Prairie dogs are rodents. Prairie Dog: An animal that looks like a gopher. Pet accommodation

Many gardeners, having arrived at the dacha in early spring, are horrified to find that uninvited guests have visited the beds - they gnawed the bark of trees, “plowed” the ridges and destroyed the entire crop of winter crops.

Rodents are dangerous pests of the garden and vegetable garden, and if mice and hares feed on tree bark only in severe winter frosts, then pests such as "Chinese dogs" harm the garden and the crops remaining to winter throughout the winter season. In the article I will tell you who the “Chinese dogs” are, present this pest rodent in the photo and list the main methods of dealing with the dangerous “neighbor”.

One of the most dangerous pests for gardens and orchards is the Chinese dog. This rodent belongs to the order of mice, but in terms of body shape and size it is more like a rat. The rodent causes significant damage to all garden plantings, because, like a mole, it digs the ground, leaving huge earthen heaps on the surface of the ridges.

Appearance of a rodent:

  • body length - 25 cm;
  • weight - 500 gr.;
  • tail length - 6-13 cm;
  • coat color - gray, brown, black, with the presence of white or light gray stripes on the back or dark brown spots located over the entire surface of the body;
  • wool - smooth, thick.

The “Chinese dog” feeds on seeds, fruits, berries, root crops, the bark of young shrubs or fruit trees, and the juicy pulp of stem shoots. In a word, if a rodent settles in the garden, it will cause enormous damage to the crop.

“Chinese or earthen dog” is a thrifty rodent, it prepares supplies for the winter, preferring to lay fruits, root crops and plant seeds in a mink. In summer, the rodent rests its minks near water bodies or any other natural waters; in winter, it moves closer to houses and summer cottages.

Closer to the onset of cold weather, a pest rodent can often be found in sheds, summer cottages and even greenhouses. This fluffy animal surprises with its maneuverability - it can climb trees, swim perfectly, run fast, dig long and deep trenches, and even jump.

Mink "Chinese dogs" dig at a depth of 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth. Under the ground, the animal equips passages, a pantry, a nesting place and a place for hibernation. If there are mole passages in the garden, then the “Chinese dog” will use them.

Harm to the garden

If “Chinese dogs” equip their minks on the territory of the garden or near the garden plot, then this becomes a significant problem for the gardener. The rodent is a voracious animal, it is able to completely destroy the crop.

The pest prefers to collect root crops in vegetable gardens. He stores small potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes for the winter, and the rodent feeds on large root crops right in the garden. In addition to stealing the crop, the pest causes significant damage to plant crops, digging holes in the ground, it destroys young shoots and adult crops. On young shrubs and fruit trees, the “Chinese dog” gnaws the bark, as a result of which the tree begins to dry, get sick and may even die.

It is difficult to overestimate the damage that the "Chinese dog" can cause. The rodent is characterized by active fertility, and if its number increases, then almost the entire crop can suffer from wrecking of the animal.

Methods of dealing with the "Chinese dog"

There are various ways to rid the garden of rodent wrecking, namely, to expel, poison, destroy. The choice of technique depends on the number of pests, as well as the personal preferences of the gardener.

Biological method

The main enemies of rodents are cats and cats. Fluffy pets do a great job with mice and rats. Statistics indicate that a cat living on the street can destroy about 40-50 mice per month.

To destroy the "Chinese dog" you can also use a cat. But it is important to remember that the rodent has a rather impressive size, so not every cat will be able to deal with it. In addition, if a domestic cat (which has not been on the street before) is chosen to destroy the animal, then there is no certainty that she will want to catch rodents.

Another option for getting rid of a rodent is a dog. It is desirable that the dog has hunting instincts, for example, a dachshund. Small in size also easily penetrates into the mink of the animal, can catch up and destroy it, catch it on a tree or in the water.

Mechanical method (traps and traps)

Since ancient times, traps or special traps have been used to kill rodents - garden pests. This method against rodents is actively used today.

To destroy the "Chinese dog" arc traps are used as traps. They are buried in the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm, it is not necessary to sprinkle the trap with earth on top. It is advisable to place traps near the pest holes.

In addition to arc traps, you can use cylindrical traps, traps of your own manufacture, traps equipped with an electric charge, etc.

Unfortunately, traps and traps are not the most effective method of rodent control. These animals are very smart and cunning, and when they see that their relative has fallen into a trap, the next time they will bypass it. Other disadvantages of the mechanical method of rodent extermination:

  • extermination of rodents individually, which is very inefficient with a large number of pests;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the trap (it is important to regularly check whether the animal has fallen into the trap or not);
  • the need to remove a dead or wounded animal from the trap;
  • the likelihood that a pet will fall into the trap.


