Is it possible to dye eggs with brilliant green or iodine. Natural dyes for Easter eggs. Painting paint beets

As you know, the Roman emperor received the first egg in a red shell as a gift. As the legend says, Mary Magdalena hurried to the ruler to tell about the resurrection of the Son of God. However, in order to meet with the emperor, he had to present some kind of gift, and the woman had only one egg. It was him that she handed over to the emperor and announced the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the ruler thought that this was a lie, and said that if the egg in his hands turned red, then he would believe Mary. As soon as the emperor said this, the egg shell turned crimson. It was after this event that it was customary to exchange colored eggs for Easter. And, of course, every person wants to give another a beautiful egg with a bright shell. Therefore, many people are interested in how to paint eggs for Easter with their own hands. Here are some proven ways that our ancestors invented.

In the villages before Easter, women stopped throwing away the onion peel, and carefully put it in a jar. And that's all, because it is the husk of this product, because of which so many tears have been shed, that can give the shell a reddish tint.

In order to color eggs in this way, you need to collect a lot of husks in advance. The more it is, the redder the eggs will turn out.

First you need to put the collected husks in a saucepan, pour water and cook it for thirty to forty minutes over low heat. After that, you need to wait until the water cools down and remove all the husks. To do this, you can strain the broth through cheesecloth or a special strainer.

Then you can move on to boiling eggs. They need to be put in a saucepan and poured with a decoction of the husk so that the liquid completely covers all the eggs. You can cook them as usual, a little more than seven minutes. Then the eggs need to be cooled and rubbed with vegetable oil so that they acquire a beautiful shine.

And if you want to get a beautiful drawing, then before dipping the eggs in the onion peel, attach any beautiful leaf (parsley, cilantro, etc.) to them and tie tightly with gauze.

Another safe way to color eggs is to use beets. This vegetable colors all the ingredients in borscht, which means that it can cope with the shell.

First you need to clean the beets and cut them into several small pieces. If the beets are small, then two or three vegetables can be used. Then the pieces of beets should be put in a saucepan, pour water and cook for about an hour. After that, you need to wait until the broth cools down. Then you need to pull out the beets and boil the eggs in colored water, as usual.

One has only to take into account that painting with beets does not give a too saturated shade. The eggs are more pink than red.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers tried different ways of dyeing Easter eggs with natural dyes. In addition to beets and husks, various spices, leaves and medicinal herbs, and even the bark of some trees can also be used for painting.

How to paint eggs for Easter with brilliant green and iodine

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to dye eggs with medicines such as iodine and brilliant green. The hostesses who conducted such experiments, as well as doctors, say that only those eggs that are needed for decoration can be boiled in iodine and brilliant green. It is better not to eat them. If you want to use brilliant green, then you can make marbled eggs. For this, the truth will also require onion peel.

First you need to cut the husk into small pieces and put in a bowl. Then you need to wet one egg and roll it in the husk, and then wrap it in cheesecloth and secure the ends with threads. The same actions must be performed with other eggs.

Then all the eggs must be put in a saucepan and poured with water so that the liquid only slightly covers them. After that, you need to pour a vial of brilliant green into the pan and boil the eggs for about eight to nine minutes. Then all the eggs must be pulled out, held under cold water and the gauze removed.

Some people do not boil eggs in brilliant green, but simply place the egg, boiled in the husk and wrapped in gauze, in a glass of water and a green agent diluted in it for several minutes. By the way, there are several more ways to make marble eggs, and one of them will require paint.

To give the shell the effect of marble, you need to stock up on paints of different colors. You will also need any vegetable oil and water.

To begin with, the eggs need to be washed well, then boiled, wiped with a towel and dried. Only after that you can paint the shell. First, all boiled eggs must be painted in solid and bright colors, such as yellow or red. Then, when the paint dries, it is necessary to dilute dark paints with water in small containers and add a couple of drops of vegetable oil there. After that, you need to carefully dip the eggs into the prepared solutions and leave to dry. With each egg, such procedures can be carried out only once.

To get interesting patterns on the shell, you can also wrap eggs with threads. The main thing is that they molt well.

You can take woolen threads or floss, wrap them around the eggs in a chaotic manner, tie them tightly so that they do not fall apart, and then boil the eggs. After that, the Easter symbols must be placed under cold water and the threads cut off from them.

It will turn out a very unusual color of the shell. Also, in addition to threads, you can use pieces of fabric.

