DIY design of a vibrating table for paving slabs. How to make your own vibrating table for making paving slabs. Vibrating table made from a car tire

What can you do to save your budget when arranging the site, paths in the garden and making a beautiful and convenient entrance to the garage? One option is a homemade vibrating table. With its help you can make tiles of different sizes and colors.

A vibrating table is a so-called tabletop, which, under the influence of an electric motor, vibrates and causes the mold with tile mortar to vibrate.

If you decide to produce tiles only for yourself, then the vibrating table can be made in small sizes so that it does not take up much space.

Standard parameters of vibrating table

The optimal size of the working surface of a vibrating table is 600x600 centimeters. As a table frame, you can use durable materials at hand metal sheets or an old countertop.

In any case, use such material so that after the final preparation of the tiles, it will be useful to you for other work and will not gather dust on the sidelines without use.

Please note that the quality of your tiles will directly depend on the materials from which they are made. Therefore, we recommend that you thoroughly calculate everything.

The quantity of tiles obtained is the sum of the number of molds purchased as blanks for tiles. Immediately after production, you will not be able to remove the finished product from the mold; it needs to sit thoroughly in its mold for about 24 hours.

That is, if you buy 50 molds, you can produce no more than 50 tiles per day.

Production of vibrating tables

So, what initial tasks need to be solved before starting work on the manufacture of a vibrating table:

You must determine the optimal height of the vibrating table yourself, depending on your height and build, since comfortable work will add efficiency and productivity in the production of tiles. A height of up to one meter is usually recommended.

After you have decided on the dimensions, we begin to assemble the vibrating table; it is usually mounted on four legs, for which used pipes are used, but just remember that they must be similar in size with springs. The springs should sit loosely in the pipes at a height of a couple of turns.

Or, corners welded together into a frame are used as legs. But in this case, the springs will need to be connected to the frame by welding, or small sections of pipes will need to be cut and the springs inserted into them, and the pipes themselves will need to be welded to the frame.

In any case, the vibrating table must stand steadily, not wobble or fall on its side. Here you decide for yourself what quality you want to make the table and how much money you are willing to invest in it.

If making a vibrating table is not part of your plans, but you still want to make tiles with your own hands, then we recommend buying a vibrating table for tiles according to an ad on Avito.

This way, you will save your time and immediately begin the tile making process.

The classic vibrating table has the following frame dimensions:

  • Width 0.5 m;
  • Length 1 m;
  • Height 1 m.

Important tip: more is not better! Don't assume that if you design a huge table that you will produce a large volume of tiles.

The larger the table, the more difficult it is to achieve uniform vibration using a conventional motor. In such a situation, you will have to spend money and buy a powerful vibration motor.

Vibrating table made from car tires

An interesting solution was to make a table from used car tires. Any driver will have such material. And you don’t have to look for pipes or metal corners.

To make this type of vibrating table, you will need 3 tires. Connect them together in four places with bolts. We attach the motor to the bottom lid of the table, exactly in the middle. This way your structure will be stable.

Let's summarize.

We have given you several examples of making vibrating tables. All available tools that you have in your garage can be used: tires, bolts, an electric motor, car springs, pipe sections and metal corners.

After making tiles, you can use your vibrating table for other purposes, for example, as a machine for cutting boards and other materials.

The amount of work completed depends only on you and the volume of forms that you purchase for your work. Install the table at the optimal height for your height, this will promote comfort and speed when creating tiles.

Vibrating table for paving slabs- very convenient design Where might tiles be needed? For finishing the sidewalk near the house, for arranging gazebos, ground floors and a courtyard. There are just a ton of options, but if you make your own vibrating table, the finishing process will go much faster and with better quality. The result will be the production of original and almost designer tiles, which will be much more beautiful than standard materials made from a stamp at the factory.

General characteristics of a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs

It’s not only possible to make a homemade vibrating machine for producing tiles at home, but also necessary. For the tile itself you need cement, some sand, water and dye. A vibrating table is required to form and compact the raw materials in each slab blank. Naturally, you can purchase a ready-made table at a special hardware store, but the cost will be too high, even if you choose the minimum power of the product.

The price will depend on which:

  • Equipment;
  • Dimensions;
  • Power;
  • Manufacturer.

You can make a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs yourself

In general, it is quite possible to make a homemade table for forming slabs, and this will allow you to save a lot, and all the money invested will pay for itself more than once. Basically, large batches of paving slabs are not made at home, and therefore it is not worth spending money on huge vibration mechanisms.