An effective way to destroy the "Chinese dog" and other rodents is poison. The principle of such means is the same - the animal eats the poisoned product and soon dies.

Specialty stores offer a huge selection of poisons for rodents. But it is important to consider that in rodents, toxic substances can stimulate the immune system. For example, if one generation of pests was poisoned by a certain pesticide, then the next generation of animals will develop immunity to this drug.

To carry out effective pest control using pesticides, the names of drugs need to be changed from time to time.

Rules for use: poisoned products are placed near the holes of the animal. In order for the rodent to eat the bait, it is recommended to feed it for several days, for example, with bread or cheese. A rodent that has lost its vigilance will gladly eat a poisoned product, and then die.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the need to exercise maximum caution in the process of spreading the poison and preparing poisoned products;
  • the need to place chemicals in places inaccessible to pets and children;
  • a dead animal has a specific smell, so it must be found and destroyed, which is not always easy, since dying rodents are hiding.

Ultrasonic repellers

The principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers is the inhibition of the nervous system of a rodent. The hearing of the pest is affected by ultrasonic frequencies, which create an uncomfortable environment for living, nesting and breeding of animals. Ultrasonic repellers placed around the garden will help drive out rodents forever.

This method is by far one of the most effective in the fight against rodent pests. In addition, it is absolutely safe for both humans and pets.

Advantages of the method:

  • an ultrasonic attack forces a family of rodents to leave the garden;
  • animals do not die, but simply leave, so there is no need to collect dead animals;
  • the device works constantly, providing reliable protection against rodents;
  • economical in terms of power consumption;
  • lasts a long time - about 10-12 years.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • it is necessary that the device works constantly, otherwise the rodents may return;
  • the need to install the device in open spaces (without barriers);
  • the distance of ultrasonic waves is 20 m, so in large areas it is necessary to install several devices.

Folk ways

"Chinese dogs" are sensitive to pungent and specific odors, so the following methods can be used to scare away animals:

  • set fire to the rubber and put it in the rodent's hole;
  • pour kerosene (gasoline, machine oil) on a rag and place in a mink;
  • fill the mink with water mixed with soot;
  • plant fragrant plants in the garden - tansy, mint, elderberry, medicinal chamomile, marigolds.


  • "Chinese dog" is a type of rodent pest that can destroy the entire crop of fruit and vegetable crops.
  • Various techniques are used to control rodents, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The field study was conducted by biologists at the US Center for Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland. Data collection took place over several months from 2003 to 2012 in a reserve in Colorado. Here, as well as in Wyoming, Utah and Montana, the white-tailed subspecies of prairie dogs (Cynomys leucurus) lives. These small animals live on the prairies, on dry land covered with short grass. They are active during the day, hiding in their own dug burrows at night. The white-tailed prairie dog differs from its counterparts not only in the color of the tail, but also in the fact that it falls into a semi-annual hibernation. The black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus), on the other hand, is active all year round and even moves in the snow. In order to better understand the life of C. leucurus, scientists literally "lived like them," according to National Geographic. Biologists got up at dawn, occupied observation posts and left them only after the last dog went to sleep in its hole. In 2007, one of the scientists from afar noticed some activity of a prairie dog around another rodent. It has been suggested that this is an adult killing the cub of another dog. In general, this behavior occurs in prairie dogs, but it was not known that white-tailed dogs also hunt this. However, upon closer examination of the victim, scientists made a much more interesting discovery: the carcass belonged to another rodent: the Wyoming ground squirrel (Urocitellus elegans), another member of the squirrel family. Over the next five years, scientists "solved" 101 dog kills of gophers, and another 62 cases are described as "similar". Most of the "crimes" were committed in May - the period when ground squirrels come out of their burrows to feed after wintering. "Hunters" were adults of both sexes. Meanwhile, prairie dogs do not eat meat at all: they are completely herbivores. According to biologists, destroying equally herbivorous ground squirrels, they are fighting for food. In the world of wildlife, this happens: such herbivorous mammals as rats can kill competitors, but in this case they will not disdain to taste his meat. Prairie dogs, on the other hand, simply left the bodies of the victims without further attention to them. The scientists also found that not all prairie dogs in the study population are engaged in killing, and those who go on a “hunt” do it with different intensity. One of the dogs killed nine gophers in four years, while the other killed seven in one day. But it was worth it: it turned out that the cubs of the "killers" grow up stronger and healthier than those of the peace-loving representatives of the population. Thus, this model of behavior, developed in conditions of limited resources, turned out to be viable and did not even require changing the food preferences of herbivores. find out

The Chinese dog belongs to the hamster family. This is a rodent whose body reaches 20 cm in length. The traditional habitat of the animal is considered to be the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds and other bodies of water, but it can visit vegetable gardens and gardens, which are located at a great distance from its home. The main disadvantage of the water vole for gardeners and gardeners is the appetite of the rodent. The fact is that in the summer cottage he eats any edible products - vegetables, fruits, young, seeds, roots and leaves of plants. With their raids, Chinese dogs literally devastate territories and cause significant damage to the crop.