There are many methods on how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter, but it is worth remembering that health is the main thing, so do not get too carried away, it is better to paint eggs in traditional ways and simply decorate them with stickers or patterns made using an ordinary candle.

The Resurrection of Christ or the bright holiday of Easter is perhaps one of the most long-awaited holidays that believers around the world are in a hurry to celebrate. For believers of the Orthodox rite, the holiday will happen next Sunday, and then in the midst of preparations for the holiday. It is customary to bake Easter cakes, paint and paint eggs, bake meat and break the fast with this, if Great Lent was nevertheless observed. But even those who do not zealously observe church traditions are in a hurry to taste pastries and arrange Easter egg-breaking competitions. This is a good ancient tradition that we are taught from an early age.

We paint eggs without harm to health

Today, perhaps, the most popular way of preparing Easter eggs is their plain coloring (the so-called krashanki, not pysanky) or wrapping them with a special sticky (boiling in boiling water) tape. Both options have some drawbacks, which, with the approach of Easter this year, pushes us to new fantasies about painting eggs. For example, painting eggs in one color is too banal, uninteresting and "rustic", and it is not always easy to remove a boiled egg wrapper, and it is not always interesting to beat such eggs (after all, the presence of a wrapper on them can distort the result of "Easter competitions"). Because we tend to choose some new and very original way paint eggs but are all of them safe? Not at all. Do not resort to the following ways to color eggs for Easter:

  • felt-tip pens and paints for drawing- it would seem that it is so easy to take a brush or felt-tip pen and create any image; the danger lies in the fact that through microcracks, and sometimes cracks visible to the naked eye on the egg shell, the paint penetrates the protein that we eat, this is harmful; even in the absence of damage, contact of the edible part of the egg with inedible paint cannot be avoided in the process of cleaning the egg;
  • colored threads and fabrics- it is proposed to wrap and wrap eggs in every possible way, and then boil them, they promise a unique ornament; the danger is similar to the previous option (through the pores in the shell during cooking, the textile dye easily penetrates the egg itself and is no longer recommended to eat it);
  • colored copy paper- this is available for sale in art stores; to get intricate patterns, it is recommended to rub the eggshell with carbon paper, but already during the process you will see the paint on your palms, it will not be easy to wash it off; keep in mind that you will consume the same substances inside by breaking and cleaning the Easter egg;
  • gold leaf- unsurpassed ornaments can be created by fixing thin patches of potali on the shell of boiled eggs (these are the thinnest golden leaves used for decorative purposes); however, the sweat contains zinc and various metals, the microparticles of which are not at all desirable in our digestive tract, and it is hardly possible to peel the egg from the shell without catching the sweat;
  • household medicines- such very persistent dyes as iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, furacillin can be used; the medical significance of these drugs in this case is completely unimportant, because you risk consuming them inside, and they are intended exclusively for external use.

You can use any of the above methods to paint eggs for Easter on one condition - if it is an empty (blown out) eggshell and a painted egg will not eventually be eaten. So you can create compositions of unsurpassed beauty, but how to paint eggs if you still want to treat your loved ones to them?

Safe Ways to Color Eggs

The first and basic rule for safely dyeing eggs for Easter is to use natural or food coloring. among natural ones, pay attention to the following:

  • onions (regular and red) - brown;
  • hibiscus tea - blue;
  • birch leaves - light green and yellow;
  • beetroot juice - burgundy and pink;
  • spinach - green;
  • walnut shell - yellow;
  • turmeric - orange;

If the solid color of Easter eggs doesn't appeal to you, devote some time and effort to painting the eggs. You can make pysanki or raganki. For the preparation of the first, a special device is used - a wax pisachok. Melted wax is collected in it, with which an ornament is applied to the egg and then alternately lowered into different dyes from light to darker. As a result, color versatility is provided. Another way to decorate eggs for the Easter table is to paint them in one color, and then rip out the designed ornament with a sharp needle or blade, which peels off the top layer of paint. These are old traditional egg painting techniques. There are also more modern ones:

  • marbling - initially paint the egg in one, light color, dry, let the paint harden; then prepare a dye of a darker color and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, stir until small circles of oil form on the water; dip the egg once into the water and let the resulting ornament harden;
  • lace pattern - it is proposed to dip the egg into the dye after wrapping it with a nylon shred, thereby fixing an ornament on it - a parsley or birch leaf, rice grains or a lace ornament made of undyed, white fabric;
  • adhesive tape ornament - to provide the egg with a striped color in different shades, you can use adhesive tape.

