning of this action is that in the absence of a mirror, the energy penetrating through the doors will directly enter the bathroom or kitchen and, along with the water, will be washed down the drain. In Feng Shui, the element of water governs finances, so material well-being will flow away along with water and energy.

How not to position a mirror?

The teachings of Feng Shui categorically do not recommend placing a mirror strictly opposite the front door. According to this teaching, this arrangement of the mirror does not allow positive energy to penetrate into the apartment, so household members do not feel a surge of strength and are deprived of success in business.

But it is permissible to place a mirror opposite the door leading to the living room, but it is necessary that the window is not reflected in it.

Mirror in the hallway from a design point of view

A mirror is an object that designers are happy to use in their work. In typical apartments, hallways are usually very cramped. This is either a small square room or a narrow, elongated corridor.

But even a cramped hallway can be made cozy, especially if you use mirrors. Here are the basic design rules:

  • The main rule when decorating a cramped hallway is minimalism. You should not choose mirrors with heavy carved frames; they will not fit harmoniously into the interior.
  • In the interior of the hallway you can use mirrors of different sizes, but for reasons of convenience it is better to choose one in which you can see yourself in full height.
  • In a narrow corridor, under no circumstances should a mirror be placed opposite the entrance. This placement will make the room visually even narrower. With this layout, it is more profitable to place the mirror on the side of the door. If there is nowhere to put it, then you can place the mirror on the cabinet door.

Designers and Feng Shui masters agree that placing a mirror opposite the entrance is not a good idea. But if there is no way to hang a mirror on the wall to the side of the entrance or install it in a closet door, then you can use a non-standard move. Namely, place a mirror on the inside surface of the front door.

Of course, you should not hang a mirror on the door, since if you close the door carelessly, it may fall. But it is quite possible to purchase a door model with a built-in mirror.

Advice! If a mirror is placed on the inside surface of the door, it will be difficult to install a peephole on it. But such a convenient gadget as a video camera installed on the site in front of the entrance can be used. It is not just fashionable and modern, but also very convenient.

If desired, the mirror placed on the front door can be decorated with patterns or a tinted stripe.

So, whether it is worth placing a mirror opposite the front door is, of course, up to the owners of the apartment to decide. However, both designers and folk superstitions do not recommend positioning the mirror this way, especially since there are more convenient and practical options for installing this important piece of furniture.


Is it possible to place a beautiful mirror opposite the front door in a house or apartment, or maybe in your own bedroom? Russian folk signs and the teachings of the ancient sages of the world give their advice and recommendations. Next, we’ll look at why you shouldn’t hang even the most beautiful mirror opposite the front door. Just like the bedroom. And most importantly, what can result from failure to follow simple rules.

Ancient signs and superstitions

Folk omens have been formed for centuries and many people believed in them and still believe in them. And Russian folklore, existing folk signs say the following in this regard.

  • installed in front of the front door - the latter absorbs any, both positive and negative;
  • when placing a mirror in the hallway, the energy flows in the house change, households may experience phobias and fears;
  • placed incorrectly - quarrels and scandals constantly show themselves in the family, home;
  • such a mirror drives good people away from home and, on the contrary, will constantly attract evil and envious individuals, blocking cash flows.

Important! If you hang a mirror on the front door in your own home, it will absorb negativity from the street and magnify it many times over.

Modern justification will take

Many will say that you need to hang a mirror on the front door. Signs of ancestors should not be taken into account. But from the standpoint of etiquette and the normal rhythm of life, such negative aspects can be identified.

  • Hallway. The first place where upon entering they see themselves, their own reflection in the mirror. “Dark” people can come into the house and the mirror absorbs their negativity.
  • If there are children in the family no older than 3 years old, they may encounter negative subjects and spirits in the mirror. As a result, fear and stuttering, many childhood phobias.
  • Threshold is a line that allows in other worlds and through it, a variety of spirits and evil spirits can be displayed in the mirror surface.

That’s why it’s so important to know how to hang a mirror correctly. And not just bring it into the apartment, placing it in the room. How to properly hang and where is the best place to place a mirror so that the correct, positively charged flow of energy fills the house without attracting negativity.

  • You should choose a large, full-length mirror that does not “divide” the image in half, otherwise illnesses cannot be avoided.
  • There should be a lot of space left between the floor and the edge of the mirror - this is some kind of space for growth, spiritual and physical.
  • Do not place two mirrors opposite each other - this opens a corridor for evil spirits, they penetrate into our world. Place a painting, a floor lamp, and beautiful flowers between them. Anything associated with positive emotions.
  • It is optimal to place a mirror in furniture - in a closet on the back walls or internal sliding walls.
  • If placed at an angle of more than 90 degrees, it will attract positive energy into the apartment, cutting off negativity.

Important to remember! Taking these points and rules into account, you can attract positive energy into your home and ward off negativity.

According to the ancient Chinese teaching of harmonizing space and energy flows, Feng Shui, placing a mirror in front of the front door was strictly prohibited. The only exception is placing a mirror opposite a metal door, which blocks any negative energy flows.

Regarding advice - according to ancient teachings, the science of harmonizing space, this piece of furniture should be placed in this way.

  • If you place it opposite the door, positive energy will “fight back” in the opposite direction.
  • When the dirt of the landing and the disorder in the house are displayed, not the best events will happen in the life of the family.
  • Apathy, loss of strength, fatigue and melancholy are the consequences of improperly placing a mirror in the house opposite the entrance doors.

That is why it is so important to place the mirror at an angle of 90 degrees or more - this is how the mirror surface cuts off the negative from the positive, preventing the former from entering the house.

Important! To increase the flow of positive energy, the mirror surface must be regularly looked after, wiped, and cleaned of dirt.

Mirror in front of the rooms

If we talk about what a sign promises when a mirror is placed opposite the front door - it carries different messages, it is important to take into account the features.

  • It is recommended to use small mirrors in small hallways - they expand the boundaries and, accordingly, increase positive energy;
  • do not hang it in the nursery - this will negatively affect the child’s development;
  • if the latter stood opposite the window in the nursery or bedroom, a screen is placed between it and the rest of the room;
  • They also place it opposite the entrance to the kitchen, but so that it displays a dining table, preferably always set;
  • You shouldn’t put it in such a way that the preoccupied, fussing mistress of the house is constantly displayed - this will double it and cause trouble.

The main thing is not to create mirror corridors when placing mirrors - this opens the way for evil spirits and dark forces.

Mirror and entrance to the bedroom

You should be extremely careful here. For example, waking up at night and seeing your tousled head or an uninvited guest from the other world can be very frightening. This is especially dangerous for small children.

Important! Before you look in the mirror in the morning, you need to dress nicely and comb your hair, and look into it in a good mood.

The mirror acts as a kind of witness to our everyday life - it can enhance a person’s sexual energy, becoming a kind of third in a couple. On the other hand, he acts as a witness - this can lead to disorientation and confusion. This piece of furniture in the bedroom can draw energy from the sleeper during sleep and spoil health, both on the physical and mental level. But the worst thing is that in a dream the soul can go into the looking glass and stay there forever. - Portal about bathroom design and renovation