A rodent dog is called for some behavioral features. Water voles are very playful, and their intermittent whistle is reminiscent of a dog's yelp or playful bark.


The size of a Chinese dog can be compared to a guinea pig or a very large rat. The coat of this rodent can be dark brown, spotted or lighter shades. The tail is small, slightly fluffy. Outwardly, the water vole very much resembles an ordinary hamster. However, in agility and dexterity it is several times superior.

When the Chinese dog is in danger, it makes shrill sounds and beats the ground with its tail. Rodents are quite aggressive and try to defend themselves in every way.

For the winter, Chinese dogs hibernate, and in the summer they lead a predominantly daytime lifestyle. If the winter is quite warm, water voles may wake up. They feed on their reserves or look for food in the snow cover. Given the diversity of the diet of these animals, they can find food in any conditions.

The Chinese water vole is called only by the people. According to some sources, the comparison is due to the arguments that the inhabitants of China deliberately spread this animal around the world. However, such arguments are not confirmed.

Like hamsters, Chinese dogs have roomy cheek pouches where the rodent hides the collected food.

Ways to deal with a Chinese dog

It is very difficult to drive a Chinese dog out of a summer cottage. For many gardeners, it becomes a real misfortune. Experts recommend using traditional methods of rodent control - poisons, traps, traps. However, among the many characteristics of the animal, a striking cunning occupies a special place. He can avoid eating poisoned food and easily avoids traps.

Another method of struggle is petting and. These animals are happy to include water voles in their diet. Everyone can get a ferret, but it differs in a too capricious character. In addition, some cats and dogs also do not miss the opportunity to catch rodents, including Chinese dogs.

Prairie dogs are relatives of the ground squirrel and groundhog. They owe their name to the yapping sounds they make. The black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) can be recognized by the black tip of its tail. These are golden-brown to reddish-brown animals with muscular legs and sharp claws, which are indispensable for digging spacious underground structures. Sociable animals maintain close social contacts. Together they build their homes, stock up for the winter, play or clean each other's fur.


Prairie dogs live by the thousands in giant underground cities with an extensive network of dwellings. Inside the city, each family of prairie dogs, consisting of a male, one to four females, and young, lives in its own hole. When the young leave the nest, the females often remain in the neighborhood, while the males dig their own housing to the side or occupy an abandoned apartment. How harmoniously families live, pregnant females and newly-made mothers behave just as aggressively. After mating among expectant mothers, the struggle for the best underground burrows. 34-37 days after mating, each female gives birth to four to six cubs, which are born naked, blind and deaf. Many cubs are preyed upon by alien mothers, who keep rivals from rearing their young in order to improve the chances of survival for their own offspring. After the cub stops eating milk, the mother returns to her relatives.


Black-tailed prairie dogs are a good food source for many carnivores. In order to protect themselves from them, prairie dogs guard the entrances to dwellings around the clock. Sitting on their hind legs and dangling their front legs, the “sentinels” watch the surroundings and, in case of danger, burst into sharp, annoying barking, which makes all relatives hide at home.


Black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus)

Class Mammals.
Squad of rodents.
The squirrel family.
Distribution: North America.
Body length with head: 28-35 cm weight: 900-1400 g.
Diet: Predominantly herbs.
Sexual maturity: from 2-3 years.
Duration of pregnancy: 34-37 days.
Number of cubs: 4-6.
Life span: over 8 years (in captivity and reserves).

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A close relative of the Western Asian hamster, unfortunately, can be very rarely found in Central Europe. Despite this, the common hamster ...

What kind of domestic animals today do not live next to a person. Someone gets dogs and cats, but someone prefers the exotic - and even. But, today we will not talk about those, and not about those. We invite you to talk about another contender for a place in your home and heart from the category of rodents. Prairie dogs. Let's get to know them better and find out what is more in them - the habits of dogs or the habits of rodents ...