In order for the eggs to be especially attractive, use the following secrets of their preparation:

  • so that the shell does not crack during the cooking process, place the pot with water and eggs on the fire only after they have reached the same, namely room temperature;
  • so that the paint adheres well to the shell and does not pass when cleaning on the palm of your hand, add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water with the dye
  • to make the eggs on the festive table shiny, after painting, grease them with the thinnest layer of vegetable oil.

Take note of our advice, and have a bright Easter holiday! Be healthy!

Good afternoon dear friends! We have already closely begun preparations for Easter - we have prepared ideas, prepared recipes for the most delicious and. Now, let's discuss a variety of options for coloring eggs for the Easter week, because Easter eggs and Easter cakes are the main attributes of Bright Sunday. I got inspiration and ideas from this article you can see for yourself how many colorful and bright ideas fit in one article!

Agree, because if all kinds of pastries for the Bright Holiday are prepared only for your family, then Easter eggs are given not only to relatives, but also to friends or just acquaintances. Therefore, I believe that they should be bright, unusual and fun! And in villages and villages, you can find such a tradition - to give this symbol to everyone, including strangers.

When handing krashenka, say "Christ is risen!". In response to this, you can hear “In truth, he has risen!” and get the same beautiful painted egg.

Why do they paint eggs for Easter, what is the tradition and where did it come from?

Not every person knows the true reason for painting Easter eggs and their presence on the festive table. Some do not think about it at all, but take it for granted.

Meanwhile, there is a legend about the emperor Tiberius and Mary Magdalene.

In the Roman Empire, when visiting the emperor, people had to bring something as a gift. Wealthy people gave gold, while the rest chose from what they had on the farm. Mary Magdalene was able to present an ordinary chicken egg as a gift. She didn't have anything else.

She brought with her the news of the resurrection of Christ. Holding out her gift to the emperor, she exclaimed, "Christ is risen!" Tiberius just laughed in response and said that he would believe it if only the egg turned red. At the same moment, the egg changed color to red. It was the greatest miracle. The emperor, greatly surprised, exclaimed, “He has truly risen!”

It was from this moment that the tradition of coloring eggs for the bright holiday - Easter began. The most important shade is always red. But the rest of the tones of the color palette came later.

There are also differences in the type of staining:

  • Easter eggs are amazingly beautiful and masterfully painted eggs. To create them, they are used: stencils with geometric patterns, ornaments and patterns, as well as various leaves or flowers.

  • Krashenki are eggs dyed with natural liquids made from the juice of vegetables, berries, herbs or food coloring.

  • Drapanki are eggs decorated with a scratched pattern. Usually, brown-shelled eggs are used for this type. It is more durable than white. The pattern is created with an awl, knife, thick needle or scissors. Eggs are dyed first.

Do not forget that they start painting eggs on Maundy Thursday. Easter cakes are baked in it and cleanliness in the house.

There is a tradition: the very first egg is divided among all family members. Each piece. After that, everyone eats their share. According to legend, this custom makes the family stronger and keeps love in it.

Original ideas for painting with your own hands, well, very beautiful!

In addition to the traditional ways of painting eggs, there are others. They will give the egg an unusual and unique look, they will look original on the festive table or serve as a cool themed gift!

  • Marble.

To get this effect, you need to dip the egg in water with a light-colored dye. And then in a dark color dye, with the addition of sunflower oil.

  • Foil.

If you don't want to spend time painting. Wrap pre-cooked and cooled eggs in colored foil.

Or simply cut out various decorative elements and attach to the egg with glue.

  • Water-based markers or paints.

For mothers with children, painting with an egg with water-based markers is suitable. They are harmless. And if the kid still does not know how to draw, but decorates well - draw a drawing on the egg with a simple pencil.

Also, don't forget the colors. It can be watercolor or gouache.

But what options for children I found, I think fans of cartoon characters will appreciate

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are just amazing, young guys will be delighted

funny minions

Fans of the cartoon Peppa Pig:

Disney cartoons, do you recognize cartoon characters in these cute testicles? These are my favorite cartoons, if they gave me such Easter eggs for Easter, I would jump for happiness!

But how can you transform for Easter according to the plot of the cartoon Frozen

Cute yellowmouths will also be a great addition to the festive table.

  • Powdered sugar.

Maybe for the first time you learned about this method of painting eggs? Then be sure to use it.