The appearance of a homemade vibrating table is very simple; it is a metal structure, which in appearance resembles a very ordinary table. The tabletop is installed on a frame with a spring or glasses with a special gap. The motor is installed in the lower part, and it is due to it that the tabletop will undergo vibrations in order to ensure high-quality compaction of the cement mass placed in the slab molds.

Uniform distribution makes the slabs more durable, non-porous and wear-resistant. This increases their performance properties and service life.

Some believe that it is possible to make tiles without such a special table, but then you can immediately be prepared for low quality, medium density and too short a service life. It is the air bubbles inside the products that cause their early destruction.

Do-it-yourself vibrating tables for paving slabs: drawings and materials

To make a table, you need to make drawings of the future design and materials through which the product will be constructed. Making a vibration table yourself is not at all difficult.

And the materials you will need are:

  • Metal corner or pipes;
  • Sheet metal;
  • Springs;
  • Bolts;
  • Electric motor.

Angles or pipes are needed to form a frame or, in other words, to make a strong frame with stable support. Sheets of metal are needed to create a tabletop, and therefore the sheet must be strong, wear-resistant, and have a thickness of at least 8 mm. The spring is needed in order to provide a large amplitude of vibration, and you can find it in any market for the sale of automobile spare parts. The most suitable spring would be from a moped. They will be required in the amount of 2 pieces.

Diagram of a vibrating table for paving slabs

Since their size is too large, each one can be divided into 2 parts.

As for the set of necessary equipment, you need a grinder, as well as welding machine. Pipes and sheets of metal are cut with a grinder, and holes are drilled with a drill to install the electric motor. By means of welding, the final assembly of the entire structure into a monolithic structure is carried out.

Choosing a motor for a vibrating machine for paving slabs

As already noted, the installation of a vibrating table begins exclusively with the preparation of drawings. They are needed to select the height and width, visualize the future structure and draw up a plan of materials and tools.

As for the design parameters, for ease of use, you should choose a height of about 90 cm, a length of 180 cm, and a width of 70-180 cm.

Naturally, the width of the tabletop will determine how many materials can be placed on it, and this will affect the power of the purchased engine. It is important at the construction stage to decide what type of table the table will be, in particular, portable or stationary.

For a vibrating table, an engine model IV-98 would be an excellent option.

Those who make their own tables and various installations like a circular saw prefer to use:

  • Available means;
  • Parts from old vehicles;
  • Only proven spare parts that will definitely work after assembly.

For a vibrating table, an engine model IV-98 would be an excellent option. The most important thing is that the motor is simple and can be removed from an old washing machine. In this case, power is not a very important indicator and the optimal value is sufficient. The main criterion by which an engine is selected is an eccentric, or, in other words, a device that provides vibration. Engine models IV-98 and IV-99 can be an excellent analogue of a household engine.

Do-it-yourself assembly of a vibrating table for paving slabs

If the product is portable, then you need to make it small in size to make transportation easier. In a stationary mechanism, you can significantly expand the working surface without hesitation.

If the product is portable, then you need to make it small in size

Basically, stationary mechanisms are dug into the surface of the earth for better stability.

  1. The legs of the structure are made from a metal corner strictly according to the drawing.
  2. Next, 2 pieces are also made from a corner or pipe, the distance of which is equal to the length of the tabletop.
  3. They will be used for the base of the product.
  4. It is necessary to join the legs and 2 pieces of metal by welding.
  5. Next, the countertops are installed. On the upper side it should be in the form of a sheet of durable steel, and the engine will be installed on the bottom. The lid should be made movable, and therefore you need to attach springs and cups to the frame.
  6. The engine is installed at an angle of 45ᵒ, and it is mounted after the springs. The engine must be electric and when installing it, a number of features must be taken into account.

If the installation is carried out in a horizontal position, then the vibration will go vertically, and if it is installed directly, the waves will be horizontal. In other words, it simply won’t be possible to achieve the desired effect. That is why experts recommend installing equipment at an angle of 45ᵒ so that the vibration spreads across 2 planes at once. When assembling the device, you need to check every action with the drawing, which will allow you to do the work quickly, correctly and without errors.

DIY vibration table for paving slabs (video)

It is not only possible, but also necessary to assemble your own table for tile production, and this requires a minimum of funds, time and materials, the main thing is desire and compliance with the recommendations.

