Party system in China. Multi-party cooperation system. Party system of the People's Republic of China, its features Features of the Chinese party system, its constitutional design

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The phenomenon of multi-party system in the political system of China

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08:32 — REGNUM To understand the differences between China's non-communist parties, so incomprehensible to foreigners, and to understand their content and goals, Xinhua News Agency proposes on March 6 in the midst of the session of the 13th People's Political Consultative Council (CPPCC).

The agency notes that a good chance to raise the topic came on March 6, when the leaders of China's non-communist parties spoke at a press conference, presenting how they plan to integrate their organizations into China's system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, as well as how they intend to contribute to modernization of the country.

The press conference was held on the sidelines of the ongoing first session of the 13th People's Political Consultative Council of China, China's main advisory body.

Who are they?

  • Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang (RCCK) - the party was created in 1948 in Hong Kong by left-wing supporters of the Kuomintang, who broke with the Kuomintang during the Chinese Civil War.
  • Chinese Democratic League (CDL) - founded in 1941 in Chongqing and consists mainly of intellectuals working in the field of culture, education, science and technology. Initially, she was a supporter of the "third way" between the communists and nationalists during the period civil war, however, moved closer to the CCP under pressure from the authoritarianism of the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek.
  • China Democratic Nation Building Association (CNDCA)- was founded in 1945 by a former member of the Chinese Democratic League. Consists predominantly of patriotic industrialists, businessmen and intellectuals.
  • Association for the Advancement of Democracy (CAPD)- founded in 1945, mainly consists of intellectuals from the spheres of culture, education, press and science.
  • Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Democratic Party (CPWDP)- Founded in 1930 and composed predominantly of leading thinkers in the fields of health, social resources and environmental protection.
  • China Pursuit of Justice Party was founded in 1925 in San Francisco. Consists of Chinese who returned to the Middle Kingdom, as well as their relatives and Chinese living abroad and connected with Chinese emigrants. The party adhered to the principles of federalism and a multi-party system and was initially led by two former Kuomintang warlords.
  • Jiusan Society (September 3rd Society)- was founded in 1945 by top and middle-level intelligentsia associated with science, technology, culture, medicine and health care.
  • Chinese Democratic Autonomy League- founded in 1947 by people from Taiwan living on the mainland.

How does it work?

Party leaders take part in the political life of the country in matters of consultation and discussion of state relations, and also monitor the democratic procedures in the country.

A significant part of the members of non-communist parties are also deputies of the highest legislative body of the Celestial Empire - the National People's Congress (NPC) - and have the opportunity to participate in the legislative initiatives of the state.

The non-communist parties have also launched a number of investigations on health, education, regional economic integration and poverty alleviation.

Investigation reports are sent directly to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China or the State Council of the People's Republic of China and help formulate or adjust policy and legislation, says Chairman of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang Wan Xiang.

New type of party system

Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping shared his vision of the Chinese political system during a panel discussion with political advisers held on March 4 ahead of the 1st session of the 13th National Political Consultative Council of China (CPPCC).

The system of military cooperation and political consultation led by the CCP is "A new type of party system that emerged from Chinese soil", - said Xi, who is concurrently the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the Central Military Commission of the PRC, as already reported IA REGNUM.

A. V. Barinkova
E. V. Kremnev

The article discusses the main typologies of party systems and provides an analysis of the PRC party system. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the People's Political Consultative Council of China as a special body of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation.

Keywords: party system, one-party system, multi-party system, system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, People's Political Consultative Council of China.

Barinkova Alyona Vadimovna
Kremnyov Evgeny Vladimirovich


The article discusses the basic typology of the party system and analyzes the party system of China. Particular attention is paid to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference as a special body of multi-party cooperation and political consultation.

key words: party system; one-party system; multiparty system; multiparty cooperation and political consultation; Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Barinkova A.V., Kremnev E.V. The party system of the People's Republic of China in a typological aspect: one-party system or non-competitive multi-party system? // Crede Experto: transport, society, education, language. 2015. No. 3. S. 129-142.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Oriental and Regional Studies of the Asia-Pacific Region, Irkutsk State University. The area of ​​scientific interests is the party system of the People's Republic of China. Graduated from the Irkutsk State Linguistic University with a degree in Regional Studies (China) and the Eurasian Linguistic Institute in Irkutsk, a branch of the Moscow State Linguistic University, having obtained a Master's degree in Foreign Regional Studies with a degree in Regional Studies and Ethnology of the Far East. The theme of the master's thesis is "Party system of the People's Republic of China in a typological aspect." Passed a scientific internship at the Liaoning Pedagogical University (Dalian, China).