Mix powdered sugar with water at room temperature. The consistency should be thick and uniform. We collect the mixture in a confectionery syringe and draw the desired pattern. Now let's wait until the patterns dry. Like these ones beautiful eggs are obtained.

We color Easter eggs with natural dyes

Natural dyes, or they are also called natural, are the most popular and widespread, since for a long time only they have been used to color eggs for the bright holiday. And if you have onion peel, beets or turmeric at home, then you don’t have to spend money on their purchase. In simple words, there are only pluses from the natural method of staining. Therefore, if you are interested in how to dye eggs with natural dyes at home, read the detailed guide below ...

We paint exactly with patterns in onion skins

Krashenki in onion peel were also made by our grandmothers. But how to make sure that they also have patterns? Let's see.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • leaves (for example, parsley or dill);
  • threads;
  • square pieces of gauze;
  • onion peel.

Stages of work:

Wet the egg with water. Attach leaves to it. Carefully wrap the egg with cheesecloth. We pull tightly so that the decorative elements do not move. We tie the ends of the gauze with a thread.

Be careful, because raw eggs are very easy to break.

Thus we do with all the eggs.

Place the eggs in the bowl with the onion skins. Fill with cold water. Exactly half the pot.

We cook for about three minutes. To get a brighter color, you can use a little more.

After that, we take out the krashenki, cool, remove the gauze with leaves.

To add gloss, wipe the dye with a cotton pad dipped in sunflower oil.

Painting paint beets

  • Freshly squeezed beetroot juice can give eggs a pink tint. It is enough to pour it into a bowl and place boiled eggs there.

And if you leave the eggs in the solution overnight. They will be burgundy.

  • We rub 2-3 medium beets (peeled) on a grater. Add some water, 1 tsp. vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. In the resulting broth we place the eggs. The time depends on the desired color intensity.

You can also do it with the juice of any vegetable or berry. For example, cauliflower or blueberries.

  • But the most economical way is to simply boil eggs with beets. As a result, we get both krashenki and an ingredient for salad.

Coloring with turmeric

If you want beautiful yellow eggs, this method is perfect.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp turmeric;
  • white eggs;
  • water.

Stages of work:

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of turmeric. Stir and put on the stove.

Dip the eggs into the solution.

After the mixture boils, boil the eggs for about 10-15 minutes. Constantly stirring with a spoon.

If you want to get a more saturated shade, leave the eggs in the solution overnight.

Here's what we got.

There are other natural dyes:

How to transform eggs with cloth?

Amazing Easter eggs can be obtained by boiling eggs in fabric, the dye of which is not resistant to high temperatures. It can be silk, muslin, chintz or other fabrics.

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • fabric with a beautiful pattern and unstable dye;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • 3 tbsp vinegar;
  • needle;
  • white cotton.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut off a square of silk fabric.
  2. We wrap the egg with it so that the front side of the fabric fits snugly against the shell. We sew the fabric along the contour of the egg, so that there are no wrinkles.
  3. Next, wrap the wrapped egg in a white cloth.
  4. We fix near the blunt edge with the help of threads. Mix water with three tablespoons of vinegar. We put eggs in it, put it on the stove. When the water boils, cook pysanky for another 10-12 minutes. Then remove from the stove and fill with cold water.
  5. After the eggs have cooled, we clean them from the tissue.
  6. Easter eggs are ready!

And here is an example on different pieces of fabric, it turns out very beautifully!

And how do you like this coloring, would you make such Easter eggs?

If everything is done correctly, incredibly beautiful patterns on the shell will turn out.

Beautiful ornament with colored rice

And now let's try to give beauty to Easter eggs with colored rice. It turns out very beautiful and original, but do you like this idea?

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • food coloring for Easter eggs;
  • plastic bags;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • 0.5 cup rice (for each color).

Stages of work:

While the eggs are being cooked. Let's start coloring the rice. Pour half a glass of rice into each bag.

Add some vinegar to the dye. Dry powder dye is diluted with a small amount of water so that the color is juicy. And then add vinegar. Pour the mixture into the rice, 2-3 teaspoons. One sachet, one color.

Shake each bag well so that the rice is completely colored.

During this time, the eggs are cooked. We put them in a bag hot (two or one at a time).

We tie the bag so that the egg is completely immersed in rice.

We leave the bags for a while. The longer the eggs lie in colored rice, the more intense their color will be.

After, we take out the dyes from cellophane and shake off the grits.