Description of prairie dogs

Prairie dogs are rodents that belong to the squirrel family. We already wrote about the protein content on our website, therefore, you already have an idea with whom you have to deal. However, prairie dogs are not too similar to squirrels, although this does not prevent them from gaining more and more popularity and love. So, the length of an adult prairie dog reaches 30-38 centimeters, with a weight of 1-2 kilograms. At the same time, males are always heavier and larger than females. The color of fur in prairie dogs can be from brown-gray to light brown. The paws of the dogs are short, have sharp and hard dark claws. The eyes are large, widely spaced for the ability to view in a wide range, the head is wide and rounded, while the color of the fur in the head area is darker than the color of the fur of the body. And, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and on the cheeks you can see light rings. The tails of rodents are not long, covered with thick hair, and differ in color, depending on the type of prairie dog. The ears of the animals are short and often cannot be seen under the thickness of the fur.

Well, from such a portrait it already becomes clear that this creature is more like a marmot than a squirrel or a dog. But, appearance deceptive.

Prairie Dogs in Nature

These rodents are very unusual and interesting. By the way, they are even called prairie dogs, and all because in the conditions of nature - in the western and central parts of North America, they live on the prairies, where they live in large colonies. By the way, there are as many as 5 species of prairie dogs, and as you may have guessed, different animals live in different areas.

There is the Gunnison prairie dog, white-tailed, black-tailed, Mexican and even Jutsk prairie dog...

Prairie dog burrows

These creatures in their natural habitat have a very complex social structure, which consists of 1 male, several females and their common offspring. These are the big families that prairie dogs live in. As for their place of residence, they know how to dig deep holes, which are so well built that they are not afraid of either flooding during the rainy season or shedding sand. These burrows have complex tunnels that run down steep, sloping corridors before leveling off. At the same time, in such holes you can find different rooms - pantries, places where prairie dogs nest, escape from predators or from flooding. According to experts, on average, the length of one such hole with all the tunnels is more than 300 meters.

Prairie dog behavior

Surprisingly, the behavior of prairie dogs makes one think that these creatures are unusually smart. What is the fact that when it sees a predator, the prairie dog makes a loud and sharp sound in order to notify other animals, and only after that it hides in a hole. At the same time, prairie dogs are able to make quite a variety of sounds, thereby warning in different ways about the approach. different types predators that they cannot resist. The only thing left for them is to warn of the approaching danger and escape.

The activity of these animals falls on the daylight hours, while at night, unlike most other rodent species, prairie dogs hide in burrows and sleep. Ah, here is the white-tailed prairie dog, which even hibernates in the winter. She is one of the few of this species who is prone to such long winter sleep.

Can these animals be considered useful? Experts are sure yes. First, prairie dogs are food for many other animals. Secondly, their burrows become a home for other types of animals. And, thirdly, the passages and tunnels of these rodents contribute to the fertilization and ventilation of the soil, and also contribute to the diversity of plants in this area. However, farmers do not really believe in this, and actively exterminate prairie dogs, considering them guilty of a poor harvest.

Prairie dog nutrition

In nature, prairie dogs feed on various types of plants, sometimes they can eat insects.

Reproduction of prairie dogs

As for the reproduction of rodents in the wild, prairie dogs bring litter every year. At the same time, the mating season begins in March-April, and the pregnancy itself lasts 28-32 weeks. From 3 to 8 puppies are born at a time in a litter, but on average 5, puppies are born naked and blind, but their eyes open within 35 days. When the babies are 6 weeks old, they begin to emerge from the hole and become more independent. When the puppies are fully grown, their parents can leave them a hole, and build a new one nearby.

Should you keep a prairie dog at home?

After we have found out how these creatures live in the conditions wildlife, how and what they eat, how they reproduce, the answer to the question of the advisability of keeping a prairie dog at home suggests itself. Moreover, in the countries of Europe and in the USA at one time a ban was imposed on the breeding and trade of prairie dogs. The fact is that in 2003 these large rodents were one of the main culprits of the outbreak of the so-called monkey flu. And, in order to prevent mass infection and the spread of the disease, it was decided to impose a ban on keeping them as pets for the next 5 years. And, although enough time has passed since that moment and the ban seems to have been lifted, think again about whether you can provide the prairie dog with comfortable conditions in your home, or is it better not to torture yourself and harass your pet, and not risk your health .

If you are not afraid of difficulties, and yet you are eager to get a prairie dog at home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main points of keeping it at home. However, we note right away that keeping such a large rodent in captivity is not so easy. This is not for you. The life expectancy of prairie dogs in captivity is up to 7-8 years, subject to good and proper care. It is better to take a puppy, as he quickly gets used to hands and is easy to learn, then you have every chance to raise an affectionate and sociable creature out of him. - Bathroom design and renovation portal