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oriental and Regional Studies of the Asia-Pacific Region, Irkutsk State University. Areas of scientific interest are the sociology of management in China, the socio-political system of China, the study of the Asia-Pacific region in line with transdisciplinary regional studies, the grammar of Chinese writing, the problems of translating Chinese cinema, and the methods of teaching Chinese. Graduated from the Trans-Baikal State Pedagogical University. N.G. Chernyshevsky in the specialty "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication" with an additional qualification "Teacher of Higher Education". Passed numerous scientific and educational internships in China. In 2008, he defended his Ph.D. present stage". He is the author of more than 60 educational and scientific publications, including the textbook "The Socio-Political System of the People's Republic of China" (co-authored with Wang Lanju) and the collective monographs "Domestic works in the field of grammar of Chinese writing in the second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. V. P. Vasiliev, S. M. Georgievsky, Yu. V. Bunakov, I. M. Oshanin” (co-authored with Gottlieb O. M. and Shishmareva T. E.) and “Film dialogue. Image-meaning. Translation” (edited by V.E. Gorshkova). Fiction translator, laureate of the 2013 International Translation Competition for Outstanding Contemporary Literary Works, organized by the Press Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.

Main forms of multi-party cooperation

1. Participation in the political life of the country

This means that members of various democratic parties under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party participate in the development and implementation of important policies, policies, laws and regulations of the state; take part in consultations on important issues of state policy and on candidates for heads of state bodies; participate in the administration of the affairs of the country.

The consultations of the Chinese Communist Party with various democratic parties on specific issues mainly take the following forms:

1) Democratic consultations. The main leaders of the CPC Central Committee invite the main leaders of various democratic parties and non-party leaders to consultations, where they hear the opinions of the leaders of the democratic parties on important political guidelines and course before they are adopted. These consultations usually take place once a year.

2) High-level meetings. The chief leaders of the CPC Central Committee, when the need arises, irregularly invite the chief leaders of the various democratic parties and non-party leaders to small meetings where they exchange opinions and views.

3) Regular interviews. Conducted under the chairmanship of the CPC Central Committee with the participation of top leaders of the democratic parties and non-party leaders, the interviews exchange information and opinions on important issues, transmit important circulars, hear the proposals of various democratic parties and non-party leaders on policy guidelines, or discuss certain topics. Usually such interviews are held every two months, however, in case of important cases, information is exchanged at any time.

4) Leaders of various democratic parties and non-Party officials may at any time submit written proposals to the CPC Central Committee on public policy and course or specific important issues, or invite responsible persons of the CPC Central Committee to a meeting.

2. Democratic control

Democratic control is the control of the democratic parties over the Central Committee of the CPC, as well as over the work of state organs led by the Communist Party of China. This control is carried out within the framework of multi-party cooperation and political consultation.

Control takes mainly the following forms: During the sessions of the Political Consultative Council, democratic parties can make comments, suggestions, and criticism against the CPC Central Committee; democratic parties, based on the results of the survey, make suggestions and criticism on important issues of public policy, economics and public life; deputies of the People's Congresses and members of the Political Consultative Council, who have the status of members of democratic parties, exercise control through the submission of proposals, draft resolutions and revision; members of democratic parties may be invited to the government to the posts of special controllers, inspectors, auditors and instructors-educators for the purpose of supervision.

3. Members of democratic parties are nominated for certain positions in the government and justice bodies at various levels.

Usually, individual members of almost all democratic parties are nominated by the Chinese Communist Party for leadership positions in governments and justice departments at various levels.

Central administrative system
Management structure
Formation of the State Council and its powers
Structure of the State Council of China
constitutional system
Ruling Party of China
Character of the Chinese Communist Party
Four basic requirements in party building
Organizational principles of democratic centralism
Organizational structure of the party
Party members
Chinese Communist Party leadership towards the state

Character and status
National People's Congress
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments
Assemblies of people's representatives of townships, national townships and townships
Deputies of the Assembly of People's Representatives

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