Here is such an interesting way to paint eggs with rice.

You can experiment and mix two different colors.

We paint krashenki with iodine and brilliant green with our own hands

It is best to color already boiled eggs in this way. Just briefly put them in a solution of iodine or brilliant green.

But it is worth considering that this is a laborious and rather dirty process, but in the end such marble eggs are obtained. If you are interested in learning how to make such beauty, read the step-by-step description below.

But still, if you are not afraid to get dirty. You can try to cook krashenki in this way:

We will need:

  • white eggs;
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  • onion peel;
  • small gauze squares;
  • sunflower oil.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut the husk into pieces of different sizes.
  2. Wet the egg in water and dip in the husk.
  3. Moisten in a gauze square, tie with a thread.
  4. Place the eggs in a bowl of water.
  5. Add a little salt so that the shell does not crack during cooking.
  6. Pour greens into a bowl. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Then we free from gauze and rinse under cold water.

Despite all the variety of ways, it is better not to eat colored testicles with brilliant green, iodine and potassium permanganate, but to use them for decoration, because these are still medicines. Healthier, there will be natural dyes: onion peel, vegetable and berry juices, turmeric or food, but of course each hostess decides on her own.

And I wish you a warm spring and a Happy Easter!

Be sure to write what methods of coloring eggs you use. If you liked the article, press the social buttons. networks and add to bookmarks.

Until new posts!

Painted eggs are one of the main symbols of the Holy Resurrection of Christ - Easter. And it doesn't have to be red. You can use ordinary brilliant green, show your imagination and create a masterpiece - exclusive dyes.

To obtain a rich green color, a solution of brilliant green is used - brilliant green. This liquid is safe and even if it stains the protein, it will not harm the human body.

How to dye eggs green - preparation

Before you start experimenting with paints, collect everything you need in the process of work on the table:

  • a two-liter pan, preferably an old one, since brilliant green is poorly rubbed off;
  • a vial of greenery;
  • rubber gloves on the hand;
  • coarse salt, it will not allow the shell to crack;
  • citric acid. It is added to the paint so that it does not peel off;
  • rag or napkin, just in case, wipe sloppy splashes and stains from the stove and hands.

Tip: Remove the eggs from the refrigerator an hour before cooking, then they will not burst during the cooking process.

How to dye eggs green - the easiest way

Creating spring-green testicles is easy.

  • Pour warm water into the container, add a spoonful of coarse salt and lower the washed eggs. The solution should cover with the head all future dyes.
  • Put on gloves. Drip some greenery into the pan to get a light green tone. If you want to make testicles with a thick dark green tint, pour out the entire vial of dye.
  • Boil eggs for 10 minutes, 30 seconds before done, add 1 tsp. citric acid.
  • Drain the liquid, cool the eggs under running cold water, put them on a plate. Dry with a napkin, wipe with a cloth dipped in sunflower oil.

Transfer the krashenki to a festive dish with Easter cake.

How to get the effect of marble pattern

Unusual marbled coloring can be done using onion peel along with brilliant green.

  • Finely chop two handfuls of onion peels with scissors, dip a clean raw egg in water, then roll in chopped onions.
  • Wrap the egg in a piece of bandage, tie it with a tail.
  • Stretch a piece of nylon over each resulting ball and wrap it with thick yarn.
  • Fold the hanks to the bottom of the pan, fill with water, add salt, a vial of brilliant green, cook over medium heat for 12 minutes.
  • Drain the green liquid, remove the dyes. Using scissors, remove the husk and gauze coat from them. Rinse the eggs, wipe dry, brush with oil.

You have painted testicles with fantastic marble stains, which will delight others with its juicy color.

How to dye eggs with green flecks

In order to make krashenka with a color resembling thrush eggs, in a chaotic speck, use any cereal that is available: rice, millet, buckwheat.

Pour the grains into a deep dry plate and roll the soaked egg in it. Place it in an elastic stocking, secure by wrapping it with thread. Boil in water with brilliant green for about 15 minutes. Then rinse from the remnants of the grains.

How to get patterned eggs

An original Easter egg is obtained using bright pieces of silk.

Wrap the egg with the fabric of your choice, right side up to the shell. Sew the silk along the outline of the egg. Wrap the resulting ball in a white cotton flap. Place the bags in a container of hot water. Add greens, salt, cook for 10 minutes. Remove, fill with cold water for five minutes. After cleaning the eggs from the tissue, you will see a thin drawing on the shell, as if drawn by an experienced hand of the artist.