Paving slabs appeared on the modern construction market relatively recently, but have already managed to gain a leading position. It is quite easy to install, quite environmentally friendly and durable, so the paths in your dacha will always remain clean and dry. However, this popular building material there is one significant drawback - it is not that cheap.

If you want to save money when arranging your summer cottage and have at least basic construction skills, you can try making it yourself. To do this, you will need a welding machine and knowledge of how to make a vibrating table with your own hands. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Principle of operation

Before you build a vibration table with your own hands, let's first find out what it is. The structure consists of a metal base onto which, using springs or other movable joints, an absolutely flat tabletop slab is attached, on which forms with concrete mass are placed. Another design element is an industrial vibrator, or an electric motor with eccentrics. When the engine is running, the tabletop vibrates evenly, while air bubbles come out of the molds on it, and the concrete mixture is tightly compressed.

Making a vibrating table with your own hands is not a difficult task. You only need to adhere to two rules: the tabletop must be perfectly flat, and the motor must provide uniform vibrations with a small vibration amplitude. If you neglect these rules, the paving slabs may turn out crooked, which will cause problems when laying them.

What are they?

If you decide to make a vibrating table with your own hands for home use, then you need to stock up on a diagram or drawing of the so-called molding table, that is, one on which the mixture is directly compacted in molds. The fact is that in industrial production another type of table is used - knockout, or unmolding. Its main difference is that it is equipped with an additional nozzle that follows the contours of the mold. After the tile has completely dried, the mold is turned over and placed in a nozzle; vibration causes the finished product to fall into the hands of a worker or onto a special transport belt. At home, knocking out can be done manually or a nozzle can be made separately.


So, if you decide to build a vibration table with your own hands, you will need:

  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • metal sheet with a thickness of at least 6-8 mm for the tabletop;
  • pipes for the legs of the bed;
  • corner or channel for the table frame;
  • metal plates;
  • powerful metal springs of the required diameter;
  • industrial vibrator or 220V electric motor;
  • bolts and washers for engine mounting;

When assembling a vibration table with your own hands, it is also better to make drawings for it yourself. Of course, now you can find anything you want on thematic resources, but, firstly, you will most likely have to pay for good detailed drawings, and secondly, they do not take into account the features and dimensions of your particular design. Therefore, it is better to take the finished drawing as a basis and recalculate it to suit your own needs.

Manufacturing of the bed

So, how to make a vibration table with your own hands?

  1. You need to start by assembling the base. Its dimensions can be arbitrary, it all depends on how many molds you plan to place on the countertop at the same time. The standard and most convenient dimensions are 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  2. The legs are metal pipes, although if they are not there, you can make them from a channel, corner, square, or whatever you have on hand. Metal plates with holes of the required diameter are welded at the base of the legs; they will allow you to fix the vibration table using anchor bolts or simply concrete it.
  3. The height of the structure is also a purely individual matter; the main criterion here is convenience for the master; you should be comfortable while working.
  4. The legs are connected to each other using a metal frame (square or rectangular) made from a corner. As a result, you should end up with a design that most closely resembles a table without a tabletop.
  5. At the corners of the structure, “glasses” 5-6 cm high are welded, made from a pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the springs. If there is nothing to make the “glasses” from, the springs can be welded directly onto the frame, and plates with holes for bolts can be attached to their upper part.

Now we need a platform

As you can see, making a vibrating table with your own hands is quite easy. The bed is already ready, now we move on to the platform-tabletop.

  1. We take a sheet of iron of the required size and, using welding, equip it with sides from a metal corner, this is necessary so that during the work the forms with concrete do not jump off the table.
  2. WITH reverse side sheet we also weld “glasses” similar to those that you attached to the frame. Make sure that they are strictly above the lower ones, since springs will be located between them, providing the necessary vibration.
  3. In the center of the lower part of the tabletop, you also need to weld two pieces of a U-shaped channel with holes for bolts of a suitable diameter - the eccentric motor will be attached here.

That's all, the vibrating table for tiles with your own hands is ready, now all that remains is to fasten the motor, turn the tabletop over and insert the springs between the glasses.

Selecting an electric motor

Of course, an industrial vibrator or an unbalanced motor can be purchased at a store. In this case, it is necessary to correctly correlate the weight of your tabletop and the power of the unit - too weak will not be able to provide sufficient vibration, and a very powerful one can tear the tabletop out of place.

If you plan to use the vibrating table for a short time, then a motor from washing machine. It is ideal for these purposes, although it can withstand no more than 30 work cycles.

A few nuances

  • For the vibrating table to work correctly, you need to accurately calculate the weight of the tabletop.
  • The amplitude of vibrations should be selected based on the parameters of the mixture and should be the same over the entire plane of the table.
  • It is necessary to accurately measure the amount of mixture placed in each mold, otherwise the tiles will come out different in thickness.

Vibrating table made from a car tire

Is it possible to make a simpler vibrating table? Not everyone can develop drawings with their own hands, and not everyone can do welding work. It turns out that it is possible, however, it will not be as durable and solid, and the quality of the tiles made on such a table will be a little worse, but for some this may be a good option.

For such a vibrating table, you will need a tabletop made of a piece of plywood, chipboard or QSB, in the center of which a small power motor is fixed. Next, the structure is installed on a car tire with the engine facing down and secured with screws. For ease of operation and to ensure better vibration, you can use several tires placed on top of each other and fastened together.

We make tiles

Now let's talk about how to make paving slabs with your own hands. You already have a vibrating table, now you need to purchase or make your own forms for pouring concrete.

Next, we place the forms on the vibrating table and fill them with a 3-4 cm layer of concrete mixture. Let them stand on the working table for about a minute, then add a second layer, turn on the vibrating table again for 40-60 seconds. After this, the tiles must be dried, without removing them from the mold, for 24-48 hours at a temperature of at least 15˚C.

If you want to get multi-colored paving slabs, you can add a special dye of the desired shade to the concrete mixture, and add a certain amount of glass or polypropylene fibers to ensure additional strength of the product. However, do not overdo it, otherwise the tiles may become slippery.

When producing concrete products, paving slabs, as well as products made from gypsum and special mixtures, it becomes necessary to compact the solution, which contains air bubbles. The vibration effect promotes uniform distribution of the solution over the form, improves the structure of the material, and increases its strength. In industrial conditions, massive and expensive equipment is used for this. It is advisable to make a vibrating table with your own hands when producing products in domestic conditions.

What is a vibration platform

A vibrating table (platform) is a technical device designed for compacting concrete-based solutions, building mixtures and gypsum during molding in home and industrial conditions. The molding process, carried out using a vibration compaction, guarantees increased strength characteristics of the products, which affects their service life.

The design of the vibrating table is not very complicated

Purpose of the product

The vibration platform, which is easy to make with your own hands, makes up to 3000 vibrations in 60 seconds and is intended for the following purposes:

  • production of small-scale products using vibration casting;
  • production of tiles for sidewalks;
  • compacting products made from cement and asphalt concrete mixtures;
  • molding blocks from foamed concrete;
  • vibration compaction of fence elements, decorative items, window sills;
  • carrying out various types product testing.

Universal vibrating table - design features

The vibration platform (table) is technical device, including the following components:

Important design feature vibrating table is:

  • ensuring uniform vibrations of the tabletop;
  • small amplitude of oscillations.

To do this, it is necessary to select the right motor for the vibrating table, determine the mass of the eccentric and the location of the drive. With an increased oscillation frequency and uneven vibration, the molded composition may become saturated with air, which causes a decrease in the strength of the products.

Principle of operation

A universal unit that facilitates the molding process functions as follows:

  • the base of the vibrating table frame is rigidly attached to the floor surface;
  • the power cable is connected;

A correctly set vibration amplitude guarantees uniform distribution of the solution over the vibroform and its gradual hardening

  • a form filled with solution is installed on the working platform;
  • the vibration motor is turned on by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control;
  • a process of intensive compaction is carried out, as a result of which air bubbles come out of the solution and the mixture settles, becoming more dense;
  • the supply of electrical energy is turned off;
  • containers with molded products are removed from the horizontal plate;
  • the next cycle of vibration compaction occurs according to the given algorithm.

A self-made vibrating table and an industrial unit work on the same principle.

Vibrating table - varieties

Vibrating tables differ in the following parameters:

  • Area and dimensions of the working surface. With an increase in size, the ability to manufacture complex products is ensured, and the number of simultaneously compacted forms increases.
  • Installed power, which determines the performance of the unit. Depending on the total mass of the molded products located on the working platform, a motor for the vibrating table is selected.