How to make lace openwork on eggs with greenery

Cut out the desired fragment of the ornament from the guipure. Moisten it in water and fix it on a boiled egg by placing the workpiece in the corner of a nylon sock. Tie a tuft with thread on the blunt tip of the egg. Dip the prepared balls into a container with diluted brilliant green. Hold for 3 minutes, take out, remove the lace. Rinse the eggs, wipe, oil. You can make it easier: wrap the egg with a piece of tulle, secure the fabric with an elastic band and dip it in a green solution.

Each housewife has her favorite recipes for painting eggs. Try to experiment and create an unusual color of krashenka that will bring joy, kindness, love to your home.

Good afternoon my friends!! Today we are waiting for a very exciting and interesting topic. We will learn how to paint Easter eggs on our own. After all, Easter this year is very soon and falls on April 8th. So it's time to get acquainted with all the methods and methods of staining.

Did you know that the rite of painting eggs has been going on since ancient times?! People glorified the God of the Sun with such a rite, and the color for coloring was chosen red.

There is also another story of this tradition, which is considered the most truthful. Listen here if you don't know:

The news that Jesus was resurrected spread very quickly. And Magdalene decided to be the first to report such good news to Emperor Tiberius. To do this, she took an egg, which means a symbol of life, and presented it to the emperor with the words "Christ is Risen!". But Tiberius did not believe this and said: "The dead will never become alive." Then he took the egg and said these words: “Just as this egg cannot be red, so this story is all fiction to mislead him!” But to his surprise and in front of everyone who was present at that moment, the egg began to turn red.

Thanks to this legend, there was a custom to paint eggs for Easter, so we remember the Resurrection of Christ.

The egg is the main attribute of the Easter holiday, as new life is born from it, which in turn symbolizes rebirth.

Of course, in our modern times, there are many different ways to dye eggs. Sell ​​special food paints and stickers for decoration. But home methods certainly remain in every family and are available to everyone. Therefore, let's deal with natural techniques without dyes in order.

Onion peel as a means of coloring eggs has been known to people for a long time, and it is very simple to do. I think you have dyed eggs in this way more than once ?! Well, if you have not tried it yet, then I will tell you everything and show you.

We will need:

  • Saucepan (preferably old);
  • Onion peel - tightly packed 0.5 liter jar;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Raw eggs.

Stages of work:

1. So, first we need to prepare a concentrated decoction of the husk. To do this, take dishes, preferably small, so that our paint is more saturated. Crush the prepared husk and place in a saucepan. Next, fill it with water, wait for the husk to get wet and settle in the bowl.

Important!! Onion peel must be collected in advance and put in a plastic bag.

2. Put this broth on the fire and bring to a boil. But it is important to monitor the water so that it does not run away, otherwise you risk painting the stove too)). After boiling, the broth must be boiled for 5 minutes and removed from heat.

3. The liquid should cool slightly. Add salt to the pan, so you protect the eggs from cracking.

By the way, you can boil the husk in the evening, and paint the eggs themselves in the morning.

4. Now let's prepare the eggs. They must be thoroughly washed under water. If you have been preparing the broth in the evening, then part of the onion peel can be removed, but if you use freshly prepared, then it is better not to throw out the husk, but to cook it together with the eggs.

To give an even color, the decoction is best boiled in advance and let it brew overnight. And onion peel in the process of boiling eggs, it is better to completely remove.

5. So, put the broth on the fire along with the eggs and boil everything for at least 10 minutes, while gently stirring the husk so that it does not stick to the shell, as unpainted spots may remain.

After 5 minutes, the eggs will not color well, but don't worry, everything will work out later!!

6. After 10-15 minutes, carefully remove the eggs from the paint and put a new portion.

Finished eggs can be decorated with wax crayons or stick stickers.

We paint eggs in onion skins, but with a pattern

Above, we examined the method of coloring in an even tone, now let's see how you can do everything with drawings.

I found another interesting version of egg coloring. Since during Lent you can’t eat fast food, and the bird is still rushing these days, our ancestors found the next way out of the situation. Laid eggs were boiled so that they did not deteriorate and they were dyed in order to distinguish them from raw ones.

So, in order to dye eggs with onion skins, but with a pattern, we need all the same materials: the onion peel itself, eggs, water, salt, saucepan, parsley leaves, cilantro or basil.

By the way, eggs are needed fresh and white, and rustic ones are best, as they are larger and tastier.

Before painting, the eggs must be at room temperature, not cold. And to make the color saturated, moisten a cloth with vinegar before work and wipe each testicle.

Stages of work:

1. Boil a decoction of onion skins and prepare the eggs according to the method described above.

2. Then take an egg and moisten with water the place where the pattern will be located and immediately attach a leaf or several leaves there. After that, take nylon socks or gauze and wrap our product so that the leaf does not fall off during cooking.

3. After that, put the blanks in a saucepan with broth and cook for 20 minutes.

4. After that, cool and remove the robe. Look how beautiful it turns out!!

You can also use threads or rubber bands, wrapping them randomly and securing them before lowering them into the broth, and after cooking, remove them.

And you can add a couple of drops of brilliant green to the onion paint, it will turn out marble effect.

Also, products can be speckled, for this we need rice. The process is the same: boil the broth, peel the eggs, and then pour some rice into a small bowl. Next, soak the egg in water, then dip in rice and place on a piece of gauze, rewinding well.

Boil for 20 minutes, remove cheesecloth and rice, admire.

If you want to receive openwork pattern then use lace fabric or tulle. To implement this method, wrap the eggs in a fabric with a pattern and dip in a decoction with onion peel. Simmer for 20 minutes, then drain and remove the cloth.

To add shine, after painting, grease the products with a cotton swab, which you soak in vegetable oil.

For getting abstractions, onion peel should be finely chopped. Then add some chopped white paper to it. Roll the eggs in this mixture and wrap in cheesecloth. Then we lower the blanks into water and cook for 35 minutes. Cool and remove gauze and cut materials.

Well, in addition to onion peels, there are also natural dyes. I found an excellent tablet assistant in this matter, I share with you.

The ancient Slavs first dyed eggs with blood, it was a kind of sacrifice. And then we switched to paint and added bright colors.

And at the end of the method of coloring with onion peel, I want to give you a couple of tips so that all your experiments turn out to be successful.

  1. There should be enough decoction of the husk so that it can completely cover the eggs.
  2. The shell should be clean and smooth, so the color will lie evenly.
  3. You can paint with or without peel.
  4. Heat the eggs before painting by holding them for a minute in warm water.
  5. Vinegar can be added to enhance the color.
  6. Painted eggs rub with vegetable oil, so you get a spectacular shine.

Painting Easter eggs with beets

Can you guess what vegetable we are talking about? Yes, it's a candle. There are several options for coloring with this root crop. The color is bright pink or intense burgundy.

For work you will need: eggs and beets, water, vinegar.

Method one.

Boil the eggs ahead of time. Take a large beet and grate it on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice. Put the testicles in this juice, if you keep them for an hour - you will get a pink color, and leave it all night - burgundy.

Make sure the juice completely covers the eggs.

Method two.

Rinse and clean the beets, grate. Fill it with water, and add vinegar to the solution. Next, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place boiled eggs in this liquid. Hold them until the desired staining color.

Method three.

Grate the root crop on a fine grater. Grate the eggs well with this paste. Wait a while and remove the beet pulp.

Work is best done with gloves so as not to paint your hands.

Method four.

Cut the peeled beets into pieces and pour cold water along with the eggs. Boil for 10-15 minutes. And if you want to get a green color, then mix beetroot juice with turmeric.

As you can see, the process is very simple and accessible to everyone.

How to color eggs with turmeric?

And the next method is also simple and safe, and is very easy to carry out at home. And as the basis of the natural dye, we will take a spicy medicinal plant - turmeric. And the color of the product will turn out to be a delicate yellow.

In general, watch the video plot and find out for yourself! By the way, how do you most often paint these “gifts” for Easter?

Decorate eggs with greenery and iodine

The next method, I know, few people like, this is how medicines are used - iodine and brilliant green. But this option also has a place to be, so I'm talking about it.

We will need: onion peel, gauze, iodine, brilliant green, water, eggs.

Stages of work:

1. Cut some onion skins.

2. Moisten the eggs with water and roll in the husk, then put in a gauze bag.

3. Pour water into the pan, add a couple of drops of brilliant green and iodine, lower our blanks. Boil after boiling for 10 minutes.

4. Then take out, untie and wash, dry. Rub with vegetable oil.

Or you can simply prepare water by adding drops of brilliant green to it, stir and place already hard-boiled products. Leave for a while, we get a turquoise color.