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    Usually the vibrating table is made of metal materials, as they have the necessary strength, stability and durability

  • Amplitude of oscillations. The presence of a device for adjusting the vibration frequency allows you to switch to different operating modes required for certain materials.
  • To meet technological needs, the following types of vibrating tables are used:

    • molding, used in production for vibration compaction of products in molds;
    • unmolding, which allows using a special nozzle to remove finished goods from molding containers.

    Do-it-yourself vibration table manufacturing technology

    Let's look at how to make a vibrating table yourself. First of all, you need to prepare a drawing of the vibrating table. If you have the appropriate technical training and drawing skills, you can develop a drawing yourself. A ready-made sketch is also suitable, on which you can put the dimensions of your structure. The optimal height from the base to the site is 0.7–0.8 m, and the dimensions are 0.5x1.0 m.

    To carry out the work, you should prepare the required materials, components, necessary tools and equipment:

    If you plan to use a vibration platform for molding products from various materials, it is advisable to add an electronic motor speed controller to the vibration motor control system.

    After preparation necessary materials and configurations, you can make a vibrating table with your own hands, following the sequence of operations:


    Following the recommendations given, it is easy to make a vibrating table with your own hands. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, it is important to take the development of the drawing seriously, think through all the technical nuances, use high-quality materials and follow the assembly process. A self-made unit will allow you to mold concrete products at home for a long time.

To make a vibration table with your own hands, standard tools that most home craftsmen have will be sufficient. The most difficult skill you may need is the ability to use welding. A homemade vibrating table will even outperform a factory one, since it will be designed for your construction: the size of the tiles and their quantity that will be produced at a time. Can be used for cinder blocks and making vibro-cast tiles with your own hands.

What you need to prepare - tools and materials

If your workshop has all of the above, then you can make a vibrating machine for making blocks:

  • Welding machine. You can assemble a vibrator for shaking blocks with your own hands and using bolted joints, but much faster.
  • Grinder with cutting and grinding wheels.
  • Drill and drill bits of required sizes.
  • Bolts, nuts, washers and wrenches for them.
  • Tape measure and ruler for measuring and marking.
  • Metal sheet - the lid for the vibrating table will be made from it. At home, you can also use a wooden one, but only for low-power devices, otherwise the vibration will very quickly loosen the fastenings.
  • Metal corners or channels for the frame or tabletop edging, with a cross-section of 5-10 mm. Their number and length depend on the calculated dimensions of the table. Metal pipes are also suitable for a do-it-yourself vibrating table, but they are more difficult to process.

In the video, a vibration table assembled from scrap parts:

  • Four identical springs can be used as moped shock absorbers, dense belts or chains that will support the weight of the table top and the concrete forms immersed on it.
  • Vibration or ordinary electric motor.

Design details, drawings, materials and manufacturing procedures

Each vibrating machine for the production of blocks has approximately the same design, the details of which differ only slightly in personal modifications. Before you make a vibrating table with your own hands, you need to decide on its dimensions. It is usually difficult to find drawings of a suitable design - it is better to take a general diagram or this drawing and adapt it to your needs.

The main components and the materials required for them are as follows:


It consists of four vertical supports connected at the top and, if necessary, reinforced with jumpers at the bottom. It must be heavy enough to support the entire structure, plus the weight of the molds with concrete. A factory or homemade vibrating machine is most often made from angles with a metal thickness of 5-10 mm.


This is a perfectly flat surface with edges curved up so that forms with concrete do not jump out of it during work. Depending on the size and weight of the blocks a vibrating table is needed, the thickness of the tabletop and the material from which it will be made are selected. Most often, a sheet of iron with a thickness of 3 mm or more is chosen for it. If you plan to work with large, heavy tiles, then the tabletop can be reinforced with metal corners along the perimeter and in the inside. Depending on the design chosen, a vibration motor may be attached to the tabletop.


Provide the necessary amplitude of movement of the tabletop relative to the fixed frame. If the weight of the table top is correctly calculated, they do not need any kind of fastening - they are simply installed in glasses specially fixed for them. Good vibration machines are obtained if springs from moped springs are used in the design. The length is selected in such a way that the tabletop can vibrate, but not sway from side to side.

Cups for fixing springs

Made from scraps metal pipe slightly larger than the diameter of the springs. If the internal size is selected small, then the springs will be difficult to remove, for example, to replace the tabletop with a molding one. If the diameter is too large, the tabletop will “play” strongly under the influence of vibration and the weight of the building blocks and may simply fly off the frame. A good result is also obtained if the glasses are inside the springs.