To achieve the original effect, use threads, preferably floss or wool. Wrap them around each egg and dip into the broth prepared above. Boil until done. Then place in cold water and carefully cut the threads.

Now you know how, with the help of brilliant green and iodine, you can prepare Easter eggs in the form of decorations for this bright holiday.

Marble eggs for Easter

Do you want to surprise all the guests and please your eyes?! Then use the simple marble effect method.

You will need: dyes of different colors, vegetable oil, water, eggs.

Stages of work:

  1. Rinse the eggs and boil until tender. Let them dry.
  2. Next, paint them one color, red, yellow, or any other color of your choice.
  3. When the paint dries, dilute the darker shades in small containers and add a few drops of vegetable oil to them.
  4. Dip each product in the prepared solutions.

Also, do not forget to use the methods that I wrote about a little higher, there you will also find the secrets of getting marble eggs.

And one more way.

In a glass of hot water, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of vinegar, add dye. Pour the resulting liquid into a deep container and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix everything well. Two colors can be used. Dip hard-boiled eggs into the solution and twist to get a pattern. Next, blot the shell with a napkin and let dry.

In general, experiment and choose a more successful method for yourself.

Video on how to beautifully paint eggs at home

I also found an interesting video, it shows in detail as many as 5 ways to color our testicles. Choose what you like. Well, are you ready to watch? Then catch the plot!!

Painting Easter eggs with napkins

And the next way to decorate will be decoupage. And do not be afraid, in fact, this method is not so complicated, the main thing is to do everything in order and you will have an excellent result.

We will need:

  • Eggs - 8-10 pcs.;
  • Small brush;
  • Multilayer napkin;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

1. First, prepare the eggs: they should be at room temperature. Dip them in cold water and cook for 10-12 minutes after the water boils. Then drain the hot water from them and fill with cold water. Once the eggs have cooled, wipe them dry.

2. Make a shell degreasing solution out of water and vinegar. For 1 liter of water you need 80-100 ml of vinegar. Boiled eggs should be lowered into this solution for 5 minutes. Wipe them dry again.

3. Now let's prepare the napkin. It should be abstract, with a beautiful pattern. Cut out the images on the napkin along the contour.

5. Take the cut out pattern and separate the top layer. On the prepared egg, apply the prepared glue (whipped egg white) with a brush. Attach a drawing to this place, gently smooth a piece of napkin with a brush with glue. So you need to cover the whole egg with drawings from napkins.

6. You can dry the product with a hair dryer. After drying, once again cover everything with egg white. Dry again with a hairdryer. All is ready.

You see, as I said, everything is very simple !! Show your imagination and your products will not leave anyone indifferent!!

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes?

In fact, we already touched on this issue when we considered methods using onion peel, beets and turmeric. Of course, there are other ingredients that are natural and can help us get a beautiful color.

But remember that the work process is almost the same everywhere: the preparation of paint and eggs, the coloring itself. If we get an even tone, then we don’t need to invent anything, and if you want patterns, then use cereals and gauze, threads, or you can use cotton swabs for drawing.

So, to get a yellow-brown color, onion peel is used. For red - beets or blueberries. Orange shades can be obtained by mixing turmeric and onion skins. Turmeric gives yellow color lemon peel and orange, young birch leaves and shell walnut. Can also be used as a dye black tea, hibiscus, cranberries, red cabbage and nettle.

If you want to decorate eggs without using any chemical or natural dyes, then it's time to use modern methods.

Using a permanent marker.

All you need is the marker itself and your imagination. We take and draw!!

The use of paints.

Acrylic or watercolor will do. Again, you only need to show imagination, taking a brush and paint, and of course the egg itself.

The use of fabric.

For this technology, you need to take an egg and wrap it in a cloth, secure with threads. Pour in water and add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Boil our blanks in this solution for 10 minutes after boiling, then cool and carefully remove the fabric.

And you can decorate our eggs with threads or stick grits.

Looks great and original too!

The use of confectionery sprinkles, sequins, rhinestones, glass.

The surface must be lubricated with PVA glue and glue the decorations as you please.

You can also choose a technique quilling or paint the shell in divorced nail polishes.

Also do not forget about paper decorations, thermal stickers and sequins.

See how beautiful it can be!! Choose any method and everything will work out!! And by the way, do not forget to involve children in this business, usually children are delighted with such creativity.

Well, I tell you "Goodbye", I hope it was useful !! Do not forget to write comments and share with friends on social networks!! - Bathroom design and renovation portal