Vibrating table without springs

Instead of steel springs, without compromising the quality of the structure, it is possible to use ropes, chains or tight strands. In this case, the tabletop is made slightly wider than the frame and is attached to it with a belt shock absorber. To do this, instead of glasses, guides are welded to the corners of the tabletop surface, connected by belts to the frame, as shown in the diagram.

Vibro block

Depending on the chosen design, the vibrating table may consist of one or two elements.

  • If a factory-made vibration motor is available, it is installed directly on the surface of the tabletop. Such an engine has a specific design - eccentrics are mounted on both sides of its shaft. They are made in the form of two semicircles, which can move relative to each other, thereby adjusting the strength of vibration. The factory vibration motor is specially designed to work in conditions of constant vibration, so placing it on a tabletop is not dangerous.

How to make your own machine and an example of its operation in the video:

  • When an ordinary engine is selected, for example, from a washing machine, it must be upgraded with the help of self-made eccentrics, for which bolts are welded to the shaft, and the vibration strength can be adjusted by tightening them with nuts closer or further from the center. If you plan to use the engine in another place, it is better to secure the eccentric to the shaft with a clamp connection. The disadvantage of this solution is that in this case the engine is constantly exposed to vibration and there is a risk of its premature failure.
  • Using a separate eccentric. In this case, a standard electric motor is also used, but it is mounted on the frame. A shaft with a shifted center of gravity, connected to the engine by a belt drive, is attached to the surface of the vibrating table. This solution protects the engine from vibration, but requires careful calibration of the eccentrics, which is often done by selection.

All of these designs make it possible to obtain an acceptable result from the operation of the device - the choice between them is made based on what required material is available. The engine power of factory vibrating tables is in the range of 0.75-2.2 kW. For homemade ones, it is selected experimentally. The following diagram is approximate drawings of a homemade vibrating table, which you can use as a guide during manufacturing.

Unforming vibrating table

Used to remove dried tiles from the mold. In fact, this is an ordinary vibration table, made by yourself, only there is a hole in its lid. A form is placed on top of it and under the influence of vibration the tile falls out of it.

To work with the unforming vibrating table, the form must have handles or fields with which you can support it on the table. From handicraft molds, instead of which plastic containers are used, it will not be possible to remove tiles in this way, unless you simply put them on the table so that the vibration between the mold and the tile becomes smaller.

In production, separate demoulding vibrating tables are used, in which there is a cushion under the tabletop or a conveyor belt for the falling tiles. The tabletop itself is removable to accommodate different shapes of tiles.

There are two ways to turn a self-made vibrating table into a demolding table:

  • Make an additional table top. If the springs fit tightly in the cups and are not welded, then replacing the surfaces will not take long.
  • Make do with one tabletop, but make a removable hatch in one of the sides, instead of which you can insert the desired shapes. It also wouldn’t hurt to make a pillow under the hatch - even if you plan to pick up the tiles, sooner or later it will come in handy.

Non-standard designs

Why make a full-fledged vibrating machine to process a dozen other tiles? If you need to make your own vibrating table not for constant work, then you can pay attention to simplified designs that can be assembled within an hour and will complete their task at a fairly high level.

The video shows an example of how one of them works:

From car tires

For the simplest design, you will only need 1-3 tires (depending on the required height), a wooden board (the size of 1-2 tiles) and a rubber hammer.

You can make sides around the perimeter of the shield so that the forms do not fly off. The solution is poured, the forms are placed on the shield and by tapping with a hammer it is caused to vibrate, the strength of which is regulated in the full sense of the word “manually”. The shield, if necessary, can be screwed to the tires with a couple of screws.

The design can be complicated if the farm has an electric motor. It is screwed to the shield, an eccentric is attached to the shaft... And the hammer can be put aside.

From a hammer drill or impact drill

A steel plate is attached to the edge of a wooden panel or iron sheet (perpendicular to the surface). Something elastic is attached to the other end (rags, a piece of rubber) and it all rests against the wall. A hammer drill is connected to the steel plate and the vibration is no worse than with the tire method.

Instead of a drill, you can use a piece of pipe - the thickness is selected depending on the capabilities of the hammer drill chuck.

In this simple way you can quickly make a vibrating table for molding and for removing tiles from molds. - Portal about bathroom design and renovation